
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Films
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264 Chs

Chapter-221: Killing Victor(2)

Selene laughed sadly at Victor's words. Her eyes turned red with anger when she realized how she had lived believing these words without knowing the truth.

"This old shit, he really has a talent for this " muttered Alex as he looked at Victor while nodding his head.

"Victor, you lied to me and you killed my parents."

"Why did you kill my parents?" asked Selene with an angry face.

Victor, who heard this, was taken aback. He was speechless for a few moments and didn't know what to say. He thought to himself how Selene could possibly know that he was responsible for the death of her parents.

Then he looked at Kraven and roared.

"How did she find out?"

"Did you tell her?" Roared Victor.

"Selene, you are confused."

"I'm not confused, I'm clear I saw all that."

"And now you are going to die for killing my parents," said Selene as she took out her gun and pointed it at Victor.

"What are you doing Selene? "

"Do you know what you are doing?" Shouted Victor with an angry face. His previous kind face is long gone. Now his face is filled with vicious anger and disappointment, and his eyes are burning with fury.

"You dare to go against the one who raised you."

"You disappoint me so much "

"Who cares about your opinion?"

"Now die "

"Bang "

"Bang "

"Bang "

Selene shot Victor with her gun, aiming directly at his head with the intent to kill him. Now she doesn't like listening to Victor's explanation and doesn't care what he has to say. She had already made up her mind and there was no going back.

But who was Victor? An old monster who lived thousands of years ago and was responsible for countless deaths and destruction? He dodged the bullets swiftly, showing superhuman speed and agility.

Selene, who saw this continued shooting. Victor tripped while trying to dodge the bullets, and fell to the ground with a loud thud Since he just woke up his body is quite weak and can't fully display his strength. And also who would have thought he would get attacked by his own people?

Victor's current appearance is quite pathetic. He is lying on the ground, unable to move and unable to protect himself. His clothes are tattered and his face is covered in dirt. He is completely helpless against the onslaught of bullets.

"Selene.....why are you doing this?" asked Victor still not believing what was happening.

"To avenge my parents, the ones you killed " said Selene as he walked in front of Victor who was crawling on the ground pathetically.

"Selene listen to me. I don't know what ...you saw "

"But what I did is for your good "

"I made you a vampire and you obtained immortality, which.. .many humans long for " said Victor holding back his anger.

"I didn't ask for it," said Selene coldly as she pointed her gun at Victor's head.

"Selene!!!!!!!!" Roared Victor and with every ounce of strength he had, he lunged forward and bit off Selene's neck.

Selene was taken aback by Victor's sudden movements, and her grip on the gun loosened. She tried to back away but Victor was too fast for her.

Then a hand appeared and grabbed Victor's head, Then he crushed Victor's head to the ground with a powerful force, The ground cracked as Victor's head touched the ground, There was the sound of bone cracking, and Victor screamed in agony and pain. He felt his skull shatter under the pressure, and he could feel his life slipping away.

He coughed up blood as the force of the impact reverberated throughout his body.

"Who..are.. you? " asked Victor with a weak voice.

"Like I said, the one who will show you the way to hell," said Alex with an expressionless face.

"Selene, didn't you want to know the reason for your family's death?"

"Kraven say it "

"Yes, master "

"Selene's father built the prison for the Lycans' ancestor. Victor didn't want others to know the location of the prison so he killed your family. He left Selene because she reminded him of his daughter.

"So this is the reason for my family's death?" asked Selene coldly looking at Victor.

"Selene,.....I did it for ....."

"Shut up!"

"Do you want me to finish him? Or do you want to ? " asked Alex as he looked at Selene.

"I will finish him," said Selene

"Selene....." Said Victor with a pleading expression.

But Selene didn't listen. She just shot ruthlessly, without a hint of mercy or hesitation. Victor's pleas were ignored.



"Bang "

"Bang "

Selene emptied the magazine, and the room fell silent. But she still continued shooting, the gun clicking empty as her finger pulled the trigger again and again.

"Selene, he is dead " Said Alex as he touched Selene's shoulder, trying to comfort her. He could see the grief in her eyes, and he knew that nothing he could say would make her feel better.

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