
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

Chapter 29: Chunnin Exams(3)-Bankai

Kabuto just came out of the bushes and his gaze fell on Karin. He immediately recognized this Uzumaki which was another target of his lord. But now it seems it would be difficult for Orochimaru to kidnap Karin under the gaze of Naruto.

And from how amiable the atmosphere between a couple of redheads seemed, he doubts that Naruto will let Karin return to Kusagakure.

"Am I intruding here?" Kabuto quickly composed himself and started acting according to his script.

"No, as a fellow Konoha shinobi, you are welcome" Ino added, she remembered this kind guy from the first exam and wanted to ask Naruto why he attacked him like this, but it slipped her mind. Now seeing him again, she invited him and probably asked Naruto about his rude behaviour.

"Of course, you are intruding here," replied Naruto. Without keeping any airs, he quickly stood up and answered the questions ringing in everyone's mind.

"You guys might be thinking why am I being rude to a fellow shinobi, one who is so kind to guide the younger generation. One who is quite weak that he has to take chunnin exams so many times.

But you see" Naruto walked near Kabuto put an arm around his neck and spoke, "I am a senor, a great senor. Uzumakis are quite a good sensor, you can ask Karin, she is also a great sensor."

Everyone looked towards Karin and she simply nodded affirming Naruto's words.

"And our senpai here is quite powerful here. You see he can even fight Kakashi, he will lose, but he will win against a standard Jonin."

Everyone has quite a surprised look. They might be naive and inexperienced, but what these words mean is quite clear to them. Kabuto is a spy, a traitor.

His strength to defeat a Jonin means he is hiding his strength, equivalent to betraying your village.

"Now if only that were the case I would just ignore him, you see such meagre strength does not qualify for me to show such interest.

Our senpai has been in contact with a certain snake whose mere existence is to my dislike."

Kabuto's face turned pale.

'Naruto knew about about Lord Orochimaru. Does the village also know? I need to tell the lord. Maybe this is all a trap for him. I need to move...

I can't move under his grip. What fearsome strength and no chakra is being used. Are the Uzumakis all such perverts?'

Just as Kabuto was about to form hand signs to perform a jutsu, Naruto's voice interfered, "No need to struggle. You see my girlfriend here has a breakthrough, and you will serve as a perfect whetstone."

Apart from Sasuke and Hinata only Shikimaru guesses as to what 'a certain snake' might refer to.

"You mean he is Orochimaru's spy?" Shikimaru voiced his doubt.

"Perfect, that is why I call you my Benn Beckman"

"You mean that tall guy carrying that gun, who is in Shanks crew?"


"I still don't know why you keep calling me that."

"Everything will be cleared after a particular time."

"Who is this Orochimaru guy?" asked the clueless Sakura.

"Oh, he is a S-rank rebel ninja from Konoha and a student of our 3rd Hokage. he performed human experimentations, kidnapping many children and, well the rest can be guessed." Naruto gave a brief background about Orochimaru.

Everyone was stunned to hear about Orochimaru. "How can a student of Hokage do this?" asked Kiba.

"Wait till you hear about Danzo and Obito." Everyone was confused about this but again only four people understood the reference to Danzo and only two of them about Obito.

Naruto then told Hinata to collect the scroll from the rest of Kabuto's team and then she could practice her new jutsu with Kabuto here.

Hinata departed towards the spot where Naruto observed Kabuto's teammates. While she was getting the scrolls, Naruto was trying to interrogate Kabuto but the guy was keeping his mouth shut. His loyalty was unquestionable.

Just when everyone was waiting in anticipation, Naruto's face turned serious. He looked towards the direction Hinata departed, and the expression on his face grew fiercer. Even Sasuke was scared, he has never seen Naruto this pissed off.


Hinata POV:

'These people are quite weak.'

'But are they also spies of Orochimaru, just because Kabuto is their teammate, I cannot conclude that they are also spies of Orochimaru.' Whatever, like with this chunnin level strength they can do anything, I will ask Kiba and Shino to carry them for interrogation.'

Just after making her plans and getting the earth scroll, Hinata's senses alarmed her and she activated her byakugan.

A tall woman with a long tongue appeared a distance away behind her.

"Fufufufu, what accurate sense of danger. You are just as the rumours stated."


"Oh, you have guessed my identity, this skin is not useful in this case now.

But you only make me more curious about you. At first, I thought that only Sharingan was useful to me. But you and Sasuke are just magnificent, and you overshadow Sasuke made me more interested in your body. Fufufufu."

A cold shiver ran through Hinata's body.

"Only Naruto has any claim over my body, as, for you, a dead snake does not need to care about his skin, now does he."

I have already seen Naruto taking action, but Orochimaru is also a perfect target for my practice.

"Young kunoichi nowadays don't know anything. Your boyfriend is at least 15 kilometres away, by the time he comes here, I would have already marked you."

With this Orochimaru released his full Killing intent. He didn't play with Hinata as he did in the canon.

Hinata also released her Killing intent but she was nothing much compared to Orochimaru but it did surprise Orochimaru.

Not everyone can release killing intent, or almost no one can release such killing intent at this age without being a jinchuriki.

He wasted no time and took out Kusanagi sword from his mouth and Hinata also took out a coin.

Seeing the coin, Orochimaru hesitated and wanted to see what his target would do with the coin and that hesitation is what became lethal for this body that Orochimaru inhabited.

Electric currents buzzed around Hinata and wrapped itself around the coin and tossed the coin towards Orochimaru.


When Orochimaru saw this he wanted to laugh, 'Is this what you do when you see an S-rank missing-nin, use a lightning chakra-coated coin for a long-distance attack, sure coating lighting chakra is quite good at this age but this attack against me'

But before his voice came out, his instincts warned him, and he couldn't even blink before a coin passed through the centre of his heart and a face full of shock remained as his body started collapsing.

Hinata seeing this was quite satisfied and didn't stop there and used geppo to run away.

From the collapsed body another body came out, and Orochimaru instead of expressing his anger began laughing, "Fufufufu, what a cruel ninjutsu. Even Kakashi's Chidori is nothing compared to this. Now I really want her body.

And what a peculiar taijutsu, just using physical prowess, she is walking on air, such exquisite specimen."

Suddenly Orochimaru's danger senses again alarmed him and he didn't know why but he quickly summoned two large snakes hid behind them and used them as a body shield.


Back to Naruto:

Naruto has already sensed Orochimaru and from what his observation haki told him, Orochimaru is targeting his Hinata.

'That fucker! I wanted him to kill Hiruzen first, but it seems you inviting the Grim Reaper.'

Naruto didn't release even an ounce of conqueror's haki, but just his anger seemed to put heavy pressure on those around him that it became difficult for them to even breathe including Sasuke and Kabuto.

Even Karin was frightened, she couldn't believe that this amount of rage was even possible, that too from her big brother who seemed such a happy-go-lucky guy.

Naruto unsheathed his sword. Bright flames covered the Gryphon, and the temperature around the surroundings increased at a rapid rate that all the plants surrounding them became dry. even the shinobi in the surroundings became full of sweat and it was even worse for those who were around Naruto.

A loud song of a Phoenix echoed throughout the forest of death. Sasuke and Kabuto who were near Naruto and held a semblance of movement, sensed that there was no chakra in those flames covering his sword.

A cold voice echoed throughout the silent surroundings.

"Bankai-Zanka no Tachi"