
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 28: Chunnin Exams(2)

The first part of the chunnin exams went as usual, but without Naruto's motivation, a lot of teams did not qualify.

They were all led to the second part of the exams, where Naruto's and Hinata's team got the heaven scroll while Shikamaru and Neji's team got the Earth scroll.

"Hey Hinata, will you target Neji's team or still wait for that family competition?"

"No, Neji and I will be fighting in the Chunnin exam third part, if we both reach that is. It was decided that if not in chunnin exams, it will be held in family training area in the presence of everyone. They have quite a confidence in Neji's skills.

From what my father told me, he is a mid-chunnin or can reach the level of high chunnin at best."

"Ohh, with that move of yours, you can even pester Kage-level ninjas or might even kill a few low-level ones if caught by surprise."

"Yeah! All I need are a few human targets for practice."

"Well, we will have a nice little picnic in these five days."

"Ok, see you in the forest."

Every team entered the forest and Naruto quickly found Hinata meanwhile their teammates did all the work.

They encountered a couple of teams but all of them had Heaven scroll so after a quick spar, both their teams let them go after collecting their scrolls. Never hurt to have more of them.

Two days went by and nothing special happened as Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke refrained from participating, keeping it as practice for Sakura, Kiba and Shino.

On the third day Naruto encountered Shikamaru's team and they have already found a heaven's scroll. For a moment Sakura thought about snatching Shikamaru's earth scrol but refrained from taking that step.

Shikamaru's team joined them and they all started moving towards the centre of the forest.

On their way, they encountered the team from Kusagakure.

At that Naruto remembered another important fact that he was forgeting.

Karin Uzumaki. Another one of his clanmates.

As an Uzumaki, how can he let her suffer all these years. He had the power, but he totally forgot about Karin.

Now one might find Naruto's reaction absurd, as usually he doesn't care that much. Naruto is a simple man. If something cruel is happening in front of him, he will do his best to stop it. But he is not some saint to go on a crusade for all those who are oppressed or suffer.

But Karin's case is different. She is a Uzumaki. This means she is his family. Although he never had any interaction, his thirst for family is almost as same as Naruto from anime. Though he is not naive and knows the cruelty of the world, still that attachment to the clan remains.

Naruto jumps forward and his actions startled the group. They followed him as he sprinted towards a clearing where they saw a red-haired girl with glasses and two brutes from the land of grass.

Naruto jumped in front of Karin and stopped her.

Karin had already sensed Naruto, so she was not that surprised, but what surprised her was the unusual warmth exuded by the red-haired boy in front of him.

She has sensed these feelings, yes they were the same feeling her deceased mother also showed her. But why would a stranger show her this level of kindness? But the next moment, the boy glanced at her two teammates. But at that moment she felt the same warmth turned into an immeasurable rage.

'Why is he so angry at them?' thought Karin as Naruto stepped forward and took her arm and checked her arms.

Naruto has already sensed Karin's condition through his observation of haki. Still, he checked her arms and he found white arms scarred with bite marks. At that time he felt uncontrollable rage and he directed at the two Kusagakure genins behind Karin. His observation of Haki is quite advanced and he can also sense malice in the two genins towards Karin, so it is a no-brainer for him to kill them.

With a swing of his sword, both of their heads were dispatched from their bodies and the life of two NPCs of Kusagakure came to an end. He collected an earth scroll from their bodies and threw it to Sakura who caught it subconsciously.

But the group behind them were stunned.

"Why did you kill them?" Kiba straightforwardly asked him.

Hinata also stepped forward and started scrutinizing Karin. But seeing Karin's red hair, she suddenly understood why her boyfriend suddenly ran forward and saved her and was so concerned for her.

Yes, Naruto's concern for Karin was not hidden from the group and even Sasuke was surprised for a moment.

"Well, they are trash, and trash needs to be disposed of.

By the way, my name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naurot first answered Kiba then turned towards Karin.

"O-oh hello, my name is K-karin U.."

"Uzumaki" Naruto completed her sentence.

Karin was also stunned, why did this handsome boy in front of him know about her? She was prepared for anything cruel, but her mind eye of Kagura told her that he genuinely cared for her and this confused her.

Apart from her mother, no one ever showed such warmth towards her. Everyone just used her as a tool.

Hearing Naruto's words also surprised the others but they also understood why Naruto was being friendly with a stranger. After being with Naruto, they also heard about the Uzumaki clan when Naruto's hair turned red.

They also knew about the extermination of the Uzumaki clan and Shikamaru has also guessed about Konoha's backhand during one of his shogi matches with his father. But they talked in cryptic and nothing was confirmed without evidence.

So, this was nothing too surprising after that. Naruto has found a long-lost Uzumaki, so he will definitely save her since she is family to him.

"How did you know it?" asked Karin.

"Well, your bright red hair, huge chakra reserve. that sensing technique, and those bite marks. They all indicate you are a member of Uzumaki clan."


"Oh, you might not know about our great clan. You see, I am the last, or I thought I was the last member of the now-extinct Uzumaki clan. But you are also a Uzumaki. So basically we are family you know.

You can even call me big bro or Big Brother."

Naruto then went on to explain about the Uzumaki clan meanwhile everyone settled around him as he asked Sakura to tend to Karin's wounds. They also had a hearty lunch which was packed by Naruto in his stasis seals. One of the seals developed by Naruto slows down the time spent inside the seal by a ratio of 1000. Meaning, that for 1000 days outside, only one day will be spent inside the seal. And there is also thermal insulation present. So he keeps a large amount of cooked food inside it and Karin is also in urgent requirement of Nutrition.

"How about you stay at my mansion? The place is huge and only me and Hinata stay there, so it will become more lively with you there."

"You have a mansion here?" Karin became more open towards the group after lunch.

"Yes, I own a huge company and am one of the richest people in these elemental nations.

"Woah! Sweet. Your story is also interesting. So are there any other Uzumakis, other than you or your parents?"

"Oh, I am also an orphan. My mother was the last Uzumaki, and she died shortly after giving birth to me, and as I said, I thought I was the last Uzumaki until I met you."

"Oh, I am sorry." Karin apologized to Naruto.

"So, how about it?"

"Yes, I will live at your mansion. Please take care of me .... big brother and Sister in Law"

Naruto was quite happy when she called him big brother, but someone was more happy on being sister-in-law, and suddenly Karin's position grew in Hinata's heart.

'Of course, Naruto is my husband. His sister is also my sister. So I should take care of her just like Hanabi. Yes, Naruto did tell me that I would be the matriarch of both the Uzumaki and Hyuga clan.

"Fine, then my clone will take you there, and if you feel bored then you can enter the library and read books. I am quite a famous author and you might have read some of my books."

"umm, about that, I have only read a few books, some related to medical arts and only one book I have read that interested me. What was its name? ..

Uuummm, I forgot, but it's about a boy with glasses just like me, he is also an orphan and then becomes someone with magic. "

"Oh you mean Harry Potter"

"Yes, that was his name."

"I have written that book."


"Really" Naruto nodded with a sagely smile as if proclaiming himself to be one of the wisest in the universe.

"You can go read a lot of content, my clone will take you there and guide you with the fuinjutsu as your beginner training. After three days, when this exam is over, I will come and then we can plan on how to make you stay in Konoha legally. Also, since you are my sister now, you can live in the mansion as you own it. No need to shy and ask the clone anything you need." Karin nodded listening to Naruto's instruction and was grateful for this new family he found.

Just as he was about to create a clone to take Karin away, a friendly voice was heard by everyone. A white-haired bespectacled boy came out of the bushes with a smile and innocence on his face that will make him one of the most harmless boys in the exam.