
In Naruto with OMNITRIX

Its on break till April, I'm quite busy with my entrance exam and all.

Rakasa_dark · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Chapter- 11 (part 2)



The quartet stood before the Hokage, their expressions a mix of apprehension and determination.

Ben, at the forefront, bore a composed demeanor, his eyes revealing a sense of quiet assurance. Ino and Choji exchanged nervous glances, while Shikamaru attempted to maintain his usual calm demeanor, though a bead of sweat betrayed his unease.

"Hokage-sama, please allow me to explain,"

' it's my time to test the power of naruto's most powerful jutsu , talk no jutsu'

Ben began, his voice steady. "It was my birthday, and I wanted to leave a mark on the village—a symbol of joy and unity, I wanted to give the village some joy and what would be better then coloring the hokage mountain so other's can see and enjoy their life."

"Ino, Choji, Shikamaru," Hiruzen addressed them individually, "did Ben force you into this?"

Ino shook her head vigorously, her ponytail swaying with the motion. "No, Hokage-sama! Ben just said he wanted to paint something special for the village."

Shikamaru, hands in his pockets, added, "Yeah, it was Ben's idea. We thought it'd be troublesome, but it seemed like a drag not to join in."

Choji, fiddling with his fingers, chimed in, "We wanted to help Ben make the village look nicer for his birthday."

Hiruzen studied the children for a moment, his gaze softening. "I understand your intentions, but you must also understand the importance of following village regulations and should have asked an elder for a adv.."

Before the Hokage could continue, the door burst open, and in strode Danzo, his presence casting a sudden chill across the room."Hiruzen, it seems we have a situation," Danzo remarked, his eyes fixated on the children.

"Allow me to handle this."Hiruzen regarded Danzo with a hint of apprehension before nodding reluctantly."I'm afraid, Hiruzen, that such acts of recklessness cannot be overlooked, they not only trampled on the hokage's glory they also made their achievements a joke" Danzo declared, his voice laced with authority.Ben exchanged a knowing look with his friends, his expression remaining composed. He understood the game being played, a clash between the village's warmth and Danzo's austere demeanor."Hokage-sama," Ben interjected calmly, "we only wanted to give back to the village, and didn't have any motives behind it , like this scary old elder said".

Danzo's face showed a chilling look ' how dare this demons spawn call me old, just wait once you are in my hands I will show you what respecting your elders is.'

" Did you hear this hiruzen not only does he not consider what he has done wrong he also disrespects his elders, I say you me the responsibility for his discipline and I will make sure this never happens".

' over my dead body, like I don't know what you are planning behind my back already, and what you do with children, not to say he is mazama's son and belongs to the sarutobi clan'

" Now, now danzo he didn't mean it like that after all they are children and deserve to do mischieves, it is what the first and fourth believed in".

Hiruzen's gaze softened, his understanding evident. "Rules are important, but so is the spirit behind them."Ino bit her lip nervously, Choji fidgeted with his shirt, while Shikamaru's eyes darted between the Hokage and Danzo, weighing their intentions.

As the charred continued, Ben maintained his composure, observing the Hokage's and danzo's act. He remained the anchor for his friends, offering reassurance with his unwavering calm.

In the end, the Hokage decided on community service for the quartet, allowing them to contribute positively to the village. Danzo's disapproval lingered,

but the Hokage's understanding prevailed.As they left the office, Ben glanced back, meeting the Hokage's gaze with a silent nod of gratitude—a moment of understanding and respect shared between a young boy and the leader of the village.

The quartet embarked on their punishment of cleaning the hokage mountain, the colorful Hokage Mountain serving as a constant reminder of their youthful exuberance and the bond forged amidst the trials of that eventful day.

Leaving theHokage's office, the trio started following Ben towards their destination with Ben thinking something.

"You were really cool back there, Ben," Ino said, admiration in her voice.

"Yeah, you didn't even seem nervous," Choji added, grateful for Ben's composed demeanor.

Shikamaru, remarked, "You always have a way of staying calm in the middle of chaos, troublesome as it may be."

Ben smiled, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "I just didn't want us to get in trouble for doing something we thought was right."

" And I also found a way to clean the mountain in a day and I want you guys to do something, will you".

Everyone together " just say the word Ben".

"Okay I want you choji to gather supplies for cleaning the mountain from the community centre for atleast 20 to 25 people,

Shikamaru and ino go gather all the kids of our age in front of the mountain, make sure you tell them that they will get something good if they come with you".

Shikamaru asked" what will you be doing ".

Ben smirked " I have something's to arrange meet me at the mountain in 30 minutes".

' okay so now that they all are gone' Ben fused with diamond head and formed a 2 carrot of polished diamond and ran towards the jwellery store.'

Ben entered the leaf jewel store and went straight towards the manager " I am from the sarutobi clan and I want to exchange this diamond for cash, tell me how much can you give me."

The manager eyed the kid from the sarutobi clan, he had an air of authority and the spell of command in his voice as a child and also made it looked like it was normal for a child to sell a dimaond, but without thinking too much about it he complied " let me see the diamond if it's real and what's it's worth ".

Ben in his ghot freak fusion handed the manager the diamond ' with this fusion I really can influence people's mind like a genjutsu make them overlook certain things but not major without knowing how to use genjutsu'.

After some examination " it's really and exquisite piece and I can offer you 75000 Ryo for it and not a penny more ".

' he's offering a price atleast 35% lower than its worth but he's lucky that I need the money fast and it's not like I lack the money',

" I will take that thank you, I will like the payment to Be done in cash please".

After counting the notes the manager hands the kid his money " pleasure doing business with you please come again ". When Ben leave he laughs and closes the shop early and left for his home.

"Let's put the money first in storage seal and with the others".

There were atleast 25 children crowded on the hokage mountain and muttering and discussing things, when Ben arrived he met with his friends and then made an elevated platform with his diamond head power,

" Can I please have your attention" , when they heard the commanding voice the murmuring stopped and they children paid attention to the figure standing on a shiny platform, in the group Ben found some faces he knew but never met ,

Sakura , kiba, Lee , tenten and the yellow puff ball Naruto.

" I am the one who painted the hokage mountain with my friends and I gathered you all to offer you something, I will give every one of you here a treat in the ichiraku Ramen shop, if you follow my words for today, and it's not only for the ramen, but what I have to say is,

Related to the survival of the village, the village needs ,you do you as the future of konoha are willing to help ".

Children started shouting their acceptance some for the village some for the food and some because they don't want to be left out .

" I will share the mission the hokage gave me and my friends and tell you his exact words , Ben kun , your graffiti was very good and I really want to leave it as it is , but because of other ninja villages may see your talent in painting and might demand konoha to pay them for having such a great talent,

So I want you to erase the graffiti and in doing so you may take help of the future of the konoha and who , that don't help you will never become a ninja ".

Meanwhile Ino, shikamaru, choji were wide

Eyed seeing Ben spewing lies , that they themselves were doubting that what the hoage said must have meant this, but they knew Ben was lying and had a hard time in not laughing.

" So we as the future of konha has the duty of cleaning the hokage Rock, say who is with me ".

Everyone started cheering " we are with you , we will save konoha".

' ha it's so easy to manipulate kids, I guess I know why hiruzen does it, but still mine is for the greater good my greater good and I'm also not telling them to work for me for free'.


Choji yelled " YES CAPTAIN" in the spur of the moment started distributing the cleaning supplies.


Hokage office

Two ninja suddenly appeared and bowed in front of hiruzen" Hokage sama".

" What happened araka and seito, what happened that both of you are here at the same time".

" Ben banded the children together and gave them a speech, and made them believe that cleaning the hokage mountain,

was a mission for saving konoha and offered them treat for their cooperation in doing so , the jinchuruki and other clan kids are also there, and now they are doing Ben's punishment for him, and he also used his crystal release and sold a dimaond to a shop keeper and made a platform to give a speech to the kids".

Hiruzen while massaging his forehead ,

" It hasn't even been an hour and he is at his antics again, I need to have a talk with his parents about this, I guess , you both may leave and seito don't let Ben do anything else,

If he uses his powers you are allowed to show yourself and stop him, now leave ".

"Yes lord hokage ".


" Thank you all for your help , konoha is safe because of you all future ninjas, now if you may follow me for your promised reward ."

After a long day when Ben returned home he had foreboding for something bad , but he ignores it enter his home , and finds his mother and father chatting with hiruzen and " fuck me ".

" Ben is that you come inside we need to have a talk ".



Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think about this in the comments,

And please give this book a review and your power stones.

Also should I pickup a MTL novel and translate it

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rakasa_darkcreators' thoughts