
Chapter 6: Fight 2

Agnologia : " 'Lightning Dragon Roar!!' " I exclaimed loudly while discharging a huge amount of dark blue lightning from my mouth

end of POV.

Agnologia started gathering his magic and he finally lets out a roar. With his roar, a huge amount of lightning came towards The God of Thunder. Thor never thouht that he would be afraid of lightning but seeing the huge amount of lightning rushing towards him, he can't help but be fearful. When the attack finally hits him, he felt pain all over his body. If this was Thor after Ragnarok, he will not have a problem with this attack but this is Thor who have not even learnt to weild his own lightning without help.So he stand no chance against it.

When the attack finally ends we can finally see the destruction it caused. The path of the attacked is razed to the ground. Dark blue lightning crackle around the building near the attack and the attack even went past Thor and the buildings behind him are all destroyed..Its like a mini canyon is made in the middle of New York City. the canyon like destruction is 15 metres wide that goes on about 400 meters.

Not much since his roar in full power can destroy an island but this is also not weak.A few meters from his previous location, Thor tried to get up but he

Agnologia : " 'Lightning Dragon Roar!!' " I exclaimed loudly while discharging a huge amount of dark blue lightning from my mouth in pain as the lightning paralyzed him. He keeps groaning in pain and it seems like he won't be able to fight for a while

Seing his friend down, Captain America rushes towards Agonlogia and throws a heavy punch towards him but with Agnologia in hybird mode, the punch seems slow. He can see every twitch of the enemy's joint and muscle, his breathing and even the amount of strength he uesd on ever step he take cannot be hidden from his eyes

Agnologia side steped and dodge the punch. When the attack went past him, Agnologia grabs Captain America's arm before he pulled back and throws Captain America to the ground. Agnologia kicks Captain America who was on the ground and the enemy crashes 12 meters away.

Just then missiles hit Agnologia.


Right After that Iron man lands in front of Captain America with his mark VI suit and helps him up.Captain America muttered "Took you long enough". Both the heros looked towards Agnologia. They saw the enemy devouring the explosion, they have a serious look.

Captain : " He also consume Thor's lightning, any idea Tony? " he asked Ironman while looking at the enemy.

Stark : " It seems the enemy can eat energy or something like that. The real question is How??" says Ironman, generally curious how that was possible

Captain : " That dosen't matter. We know that energy based attacks don't work on him so do we have to do thia the old fashioned way? "

Stark : " Not necessarily true. It looks like he needs to consume it with his mouth so, fast based beams like my repulsor blast will work.

Bombs or missiles will not work but gun will also work. " Ironman replied, instantly analysing the enemy.

Stark : "Let me check something out." said Ironman as he launches tiny missiles from the soulder of his suit. Non of the missiles hit Agnologia but they hit the surroundings near him.

Agnologia eats the fire and heat produced producd by the explosion. He really wanted to say 'I am all fired up!!' but he stops himself from saying the cheesy catchphrase. He is the King of Dragon and he is not going to steal someone's catchphrase. He will have his own, worthy of him.

Stark : " He eats Thor's lightning and now the fire from the explosion. It seems he is capable of consuming elements. We know he is able to consume fire and lightning but I don't know about other elements " said Ironman.

Captain : " Now we know.. Lets go. "

Captain America runs toward the enemy again and Ironman fired replusive blasts and instantly flew up in the sky.

Agnologia blocks the blast with his scaled hands and move towards Captain America. He throws a jab and the enemy ducked to avoid the punch. Captain America tries to punch the side of Agnologia's body but Agnologia seeing the attack coming a mile away shifts his body. He grabs him is his forearm and he also choke him on his throats.

A powerful blast hits him on his back and he felt the power behind it . It dosen't cause any harm to his scaled skin but he dosen't like it. Agnologia throws Captain America towards the place where the blast came from. Ironman seeing Captain America flying towards him catches the man.

After throwing Captain America, Agnologia catches the arrow that is comming from the side of his face and crush it. He looks towards the building the shot came from and his dragonic eyes focused on the man on top of the building. He immediately ran towards it.

Barton : " Oh shit.." muttered Hawkeye seeing the enemy comming towards him.

Agnologia instantly leaped towards the top of the building when he is near it. A foot mark appeared on the ground and Agnologia shot towards Hawkeye. While in mid air, he saw the big green Hulk rushing towards and the green giant also jumped towards him.

While in mid air, Agnologia shifts his body. readying himself for Hulk. He sees Hulk who throws his big fist for a punch. Agnologia crossed his arm and blocked the punch. All the momentum Hulk gathered from rushing towards him and the raw power of Hulk himself hit Agnologia, sending him flying through a building. Without any foothold or anything to stop him, Agnologia shot out like a cannon ball through the buildings.

After landing, Hulk roar out.

Hulk : " ROAR!!! " roared out Hulk in joy. Happy that he is finally able to smash the man who beat him.

Agnologia got up without any problem and he heard the roar of Hulk, he is getting excited. He launch himself in the direction of Hulk. Hulk also ran towards Agnologia. Both of them readied their fist and when they they ccme face to face with each other, they finally launched their punch.

Hulk used all the strength that his giant body can muster. Every fibre and every cells of his body squeeze all the power they can produce. His heart beating faster than ever, trying to pump as much blood as it can. His bones crunching itself and his lungs expand to the limit to take in as much oxygen as it can. His legs trying to build up as much momentum as it can.

His anger reaching new heights and his mind only focusing on SMASHING the enemy in front of him. He draws back his fist..and his arm trying to punch harder than it ever did. Finally, Hulk launches his attack. He leaped and launch the most powerful punch he ever did since he came into being.

On the other hand, Agnologia observe Hulk's every movement. He saw his muscle squeeze to produce as much power as it can. The world slowed down as he got ready for his own attack. He doesn't need to try as hard as Hulk. His muscles in hybird mode is that of a dragon's. He compressd his dragon muscle and produce a normal punch....at least by his standard.

They both leaped at each other and their punch face each other head on.

When their fists finally meet, it produce and a earsplitting sound. Shockwave spread from their punch as their surrounding produce tremor. The earth trembles and the ground beneath them crumbled due to their might. The air move away from them and they produced strong gust of wind.

Hulk screamed in pain as the bones in his fist got crushed. The skin on his fingers tore and his green blood gushes out from it. His gigantic fist got destroyed, unable to survive the fist of a Dragon.

In the end Hulk lost the clash and he smashed into the ground and Agnologia land on the ground before he is attacked by a shield and a blast.

Captain America seeing Hulk lost the collision throws his shield towards Agnologia but he grabbed the the shield and throws it back with more power in his direction. He ducked as the shield flew past him and the shield plunge itself on the wall of a building. He saw Ironman continue his assult and went towards his shield to retrive it.

Ironman shoot out repulsion beam and he flew in circle as he continueed attacking Agnologia from all direction. But Agnologia's foot exploded and he came flying towards him.

Agnologia blocks the beam with his arm but Ironman continues attacking him from all direction. Getting annoyed with the continuous assult, he gathers mana on his feet and produce explosion from his forefoot using his Fire Dragon Slayer magic. He flew towards Ironman and Ironman moved away trying to evade him but he us too late as Agnologia grabs his ankle and he flung Ironman to the ground and Ironman smash into the ground.

Agnologia continue his attack. His arm caught on fire as he decend towards Ironman.

Agnologia : " ' Fire Dragon Iron Fist ' " cry out Anologia, plunging in the direction of Ironman..


Author : Yo its Sleepy Ash here...hope you enjoy the chapter and thanks for the powerstone.....Its my second fight scene and I hope you like this...Online class starts next week and we get tons of assignment already but i will try and update whenever i can...

Sleepy Ash out