
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
57 Chs

5•17- ; Unveiling the Enclosure

In the back row of levitating seats, a certain sofa seat, (Tch) the humongous man clicked his tongue while observing the results on the ether screen. sneeringly, he muttered to himself, (You dirty bloods, it doesn't matter how much of an exceptional talent your world might have produced, in the end, your stigma as the 'Cursed Abandons' will never disappear. Hehe.)

Meanwhile, under the admiring gazes of the crowd, Azul returned to his seat. Afterwards, the Hall quietened down from the boisterous murmurs, and the primeval analysis continued as per the numerals.

(Young master, now that your assessment has been finished, why don't we leave? I don't think there will be anyone worth catching your attention. After all, forget about surpassing; it might even be impossible for any child in this generation to come close to your historical record that's unprecedented even in the past known history of our world,) the mayor disinterestedly looked at the proceedings of primeval analysis and advised Azul in a flattering tone.

(That's not for you to decide. Everything has its destiny course, and fate is ever-changing and unpredictable. Sometimes, you might not know what will happen until it actually happens. Just like now, did any of you expect the surprising results of my primeval analysis?) Azul calmly listened while observing the assessment and chided the mayor for his overstatement.

Hearing a child scold him, the mayor had his mouth agape.

(Like they say, ignorance is bliss.) The old man unconcernedly added.

With that, the mayor was again forced to shut his mouth.


(Numeral#72, please step forward)....

(Just two more to go,) Sora bit her little finger and murmured in a sweet voice.

(Hmm? Keke. Little sister, are you nervous?) Void amusingly tilted his head.

Since there's no need for concealment in an unseen enclosure, the trio long uncapped their hoodies, revealing their otherworldly countenance.

(Me, nervous? Of course not,) Sora denied in a fluster and tried to avoid eye contact with him..

Seeing her reaction, Void mumbled in remembrance, (Hah, it seems you have a tendency of getting nervous when you're the center of attention. Understood and duly noted.)

Overhearing his mutter, Sora embarrassedly shouted, (No, that's not it. That's not it at all!)

(You don't need to emphasize. I completely understand,) enjoying her flustered reaction, Void replied with a playful smirk.

(Like I said, that's not it at all... Wait? You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?) Sora finally reacted to his prank, pointing her pristine finger at him in accusation.

(What are you talking about? I ain't pranking you. It's the truth, just admit it!) Void fingered his hair strands and responded innocently.

(You..)Before Sora could express her indignance, she felt an eerie sensation welling up within her being. Realizing that further argument would be futile, she humped and redirected her gaze to the ether screen.

(*Sigh* Children are truly a handful, aren't they? Why are these two so incompatible? Witnessing their arguments, I feel like I am looking at two sides of a coin.) As the sole audience to their sarcastic showdowns, Sarah, who was referred to as the 'lunar goddess,' felt powerless and could only sigh in exasperation.


(Numeral #74, please step forward,) the Alphis unrecognizable voice echoed for the umpteenth time.

(Y_e_s, coming!) Sora abruptly stood up and nervously vocalized.

(See, you are nervous. If only you had taken my advice to heart, this wouldn't have happened. Like they say, 'you shouldn't easily disregard others' advice',) Void seriously shook his head and said matter-of-factly to paranoid Sora.

Hearing him poking fun at her even in this situation, Sora's paranoia instantly subsided, and tears clouded her holy white pupils. (Mom, please refrain him from speaking anymore,) she said, falling into her mother's embrace, truly indignant.

Sarah soothed her daughter and said helplessly to Void, (My prince, I understand what you're trying to do, but isn't your way of easing her tension a little too overboard?)

(Is that so?) Void's serious countenance instantly crumbled, and he muttered awkwardly.

(You should at least try to deny it,) Sarah uttered speechlessly.

(It's not like it's my fault. You should blame your daughter for eliciting cute reactions when being teased... No, no, no, no, what I am saying is, what the heck is she nervous for? Isn't it just being under the watch of a few people? I mean, if she didn't go, how will she undergo primeval analysis?) Having his intentions exposed and being put into an awkward situation by Sarah, Void's mind went haywire in embarrassment.

(Fufufu, you are quite honest, huh?) Sarah chuckled.

(Ugh, now I get it. It's your fault, old vixen. You've been a bad influence on me!) Void bitterly realized.

Upon catching Void's slip of the tongue, Sora blushed and her cheeks turned pink at being called 'cute', causing her paranoia to vanish. She clung to her mother even tighter, not wanting to show any signs of shyness.

Unfortunately, at that moment, the eeriness within her resurfaced, threatening to erase that feeling. There's no way it would allow her to have positive feelings towards him.


Meanwhile, outside the enclosure, it had been a minute, yet no one came forward. This caused confusion among everyone. While some frowned, their patience was wearing thin.

(Repeating: Numeral #74, please step forward.) The Alphis announced again.

Another minute passed, yet still no one showed up. Finally, someone snapped. His voice reverberated in the Hall, (Whoever you are, don't waste our young master's time. We don't have the time to wait for you all day. So, send your child and get this over with already.)

Mayor Steven, chosen to escort the scion of a noble household, had the obligation to ensure he did not suffer any inconvenience until his business was finished. However, now, in this analysis tower which also fell under his jurisdiction, someone was trying to test their patience by wasting time. From his point of view, it was unforgivable!

(Please refrain from threatening others, otherwise the tower's security mechanism will be triggered and you will be forced to exit the tower.) The Alphis, who had been monotonous and robotic up until now, began displaying fluctuating signs of sentience in response to his threatening tone, which is on the cusp of breaching the 'Tower's code'.

Hearing the Alphis' warning, the mayor wanted to voice something out, but he was stopped by the old man. "We can wait," he indifferently said.

Upon hearing that, the mayor looked towards the old man and then turned to Azul, who nodded.

(Last warning, Numeral #74, please step forward. Otherwise, your registered application will be automatically cancelled,) the Alphis issued her final warning. The mayor heaved a sigh of relief and was about to reseat himself, but before he could, an invisible force bore down on his body, causing him to fall to his knees.

(You've got guts for daring to threaten this 'Nobel lady'. ❕❕❕❕