
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

5•17+ ; The Commotion

In a spilt second, everything transpired. He didn't know how it occurred, but a tremendous pressure bore down on his being, causing him to collapse to his knees. Then, his body was brought down with velocity, as if being dragged by invisible hands, nailing him to the augmented floor made out of an unknown cuboid material.

No one was able to react to the sudden turn of events: neither the crowd, nor the old man, or the Alphis who manages this analysis tower.

Nevertheless, it isn't their fault for not sensing the abrupt killing intent in the air. Firstly, their powers were restricted, dulling their senses. Secondly, the presence emitting the killing intent is beyond their scope of understanding. Even the strongest among the crowd, the old man Cavve, was unable to detect anything unusual until it happened. As for the Alphis, it was connected to every part of the tower's sensory stimulation, yet the killing intent's output froze even the ethereal space, as if time came to a stop, nullifying the sensory stimulation in the Hall for an instant.

Then, a celestial voice broke the timeless silence, causing them to snap into reality. The temporal flow reverted back to normal, but this time, with a tense atmosphere.

(You have quite the audacity to threaten this noble lady,) the voice proclaimed arrogantly.

Hearing the arrogant proclamation, everyone immediately turned towards the source of the voice.

There, in the front row of the commoners' section, in a seat that should have been empty, a cloaked trio, respectively draped in grey, black, & white cloaks, appeared out of nowhere.


{Going back in time}

In the enclosure...

Due to the earlier scenario, the atmosphere turned awkward between them. However, this inexplicable mood was broken by Sora, who got up from her mother's embrace, promoted by the repetition of Alphis beckoning her numeral.

Sora gazed at the grand podium and resolutely said, (It's time to...)

Nevertheless, before she could continue, their attention was diverted to the unpleasant dialogue between the Alphis and the mayor, causing them to frown. Then, a menacing aura became palpable in the confines of the enclosure, promoting both Sora and Void to tilt their heads towards a certain woman beside them.

(*Sigh* These people... Why can't they stuff their useless pride in their stomachs? Do they have to flaunt it? Kuku. I'm really looking forward to the next series of events.), Void remarked in a sagely manner, all the while gazing at the mayor in utter pity.

The moment Void's monologue finished, the ether surrounding them distorted, and the invincible enclosure shattered like glass...


The crowd was shocked beyond belief, or should I say, that shock is an understatement.

In a seat that had been clearly empty just seconds ago, three people manifested out of thin air. And in a place that restricted ability users' powers, irrespective of their rank, at least in their perception. So, their reaction is only natural..

Cough... Cough... Cough...

Meanwhile, the mayor, who had been pressured to the cuboid floor, was struggling due to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, he was not in the mood to care about the astonished gasps echoing in the hall.

An angry bellow erupted from his coughing mouth, (Who the fuck...)

Yet, before he could voice his discontent, the pressure intensified, causing his body to sink deeper into the augmented floor, making digital particles rise into the air.

(Know your place, fool), the celestial voice echoed again. But this time, the crowd was able to pinpoint the source from where the voice was coming.

Everyone instinctively shifted their focus towards the grey-hooded person among the cloaked trio.

For reference, before the enclosure vanished, Sarah instructed Void & Sora to put their hoodies back on.

Amidst this inexplicable tension, the first one to snap out of his shock was the old man. He promptly bowed and addressed the gray-hooded figure, asking (May I know who this esteemed one is?)

However, no reply came, and only uncomfortable silence persisted.

(She is the remaining sinner from that heretical duo - the Lunar Goddess,) the humongous man, who was also among the crowd, clenched his teeth and declared in an audible voice.

(What?!) The old man fell into a stupor once again.

Meanwhile, upon hearing the mention of the humongous man, the crowd had confused expressions on their faces.

(Who is this lunar goddess?) someone wondered aloud.

(I don't know, but based on the term 'goddess,' it seems to be a heavenly title,) another person replied.

(Eh? You mean the heavenly title that is said to be bestowed upon the strongest in that 'realm'?) a third person questioned.

And so, similar conversations were heard among the crowd. However, a few people seemed to be knowledgeable about the identity mentioned by the humongous man, causing them to have the same reaction as the old man or even more.


(Great Lunar Goddess, I beseech thee to pardon this insolent fool.) After a moment, the old man calmed down and hastily pleaded in a respectful manner.

(Grand Master Cavve, I-i) the mayor's head buzzed and his vision was blurry. However, he managed to maintain a sense of awareness in his perilous predicament. When he caught sight of the old man pleading for his sake, his blood throbbed and gratitude overwhelmed his pain receptors.

(Shut up, you fool! Perhaps I should really consider addressing the guild leader about implementing a personality checker before recruiting people into the guild,) the old man interrupted the emotional mayor, grumbling in a low voice.

Meanwhile, Sarah observed their exchange with interest. She nonchalantly replied, (No need to fret, it's just a warning this time.) Subsequently, the menacing aura in the ether dissipated.

Both the old man and the onlookers heave a sigh of relief.

The mayor felt the unbearable pressure disappear, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood in relief. He gingerly rose to his feet, keeping his head lowered, not daring to even glance at the person who had reduced him to this tattered condition. He ashamedly returned to his seat.

While this is happening, Azul absentmindedly gazed at the so-called lunar goddess, a thought constantly echoing in his mind: [What kind of monstrosity is she? I have a feeling that if we fought, even in my past peak form, my chances of coming out unscathed are slim to none...]

Perhaps sensing his gaze, Sarah subtly glanced at the blue-haired boy, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

Azul felt a shiver running through his soul, forcing him to shift his gaze from her. A myriad of thoughts whizzed through his head: [Did she figure it out? No, maybe she is just suspicious. Nevertheless, I should be careful from now on. I never thought this era would have someone like her... It seems my ascent Wouldn't be without hurdles.] 🕗🕗🕗🕗🕗🕗