
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

06 : The Crimson-eyed {Abyssal Extreme Arc Starts}

Two years later...

It has been two years since the "Purple Nightmare," as dubbed by the denizens of Black Star.

On that specific day, when suddenly, the clear blue sky transformed into purplish shades, with an ominous crescent moon unveiling over the moonless night. Those who directly gazed at the purple crescent moon were subjected to a dreadful mental pressure, with the minds of weak individuals even exploding from the life-ending dread of lunar devastation.

At that moment, some individuals even fainted or fell into a comatose state, fearing the worst possibility - the end of the world.

However, after a brief, eerie silence, everything returned to normal, except for the grounds of the once analysis tower, which were now ruined beyond scope of this world.This meant that even the natural restoration of the world wouldn't be able to revive the now devastated and lifeless land.

Therefore, the purple nightmare was regarded as one of the worst, if not the worst, catastrophes in the recorded history of the black star.

Over the past two years, there have been numerous rumors and speculations circulating among the unaffected population of the world. Nevertheless, no one has been able to uncover the true cause behind this purple nightmare that has instilled fear in both mortals and awakeners.

Some say it was the wrath of a godly being - although it is indeed close to the truth, but in the end, a speculation is only a mere speculation.

While some even spread rumors about a calamity on the horizon, something that could potentially end all lives. Regrettably, this is the least believed rumor and was soon forgotten by the people without anyone even bothering to investigate the one who spread it.

Still, investigations are ongoing, with the world's renowned detectives on the case, madly searching for any clues that could lead them to the truth.

Yet, none can find residual auras or any sort of clue in the devastated land.

Furthermore, none of the survivors disclosed any information regarding the happenings in the analysis tower. After all, who would want a constant death flag threatening their lives at any second?

As a result, no one outside the survivors was aware of the universally shocking evaluation results of Sora, nor were they aware of the seemingly impossible 0%CA of Void.


In an unknown section of the original city.

In a certain lab-like room, which was shrouded in bone-chilling darkness, a network of patterned capsules and material-like tubes streamed through the dark space, forming a intricate web

With In one of the capsules, where the most material-like tubes were connected, a pair of dark crimson eyes abruptly opened, exuding utter confusion gleaming in their cold gaze.

The crimson-eyed figure tried to move its head, as if desperately wanting to survey its surroundings, but alas, the rune-patterned capsule prevented any movement, not even allowing even a slightest twitchtwitch, let alone a significant motion like shifting his head.

After a bit of struggling, the crimson-eyed figure finally gave up and started muttering some strange things.

Suddenly, a pair of footsteps began echoing at the entrance of the lab-like room. A skinny figure walked out of the darkness and stopped at the capsule of the crimson-eyed.

The moment this skinny figure stepped out of the shadows and became visible due to the glowing matter tubes, a hint of un suppressible fear encroached in the crimson eyes of the barely discernible child in the capsule.

(Kukuku. You're still able to keep yourself intact even after being injected with so much of my false-god energy. Good, as I expected, you're the most suitable vessel for my false-god experimentation.) Peering into the capsule, an eerie chuckle escaped from the skinny figure wearing a lab coat.

He continued:

(Rejoice, boy, among the hundred chosen ones. You have the strongest accommodation for my false-god energy. Not only that, you were able to maintain the rank 1 position in the nemesis ranking without losing for six consecutive months. Thus, I've decided to appoint you as the leader of the 99 'false gods'!)

Listening to those creepy words, the crimson eyes gleaming in the capsule intensified, burning with sheer hatred. But to the slight astonishment of the skinny figure, soon the crimson eyes ceased gleaming and reverted back to a unsettling calmness.

(Oh! What this? Have you finally give up your pointless resistance after your prolonged stay here? *sigh* it seems fun things always come to an end. The hatred you children directed towards me has always been like a pleasure-inducing drug for me.) Observing those particular hate-filled eyes, which had always burned with hatred, returning to normal, the skinny figure sighed in lamentation.

(Well, whatever, coming back to the point, it seems it's finally time for me to start the final phase of the false-god experimentation. Kukukukukukukkuuuuu! Soon, very soon, my false-god puppets will arise and become the most powerful entities, with the potential to even be comparable to those god-like entities of this era!!!

With maniacal laughter, the skinny figure sunk into the shadows, disappearing entirely.

After its disappearance, silence engulfed the dark space, which persisted for a long time.

At last, the crimson-eyed figure... Or to be more precise, a crimson-eyed boy with dark scarlet hair cascading down to his feet, who seems to be less than ten years old, was visible through the transparent screen of the patterned capsule.

The crimson-eyed boy gazed into the dark expanse, deep in thought.

After a moment, his discernible face went through a myriad mix of emotions: anger, sorrow, despair, longing, uncontrollable hatred, and most importantly - utter shock.

Inside the capsule, he mumbles, his phrases broken due to his body's infirmity, [Di-d I Su-ggest regress-ed ba-ck i-n t-ime?... Hehehe, I hea-rd stror-ies a-nd myt-hs abo-ut regre-ssors but wh-o woul-d h-ave thoug-ht I woul-d actua-lly beco-me o-ne. I won-der who- is beh-ind thi-s a-nd wha-t the-ir motives ar-e?!)

(N-ot th-at i-t mat-ters. Wi-th th-is se-co-nd cha-nce I wi-ll do what-ever it take-s to sa-ve th-em, n-o mat-ter th-e conseq-uences. Ev-en if I hav-ve to SLAUGHTER those bastards who proclaim themselves as 'God's'....)

Suddenly, A terrifying killing intent emanated from the crimson-eyed boy, threatening to shatter the patterned capsule encapsulating him . ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕