
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

5•27 ; Half Moon - Lunar Devastation {Primeval Arc Ends}

(I guess I have no choice but to destroy this tower for upsetting my prince,) Sarah retracted the deep blue aura clinging to the ether and declared, with a menacing tone.

(What?!!!!!!) Everyone in the hall screamed all at once.

The Alphis' sensors went blank, unable to process the precipitated death sentence, and the crowd was frozen in frigidness, their hearts sinking into despair. Even Sora & Void were startled by her declaration.

(Aunt, you don't need to go that far. Look at me. I'm perfectly fine. I'm neither upset nor depressed.) Void waved his delicate hands and hurriedly said, displaying a lovely smile, in the hopes of calming her.

Nonetheless, even with the 'victim's' persuasion, the emotionless oceanic eyes of Sarah didn't show any ripples, maintaining her indifferent facade. But after a few seconds of silence, she opened her lips and asked.

(My prince, do you still remember the promise I vowed to you right after your birth?)

(Yes,) Void nodded his head, looking extremely adorable.

When Void was incarnated into the existential realm, the first existence he met was Sarah, who claimed to be his 'dead mother's' eternal sister, i.e., his aunt.

At that time, he had just been born and was in a confused state, so he wasn't able to comprehend the strange events that occurred. And the strangiest of all is the 'oath' Sarah declared on the flow.

{I gladly welcome the challenge! As long as you want something, I will give it to you - even if I have to go to extreme lengths. Because you, my prince & my princess, are the only family I will ever have from now on. So don't ever hold back your arrogance in the future, no matter what you do - I will bear the consequences and repay it until the offenders regret it, even in their death. This is an 'Oath' - I swear upon your mother \ my one and only everlasting sister.}

Reminiscing the promise, Void bitterly chuckled, opting for silence.

When his aunt framed it that way, he found himself at a loss for words, except to acquiesce to her overly-overprotectiveness.

(Hold on, celestial one, we're innocent! Please spare us,) someone from the oppressed crowd anxiously shouted. As Sarah withdrew her power aura and pressure, the people in the Hall were able to breathe again.

Sarah casually glanced at the speaker. Astonishingly, the one who pleaded was the mother of the scarlet-eyed girl.

Nevertheless, Sarah wouldn't care less about whoever it is. Her reply was ruthless, crushing the reignited spark in the crowd's eyes. (Don't blame me. You should blame yourselves for witnessing something you shouldn't have. You should all die here and now, before the word could get out and tarnish my Prince's innocence,) she proclaimed.

The people felt cold water spilling on their faces upon hearing her cruel reply.

The scarlet-eyed girl's mother was streaked with tears, firmly hugging the petite brown-haired girl in her arms. She bit her lip until it bled. She pleaded again, a hint of desperation consuming her pupils. (Please, I beg you, at least spare the children. They are still immature and might forget this incid~~~)

Yet before she could finish, Sarah interrupted, sneering, (Ridiculous, you want me to take chances on such an uncertain possibility. 'Scoff' I would rather end things on my own, then leaving matters to some shitty luck.)

(Besides, since that damn fate wants you all to die, then you should just accept your fate and die.)

Hearing her merciless words, the hall turned deathly silent. The scarlet-eyed girl's mother powerlessly sighed, and her knees buckled in helplessness.

Observing her mother's lifeless eyes, the scarlet-eyed girl clenched her fists, determination burning in her heart. If she survived this ordeal, she'll do everything in her power to become strong, strong enough to protect her mother, so something like this will never repeat itself again.

Meanwhile, Void gazed at the happenings in realization. (So this is the hopelessness of the weak.)


Outside of the analysis tower, a shimmering purple beam shot into the boundless blue sky, vanishing into outer space.

After a few seconds, the whole world was plunged into darkness, as if a bright day had been switched to the darkest of nights. Subsequently, a bluish-purple half-moon obscured the ominous night, casting a crescent-shaped partial lunar eclipse, evoking a sense of impending doom upon all living beings in the world.


A devastating oppression descended, engulfing the entire premises of the analysis tower.

Inside the hall, dread seized the fearful hearts of the people, their spirits plummeting to the bottom of despair.

(My precious, let's depart.) After sealing the analysis tower in devastation, Sarah said to Sora & Void, the trio disappearing into thin air.

(Don't leave, please spare us!)

(I don't want to die, no, I can't die. I still have kids waiting at home. Please spare us.)

(Damn, that fucking bitch, how dare she?)

(Oh God! Please save me, I don't want to die.)

(How can this be? How could a god-like being be this petty?)

(If I survive, I'll freaking kill that bitch!)

The crowd frenzied, the devastating oppression threatening to crush them all, with looming death hovering in the eclipsed sky.

Young master, let's also leave. Amidst the chaos, the old and young Cadzel remained calm, having the confidence to escape the impending doom.

The old man cavve took out a seal that gave off a similar vibe to Sarah's power aura. He then muttered some incantations, activating a {Doomed artefact.}

The unbreachable space around the duo's bodies began distorting, sucking them into the void.


Meanwhile, in the ethereal clouds, the silhouettes of a cloaked trio materialized on a dark cloud.

(Aunt, isn't this a bit extreme? I know you're doing this for my sake but~~) Void slightly protested.

(No buts! This is how the world operates. The strong prey on the weak. Keep that in mind!) Sarah replied impassively.

(And you don't have to feel guilty. They won't die.) She added, surprising Void & Sora.

They exclaimed in disbelief.

(What do you mean?!!!)

Sarah didn't answer. Instead, she raised her hand and made a grabbing motion towards the bluish-purple half moon, while uttering, (Now then, it's time for the end. Unleash ~ Lunar Devastation.)

The sound creaked to a stop, the colors faded into nihility. The world stilled, bringing a silent destruction.


In the meantime, the crowd blankly stared in despair as they saw something falling from the sky, signaling the end.

Yet unbeknownst to them, a certain material life form is still clinging to its sentinel.

A robotic voice could be audible in the crisis of doom.

[Extreme Alert! Danger - danger - danger - an unstoppable crisis incoming. Activating emergency save.]

With that, a greenish opaque pattern enveloped the people in the Hall.


As the whole world watched, a purple laser beam detached itself from the half moon, falling into a specific AOE zone.

And the next moment~~~~~

The world fell silent. A purplish column of light ascended into the unbounded Aether, spanning a range of 96 kilometers, visible to the naked eye of all people in the world.

Leaving behind a {Purple Nightmare}. ✴️✴️📴📴🛑

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The Primeval Arc Ends Here....

{Next time: Abyssal Extreme Arc}.....