
I will master this second life

boring life boring job only to get fired then killed really suffering sucks good thing i get a second chance only wait i was reborn as a catgirl really not only my gender but not even human but demihuman ok ill make this work my second life wont be a waste of time. fair warning starting new job on the 19 of april so no guarantees that this will be updated at any specific time i will update when i get more than three chapters and will do them at once because while some cant be avoided i hate cliffhangers so i will not post single chapters considering they seem to be around 400 words on average and this is my first time actually putting any of my writing out there for others to read so all i can say is im doing my best to find a writing style that fits me so please take that into consideration before you post your comments constructive criticism and the like are welcome but keep purposely hurtful comments to yourself and i hope you enjoy

MAG666 · LGBT+
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6 Chs

First meeting

Mother took me out to get a gift for the guests that are to arrive today when we got home there was a fancy carriage outside the house with a emblem of a griffin holding a snake i thought it looked cool but mom seemed nervous as soon as she saw the thing. We went inside and as soon as we did my mother told one of the maids to get me cleaned up and make sure I wore something nice. When my bath was done I was dressed up in a really pretty white and pink dress and told that my parents and there guest where in the garden and to go and introduce myself. I walked into the garden and noticed my parents sitting at the table in the center as I approached a man and woman I didn't know came into view. the man had fiery red hair and orange what looked to be wolf ears he was slightly bigger than father the woman had light blue hair and behind her back she had beautiful white wings the mark of a celestial my mother took notice of my approach and called me over as she did she spoke to the other couple this is my daughter let me introduce her. I walked up next to her did a curtsy and slight bow and spoke hello my name is Lilliana Karbold but I also answer to Lilly it is a pleasure to meet you as I finished i straightened up and my mother picked me up and sat me on her lap as she did the women before me smiled and responded. My what a well mannered and adorable child you have my name is Rosa Karendell and this is my husband Marcus Karendell it is a pleasure to meet you my husband fought beside your grandfather in the last war and had his life saved by him since then our family has became friends with yours. After she finished her intraduction her husband spoke to me about how he felt indebted to my grandfather and could never repay him for his deeds. After a half hour of boring talk i started getting bored and asked my mother if i could play in the garden she let me down and told me to stay close to them but i could play. After a few hours i felt tired and laid under a tree and fell asleep. My mother then shook me awake as our guests where leaving as she did i overheard something about bringing there two children next time they visit.

the end of days the end of life slipping out in the dead of night time does end for us all no redos rewinds or favers to call end of days once again a funeral for family and friends time ticks on till the light dose fade till night once again claimes its call

MAG666creators' thoughts