
I will master this second life

Auteur: MAG666
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What is I will master this second life

Lisez le roman I will master this second life écrit par l'auteur MAG666 publié sur WebNovel. boring life boring job only to get fired then killed really suffering sucks good thing i get a second chance only wait i was reborn as a catgirl really not only my gender but not even human but demihu...


boring life boring job only to get fired then killed really suffering sucks good thing i get a second chance only wait i was reborn as a catgirl really not only my gender but not even human but demihuman ok ill make this work my second life wont be a waste of time. fair warning starting new job on the 19 of april so no guarantees that this will be updated at any specific time i will update when i get more than three chapters and will do them at once because while some cant be avoided i hate cliffhangers so i will not post single chapters considering they seem to be around 400 words on average and this is my first time actually putting any of my writing out there for others to read so all i can say is im doing my best to find a writing style that fits me so please take that into consideration before you post your comments constructive criticism and the like are welcome but keep purposely hurtful comments to yourself and i hope you enjoy

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paragraphs and quotation marks are missing but I like the rest Good........................................................Good........................................................Good........................................................


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