

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Sports, voyage et activités
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12 Chs


After a few minutes we arrived! I stop the car at the parking lot and get down. Gianne came right out and took Rodge.

I held Rodge's hand and Gianne on the other side and we walked in together. People looked at us immediately and many more were taking pictures of the three of us. I just ignore them and go to the arcade.

I bought tokens and Rodge was running everywhere so I followed him.

"Tito Daddy, let's play here...." He said and pointed at the basketball ring.

"Okay. Are you sure? "Gianne asked while smirking and my niece nodded proudly.

They played basketball and I just watched them. They are like a father. What the heck! What am I thinking. But the two are just attention seekers because we are already surrounded by people. Some women take pictures of them and others are staring at them.

"Girl, they look like a perfect family. Damn, the girl must be lucky cause her husband and her son is like a goddamn gods...." One girl whispered to her friend and my eyes widened!

Fuck! We're not a fucking family!

It's embarrassing because they thought we were a family! No fucking way! They continue to play as if no one else is curious about them and they just laugh. A lot of tickets came out on the machines so they took that and really bragged.

They approached me with their wide smile.

"Let's go Mommy. Let's play there oh...."Rodge pointed to a machine. What the hell? Why no tita? I just nodded and stood up.

They walked ahead So I followed them while the people were still following us. We were almost pinned, so I grabbed Rodge by the shoulder and I was so shocked when someone walked up to me. Shemay! I saw Gianne's arm is around my shoulder so the people shuddered.

What the fuck?!

I kicked him and motioned for him to remove his hand from my shoulder but he just shook his head and smiled. And finally! We also got to what Rodge pointed out. Gianne faced me and whispered,

"Stay here, we will just play. After it, we will eat. I'm starving..... "He said and I nodded. We just ate earlier ah?

"Huh? We just ate earlier..... "I said

"Tsk. That's not enough. I'm still hungry. Don't starve me and I might eat you... "He said and smirked. My eyes widened and I pointed at him as I walked away from him. He laughed at my reaction and approached Rodge.

Argh! Why do I prefer to just starve him ?! Oh my god! What am I saying ?! I wasn't like this before!

I walked over and sat in a stall near them. A man came up to me but I ignored him and stared at Rodge who was playing. I don't know but I don't seem to want to play and I just want to watch them.

"Miss, what's your name?" The boy beside me asked.

"Sorry, mister, I don't want to give my name to you. I don't know you..."I said without looking at him.

"You're a snob huh? Why? Is it wrong to introduce your self? By the way, I'm Xander Sandiego..." He said.

"Nice to meet you... "I just said. He took a deep breath as if he was losing patience.I don't care if his losing his patience. Why do I care? He's none of my business.

"Miss, I'm trying to be nice here. You've been approached, you're still pretending not to hear me..." He said while controling his temper. What? Do I tell you to come and sit beside me? Psh.

"I don't care Mister. I didn't tell you to sit beside me..." I said in annoyance.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? I'M JUST FUCKING ASKING YOUR NAME! "He shouted at me angrily so I jumped in shock and the people looked at us. What the hell ?!

"What-the! I told you! I don't want to tell you my name! Why can't you fucking understand?! "I shout angrily too and stood up.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT ?! I'M JUST ASKI- "He couldn't continue to yell at me when suddenly a fist landed on his face. When I looked at who did that I saw Gianne who was furious with the man. I just covered my mouth in shock and approached Rodge as if about to cry.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING SHOUT AT HER MORON! DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT SHE DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU HER NAME? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? "Gianne shouted angrily and I saw the people trembling in fear. I also heard Rodge sobbing so I hugged him and approached Gianne. I had not been able to approach him when he punched the jaw of the man earlier and they started punching each other.


"Gianne! Stop it! Let's go!!!" I shouted but he ignores me. I looo at the people whose watching and taking a video of them. The hell?!

"Fucking call the guards!" I shouted to the people whose watching. Someone called the guards but the others just watching them fight, they even took a video of them! What a useless fucking person!

"GIANNE! WHAT THE? LET'S GO! "I shouted again but they didn't notice me. Rodge's sobs got louder which made me even more annoyed. Won't they stop?!

I don't know how many minutes they are fighting. Fortunately, the guards came and stopped them. We immediately approached Gianne and pulled him out of the Arcade. Fuck it!

"What the hell Gianne ?! Why did you fight? "I irritatedly asked. He looked at me badly before answering.

"What do you want me to do?! Watch him to shout at you?!! Huh?!! "He answered irritatedly and almost shouting so people look at us again. Son of!

"But you can talk to him nicely!" I answered irritatedly too! Damn! Why is he shouting again?!

"Talk to him nicely ?! Why ?! Did he also talk to you politely? He's a dumbass! He can't understand! "He said angrily. I shook my head and pulled him while I was still carrying Rodge.

"That's enough! Look at Rodge! He's so scared! "I said angrily to him. He looked at Rodge who was still crying in my arms before he sighed and took him from me.

"Rodge, baby, sorry. You should have not seen that. I'm just mad at the guy because he disrespects your Tita Mommy...."He said softly to Rodge. Rodge looked at him and sniffed.

"I-i'm just s-scared, tito daddy....." He said and look at me. I smiled at him. "He should not have done that to Tita mommy. He's a bad guy..." He said and pouted.

I laughed at his reaction. That stupid jerk! He even make a scene!

"Lets go home. Let's heal your wounds first.... "I said to Gianne who was staring at me.

Suddenly my heartbeat quickened so I averted my eyes. I heard him sighed so I looked at him again.

"Tsk. Tsk. That guy ruined our trip... "He shook his head.

"It's okay. Let's go. Let's just go home...."I said. He looked at me before sighed and nodded. I smiled. I looked at Rodge. He nodded and grinned because of Gianne's bruises.

"Tito Daddy, your face looks ugly. There's so many wounds... "He said making me laugh out loud. Gianne looked at him in disbelief which made me laugh even more.

"So, I'm ugly, huh? No it's ok. Many girls will like me even I'm ugly . Even your Tita mommy likes me...." He said proudly which made me stop laughing. I looked at him and I saw him looking at me seriously. What the hell!

"Excuse me? Who says I like you ?! "My eyes widened as I asked him. He smirked and answered,

"Your twin brother."He said proudly! You are the Lamb of God Jamesss!

"WHAT?! He's lying!!! "I said. My twin is really stupid! Damn! I don't like him!

Get ready when I arrive James Aiden Axel Betchel! I will kill you!

"Hhhmmm, why would your twin brother lie Alex? Haha, he's your twin." He said while smirking. So he believes him, eh?

"What the hell? Do you believe that ?! That liar! "I angrily refused! I will really tell you that you are a living monkey!

"Hmmmm....?" He teased so I looked at him threateningly and mixed with annoyance!

"Yes! Let's go! Let's go home! "I said and walked ahead.

I was just walking quietly to the parking lot but the two were chattering. I say that! When I get home I will really peel him alive! That goddamn JERK! Why did he say I like Gianne! ANNOYING, really, anytime!