

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Teen
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12 Chs


When I got to my car I immediately got in and slammed the door shut. Gianne immediately got on and Rodge immediately sat on his lap and looked at me annoyingly, I stared at him before starting the engine and I heard him chuckled! Damn!

Annoyed I drove home while planning what I would do with my twin monkey! I will feed you to my dog, you pest!

"Calm down Alex, it looks like you are thinking of a dark plan because you are smiling demonic. Haha..." Gianne said while laughing. Huh?

"Shut up. I was wondering how I would feed my twin to my dog... "I seriously said while glaring in the road but he laughed so hard. What's funny?!

"Ok. Ok. By the way, I said earlier I'm starving. Tsk. I do not eat. Should I eat you? " He playfully said while smirking and looking at me with lust. I braked in shock and he laughed out loud! What the hell ?? !!!

"Oh come on! Shut up! "I shouted and glared at him. He laughed even more. I started my engine again while frowning.

"Tito Daddy, don't tell me you're a cannibal ?! "Rodge asked panicking! He laughed even louder! Arrrgghh! He is crazy!

"Then, I won't tell you." He answered to Rodge and smirked. He's scaring the child!

"AHHHH! Tita mommy! Stop the car! Let's throw him into the River! He's a cannibal !!! "Rodge shouted making us laugh out loud. "Tita mommy, why are you laughing! Open the door! I will drop him! He's a cannibal! He might eat us! AAHHHH! "Rodge shouted again which made me laugh even more.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, baby. Don't panick. He is just joking okay? He's not... "I said while still laughing. But he still doesn't seem to believe it.

"I'm just kidding Rodge. Do not push me into the river. How is your Tita Mommy and I love story?"Gianne said sadly. Son of! What love story ?!

"What love story are you saying there ?! "I shouted annoyed.

"Our love story. Don't you want to? "He asked foolishly. What is he saying?!

"What?! I'm still young for that!" I answered.

"That's not the promblem, when you are old." He answered and smiled like a lunatic.

"What ?! Stop annoying me and I might hit you in the face with my Porsche! "I was annoyed again.

"Tita Mommy it's bad! What a pity Tito Daddy's face! We're not both handsome if you hit him! "Rodge scolded and frowned at me.

"Why, are you handsome? "I asked. They looked at each other and replied,

"YES! "They shouted and I almost jump in shock! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!

"THE FUCK! "I cursed so Gianne covered Rodge's ears while looking at me badly.

"Watch your words!" He shouted angrily!

"Eh why are you suddenly shouting? I'm shocked! "I shouted angrily!

We all fell silent after that. After a few minutes I got home and I immediately parked. They left so I went out and entered the house.

When we entered the house, they were shocked and looked at Gianne's face with cuts.

"What the! What happened son ?! "Tito shouted confusedly as he ran towards him. Aunt and Mommy did the same.

"What happened Chris? "

"Why do you have so many cuts? "

"Did you fight? "

"The hell! Why is your face like that ?! "

They asked at the same time. Let's see if you can answer them.

"I just had a fight earlier. There was a man who was rude to Alex so I got pissed. I'm sorry. "He said while bowing his head and sat down on the sofa. Rodge's yaya took him for a bath again. They all look at me worriedly so I smiled to assure them I'm fine, but then, again, my twin starts to ask OA questions again so I just rolled my eyes and sat down too.

"What ?! Are you okay sis ?! What did he do to you ?! There- "I cut my Twin Brother asks and I looked at him wickedly.

"I will ask you! Why did you tell Gianne that I like him?! "I shouted angrily at him and they all stunned. My twin smirked and Gianne too. I also saw my father smirked when he realize something. What is that smirk for?! Did he believe him?!

"Hahahaha, what? It's true. It's just like that..."He said and looked at me foolishly.

"Damn you! I will shave you alive! "I shouts and run towards him.

"HAHAHAHAH! You look defensive sis! HAHAHA! "He shouts while running!

"You really are an animal James! I don't like him! "I shouts as I chase after him." Come here and let me feed you with my dog ​​Daisy! Damn you! "I shouted angrily.

James and I just chased each other until we were tired. I was lying on the sofa while he was lying on the floor and we were both gasping for breath.

"Stop that. We'll eat later... "Mommy said. James and I nodded while still holding our breath.

"Really Alex? Do you really like Gianne ?! "Aunt Yvonne asked in excitement and I even beat Flash who was thrown backwards and almost fell on the sofa.

"N-no Tita! "I said glared at my twin brother who is laughing. Dumbass.

"Why are you stuttering? "Mommy asked foolishly! What the!

"Mom! Not really! "I was annoyed. They didn't move and looked at me foolishly again. Son of!

"Hhhmmm..??? "They said at the same time and I looked at them annoyed.

"Not really...."I answered annoyed while shaking my head.

"Why so sound defensive?" My twin brother asked and smirked at me.

"Shut up, you asshole! Not really! "I annoyed answered and looked at him badly. He was about to speak but I threatened him.

"All right! Speak up! I will feed you to my dog ​​Daisy! Or I'll take you back to the jungle you monkey! "I threatened him and Mom laughed. What's funny?

"Ehem, how are you going? "Dad asked. Is it obvious?

"Dad, it was so nice. It was so nice to the point that he was beaten...."I answered sarcastically and they all laughed. Daddy looked at me badly..

"Tsk. Why, did you become rude again? Why did that guy do that to you, huh? "He asked seriously. I sighed and answered,

"Your child is too beautiful. He didn't get my name so he shouted at me. "I said proudly so they shook their heads while laughing.

"What is your wind really? "Daddy asked while shaking his head. Maybe he doesn't believe me. Hell, he should believe me, I'm really pretty. A goddess to be exact.

"Ofcourse Dad. It's been a while. It started when I was born. I was born beautiful. Ever since I was born, I've been getting better. The others are just getting better..."I seriously said and they all laughed so hard. What's so funny? I frowned at them.

"Stop laughing, I'm serious here. I can't even match the beauty of Goddess Aphrodite, but at least I am the second... "I said again.

"The thickness of your face eh? "James asked while laughing.

"Why? Did you measure how thick it was? How thick is my face? Tell me. And don't call me look ugly. Stupid, we are twins, still fraternal. If I'm ugly, of course you're ugly too. Think about it sometimes, stupid. "I said to my twin so they laughed even more. I think they are going to die because of funniness.

"I didn't measure sis. But it is obvious on your face. Don't even call me a monkey!Stupid, we are twins, still fraternal. If I were a monkey, of course you would be a monkey too. Think about it once, stupid..." He imitated what I said. What? You're imitating me?

"Do not imitate me. It's just for the goddesses.."I said smirked at him. Mom still couldn't finish their laughter so we looked at each other and said,

"What are you laughing at there? After shocks like that? You must be crazy... "We said together so they kept quiet and looked at us badly. We avoided looking at them.

"Enough... Let's eat. The food is ready.. "Mom said and stood up. She was going straight to the dining area so we all followed her.

Rodge went down as well and ate with us.

We sat down with him and prayed before eating.

"Alex, I will bury you cookies so you can have something to eat when you are hungry... "Mom said. I nodded without looking at her.

"Okay mom... "I answered. We just continued eating while chatting.