

Alexis Cresseda Elena Betchel is a very brave woman. She's so selfless. She puts others before herself. And one day, her dad and mom wants her to marry Gianne Chris Ivan Rockefeller. Her motto is 'who will be my first, he would be my last'. Are they gonna love each other? Or... They're just pretending to make their parents happy?

Maria_Katrina_Abad · Teen
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12 Chs


"Oh, what, son? "Tito asked again. Son of! What are they saying?

"Of course. Alex, why aren't you talking to Gianne?" Mommy said!

"Eh, mom, why we're going to talk? We're not that close...."I irritatedly said without looking at them.

"You're not that close, or, you're just shy? "Tita gasped! What should we talk about?

"What are we gonna talk, then?" Gianne asked his mom.

"Get to know each other? "Dad's tone was also annoying.

"Hhhmmm, it's good Dad, but I'm so lazy to talk..." I said.

"Are you still lazy? "My brother asked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Maybe later..." Gianne answered. Tsk.

"Yeah, yeah." I boredly said and watch again.

I did not realize the time and it was 9:30. I need to wake Rodge up so I could feed him. I'll just order her nanny to bathe him.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to wake up Rodge so he can eat... "I said and stood up. I turned to Gianne who was sitting on the other seat sitting fourteen while looking at me. "Go, change your clothes. I'll just wake Rodge up and fix him so we can leave... "I said he nodded before standing up.

I turn my back to him and start climbing to the top. What is wrong with going up to the chin? My talent really.

"So, what time are we going home?" He asked.

"Hhhmmm, maybe around 3:30 I will prepare later... "I answered.

"Okay? Who will deliver us?" He asked again.

"I'll just drive. Our drivers are off now..."I answered. We are now walking in the middle of the hallway to my sister's room. Anyway, my siblings' room is straight here. I don't know why he is in front of my room in the other hallway. Dad's guestrooms and rooms.

"Okay. When is your class clear? I hope you can join my dad and I for a trip...."He said. Why does he seem to be blabbering on like this today?

"Ahm, I have no clear schedule this week. But next week we have a summer vacation. 2 weeks..."I answered and I did not realize that we were in front of my sister's room. I turned to him and looked at him at the same time saying," All right, go to your room. We are here in my sister's room, I will wake Rodge first. See you later. "I said and opened their room.

I saw my nephew sleeping peacefully at the king size bed so I immediately approached him and sat on the bed.

"Baby, wake up. We're going to the mall..."I said and gently shook him.." Rodge, wake up..."I repeated and he slowly opened his eyes to smile sweetly at me.

"Good Morning Tita Mommy!" He greeted cheerfully and kiss me on the cheeks.

""Let's go downstairs. I'll feed you first before your nanny takes you a bath..." I said and carry him.

"Okay, tita mommy!" He happily said.

I carry him while walking quietly in the hallway and we finally reached the downstairs so he immediately jumped up and ran towards mommy.

"Good morning Mamita! Good Morning Papi! Good Morning Tito Handsome! "He cheerfully greeted at them and they greeted back before kissing him on the cheeks! Then he turned to face tita and tito." Ahm, w-who are y- you? G-good Morning! "He greeted again so Tito and Tita smiled.

"Hello, cutie boy! I am your Mamita's Friend! By the way just call me Mama Yvonne and call him papa Anderson. You will also see your uncle Gianne later. Hihi... "She said and looked at me. I shook my head and went to the kitchen to prepare Rodge's food.

After preparing his food, I immediately called him. I cooked him hotdog and bacon. His favorite.

"Rodge, baby! Come here! You're going to eat! "I shouted. I heard his footsteps coming towards me so I immediately met him and carried him to the chair. What is that. He is already heavy.

"Tita Mommy, did you cook it for me? "He asked in excitement while looking at the food I cooked. I nodded and smiled at him so he smiled even more.

"You eat all that, huh? If you don't eat all those, I will never cook for you again... "I said and pout. He looked at me and smiled before he said,

"Don't worry aunt mommy, your handsome nephew will eat all of this...."He said proudly so I laughed. He started eating and I watched him eagerly eat.

You know, there's a strain on the air. HAHAHA! I don't know but instead of my sister and brother he inherited but not. He got the habit of us twins. Tsk, tsk. The only thing he got from his mother was his chatter and father was his greedy. He can eat as much as I eat, he is only 6 years old! It's bad to eat!

After he ate I took him to his room and ordered him to his nanny before going to my room to clean up.

After 30 minutes, when I had finished tidying up, I left the room. I'm wearing a blue dress with a butterfly design and my long hair is loose.

I glanced at Gianne's room. Is he done? I approached his room and was about to knock but the door opened so I touched his chest. I quickly removed my hand from his chest and looked at his smiling face.

"Is it hard? "He asked while still smirking. I averted my eyes before answering.

"N-nope.....L-let's go.. "I said and walked ahead. I could hear his weak laugh so I was just blown away by the wind as I hurriedly walked to my sister's room.

"Are you in a hurry? "He asked. He was also accompanying me on my walk.Didn't he know that I was counted! Son of a cat!

"No..." I answered.

Fortunately, we were in front of their room, so I knocked there. Yaya Tes immediately opened the door.

"Where's Rodge nanny? "I asked when I couldn't see my niece inside.

"Ah, it's downstairs ma'am. Too excited... "She answered while smiling at me. I raised an eyebrow. Why is she smiling like that?

"Okay..."I answered and got out of the room. I no longer like the smiles she gives me. Tskk.

We are now walking downstairs and I saw my nephew if he was joking with my twin again.

"Rodge, let's go!" Tawag ko sa kaniya at excited naman siyang tumakbo papunta saken at humawak sa kamay ko.

"Take care..."They all said and we We walked out to the garage to get my car.

When we arrived at the garage I immediately rang my Porsche and put them on board. Gianne got in the passenger seat and Rodge got in the back as if he had just noticed that we were with someone.

"Tita mommy, who is he? Is he your husband?" Rodge asked so I almost braked in shock.

"No! He's not baby. He's just a friend..." I answered.I looked at the mirror and I saw him loking at Gianne while frowning.

"By the way, I am your uncle Gianne Chris Ivan. Just call me Gianne... "He said while smiling.

"Ah ok uncle Gianne. But you know, you and Tita mommy look so good together. Maybe I should call you Tito Daddy if it's okay? "He said and smiled innocently. I looked in the mirror in shock and looked at his innocent face.

"Hhhhhmm, okay you can call me tito daddy... "Gianne said I was even more surprised! My heartbeat quickened for an unknown reason. What the hell is wrong with me?!

Calm down, Alexis! It's just nothing!