
I have become a hidden dungeon boss in another world with anime powers

*This tale is just me, the writer, having a blast. It’s all about what I wish could happen, and it’s a fun way to kill time while I’m writing it. So, here’s the lowdown:* "A dude named Roland gets zapped to a place called Blue Dot, armed with some wild anime superpowers. Out of the blue, he’s the new hidden boss of a secret dungeon, thanks to the World Dungeon Council’s surprise appointment. Now he’s squaring off against heroes from Earth and Blue Dot. Let’s tag along with Roland and see what kind of wacky escapades he gets into.”

MrNine · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
41 Chs


Roland sighed, swirling the tepid tea in his mug. Belial, the ever-theatrical demon lord, had deposited him in a dingy, cavernous pub that smelled vaguely of mildew and forgotten dreams. The only saving grace was the imp waitress who, for some reason, seemed determined to serve him progressively better beverages. This time, it wasn't murky brown sludge, but a faintly amber liquid that vaguely resembled tea. 

"Ah, fret not, Roland," boomed Belial, his voice echoing through the cavernous space. "This humble establishment has its charms. Besides, it's the perfect place to meet your… shall we say, guide."

Roland raised an eyebrow. "Guide? I thought you volunteered for that esteemed position, Lord Belial." 

Belial chuckled, a sound that resembled gravel crunching underfoot. "My dear Roland, I'm more of a… big-picture kind of demon. Someone to help you navigate the finer points of dungeon design and… well, let's just say demon etiquette, requires a different touch."

As if on cue, the pub doors creaked open, and a figure strode in. All conversation ceased. Heads swiveled, eyes widening in a mixture of awe and apprehension. 

The newcomer was a woman, tall and statuesque with fiery red hair braided into a thick rope that reached her waist. She wore leather armor that gleamed faintly in the dim light, adorned with intricate patterns that hinted at a warrior's prowess. 

She approached their table with the grace of a predator stalking its prey. First, she bowed low to Belial, her voice ringing out in a surprisingly melodious tone. "Your Majesty Belial." Then, she turned to Roland, her crimson eyes locking with his. "Lord Roland," she said, executing another flawless bow, this one slightly shallower. "An honor."

Roland blinked, momentarily speechless. This woman, radiating an aura of both elegance and deadliness, was his guide? Belial, meanwhile, leaned back in his chair, a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Meet Lilith," he declared with a flourish. "Dungeon Master extraordinaire, demon slayer nonpareil, and, dare I say, the most… enthusiastic torturer this side of the River Styx."

Lilith straightened, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Enthusiastic is one way to put it, Lord Belial." Her gaze flickered back to Roland, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Though I prefer to call it… creatively persuasive."

Roland stared at her, then at Belial, then back at her. A slow smile spread across his face. This, he realized, might be more interesting than he bargained for.

Belial, reveling in the bewildered expression on Roland's face, gestured towards Lilith with a flourish. "Don't let appearances deceive you, Roland. While our esteemed Lilith here may appear to be a woman in her prime, a veritable spring chicken at, oh, let's say a hundred and ten years old," he winked at Lilith, "she's actually…"

He paused for dramatic effect, then leaned in conspiratorially. "… a dragon!"

Roland blinked. He scanned Lilith up and down once more. She did have a certain fiery quality in her eyes, but a dragon? He couldn't help but blurt out, "But… where are the horns? I thought dragons were all about the horns and the fire-breathing."

Lilith chuckled, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in a light breeze. "Well, Lord Roland," she began, her smile widening, "not all dragons are created equal. Unlike some of my less evolved brethren who sport horns like oversized paperweights," she shot a playful glance at Belial, who feigned offense with a mock sputter, "I'm a half-breed. Half-dragon, half-human. The dragon side is definitely dominant, hence the fiery personality," she winked again, "but the human side keeps the horns at bay. Think of it as a… fashion choice."

Roland stared at her, momentarily speechless. Belial, meanwhile, was doubled over in a fit of theatrical laughter, tears threatening to spill from his crimson eyes. "Oh, that's rich! A fashion choice? Lilith, you're a menace!"

Lilith, unfazed, simply shrugged. "Priorities, Lord Belial. Priorities. Besides, horns can be a real pain in the… well, never mind."

Roland couldn't help but laugh. This woman, this supposed dragon-human hybrid demon knight with a penchant for "creative persuasion" and a disdain for horns, was turning out to be a riot. Perhaps this isekai vacation wouldn't be so bad after all. In fact, it might just be downright hilarious.

Wiping a tear of mirth from his eye, Belial straightened with a flourish. "Alright, alright, enough amusement for one day. Now, down to business, my dears." He gestured towards Lilith, who straightened with a hint of seriousness replacing her playful smile. 

"Indeed," Lilith agreed, her voice taking on a more professional tone. "As Belial so eloquently put it, I'll be your advisor, Lord Roland. Though, perhaps a more accurate term would be… consultant. You see, I used to be a Dungeon Master myself, quite a renowned one in fact."

A glint of pride flickered in her eyes, then dimmed slightly. "But alas, after a particularly… enthusiastic encounter with a band of overconfident adventurers and a rather stubborn beholder, I decided a more advisory role might suit my… temperament better."

Roland raised an eyebrow. "A beholder, you say?" This world was getting weirder by the minute, but in a strange way.

Lilith grinned. "Oh, you'll hear all about it in due time. But trust me, those eyeball monsters are a real pain in the… well, you get the picture."

Belial cleared his throat, his voice regaining a touch of seriousness. "Regardless, Lilith's expertise is unparalleled. She's advised countless Dungeon Masters across the continents, and her knowledge of dungeon design, monster ecology, and the finer points of… shall we say, adventurer disposal, is second to none."

He shot Lilith a playful wink, which she returned with a dry smile. 

"So," Lilith continued, her gaze locking with Roland's, "I'm eager to see what kind of Dungeon Master you'll be, Lord Roland. Will you be the classic trap-and-treasure type? Or perhaps something more… thematic? A haunted castle teeming with restless spirits? An ancient temple overrun by jungle beasts? The possibilities are endless!"

A spark of excitement ignited in Roland's eyes. This wasn't just about training heroes anymore. This was a chance to create, to unleash his inner architect of mayhem. He leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Let's just say," he began, his voice low and thrilling, "I'm not interested in run-of-the-mill dungeons. We're talking interactive experiences, mind-bending puzzles, and challenges that will test the limits of both body and mind. Imagine a dungeon that adapts to the adventurers' playstyle, throws curveballs they've never encountered before, and forces them to think outside the box. We're talking sentient traps, monsters with unique abilities that synergize with each other, and an overarching narrative that unfolds as the heroes delve deeper. This won't just be a dungeon crawl; it'll be an odyssey, a testament to the power of imagination and, of course, a delightful meat grinder for those pesky adventurers."

Lilith's smile widened, revealing a hint of predatory delight. "Excellent! I can't wait to see what you come up with, Lord Roland. This world, and its aspiring heroes, might just be in for a very… interesting surprise."