
I can improve every night in an alternate dimension.

Altair suddenly woke up in a classroom, only a few moments ago he was in front of his computer working late on a project due the next day. "What's going on?" he thought to himself. He realized that he was in another world and that the human race was an inferior race on the verge of extinction since the Earth was taken from them by other races. The humans vowed to take revenge one day. Altair finally found the opportunity to fulfill his dream of becoming the most powerful warrior, especially when one night... [Beep...Welcome to the pocket dimension]

Le_Merwen · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 6 :

"Dear students, after hard work. After fighting battles that required great energy from them, we have our two finalists. Let him step into the arena! The Headmaster announced like a gladiator combat commentator.

Altaïr climbed into the arena with the red sword in hand at the same time as Oscar, who possessed a spear that strangely shone with a greenish glow.

" Let the battle begin ! »

Altaïr walked calmly towards Oscar who strangely did not move an inch.

"First Poison Technique, Aconitum Napellus" he suddenly said

Oscar's body then suddenly moved as his spear then drew the pattern of a flower. The arena shook and flowers that form erect clusters and measure 60 to 120 centimeters whose dark green leaves are webbed grew all around Altaïr.

"Aconites. Immediately prepare an anti-poison potion in case" exclaimed the headmaster

"Good headmaster," said the nurse, heading for her equipment.

Altaïr frowned.

"These flowers are not there for decoration"

"Well done detective. You'll smell their scent and you'll understand the word pain," laughed Oscar.

"Lightning Kata, first form, lightning bolt normal version"

His body collapsed and the hyper acceleration kicked in with the coming of red lightning. Altaïr's body became a fuzzy crackling image. High-pitched sounds echoed every time he put his foot down to push again.

A few seconds later, the noise suddenly stopped.

All the flowers had been cut and the petals were falling peacefully to the ground along with a tuft of hair.

Oscar frowned when he saw the tuft before realizing it was his. His skull now gleamed like a grandpa with baldness.

" MY HAIR. he yelled

"The price of your arrogance" said Altaïr while all the students laughed.

"You have ruined my dignity and that of my family. You will pay me dearly for it. »

"Try to touch me to see"

He rushed at Altaïr, shouting his rage. He raised his spear and wanted to slice it in half in a downward motion. Altaïr moved a little to the side dodging the spear that passed inches from his head.

"Too slow," he told her, raising the palm of his hand where a mini tornado of wind resided there. It hit Oscar square in the abdomen causing severe damage to his vital organs as he was blasted out of the arena like a cannonball.

Altaïr lowered his arm and put his hood back on as he exited the arena.

The nurse's team came with a stretcher to evacuate Oscar and treat him quickly.

"Well it looks like our competition has a winner. Dear students, I declare the official end of the tournament, the elixirs will be delivered to your home before tonight for the winners. You can dispose "

The students came out of the school excitedly discussing the fight he had just seen.

"Ahaha did you see how cool it was when the flowers fell on the arena floor at the same time?? »

Altaïr smiled before leaving for his apartment. Once there, he made his training forecast.

"The tournament is in four days and we leave in two days for the capital, where the test will take place. Which gives me three entries in the pocket size. It's clearly not enough to make me a one-star genetic warrior. " he says to him

Gene warriors are divided into nine ranks from one to nine stars. With each new star, a new tattoo appears on their skin defining their rank and their power. After reaching the nine stars which is the case for very few humans, the genetic warrior becomes a martial warrior and the most powerful human is currently at the eighth rank. After that comes the holy and higher rank that the more powerful races have managed to achieve which gives them a distinct advantage over the others.

"I will go to the wild lands to kill wild beasts and see if they drop orbs just like the pocket dimension monsters. Altaïr planned.

He closed his eyes, it was time to go back to the pocket dimension again. He opened his blue eyes again and found he was back on the grassy plain.

"Thank God, I never want to experience the feeling of dying by those ants again. Altaïr thanked.

Speaking of ant, Altaïr still didn't understand what the red ant tattoo was that was present all over his left wrist.

[Beep…System Tip: Please touch the tattoo with your finger concentrating some power on it]

Altaïr realized what the system advised and a huge red worker ant then suddenly appeared.

"AAAAH but what? Altaïr yelled prepared to fight.

[Quiet host, she's been your companion since you picked up the red orb from the lair]

Altaïr suddenly remembered that he had managed to catch a red orb before suddenly dying from his wounds. He had been so enraged that he had forgotten about it.

"Well, the hunt is going to be sweeter than expected, huh my beautiful. he said, fondly stroking the armored head in the stooped red ant.

She squealed back. Altaïr jumped on his huge head and they started moving across the plain.

They encountered a few blue cats on the way but they were unable to break through the ant's defense and were therefore easily executed. Altaïr felt the power rising within him and he felt close to becoming an advanced apprentice genetic warrior, the last step before becoming a one-star rated one.

A green wolf then stood in their way. He looked exactly like the one Altaïr had seen battling the Flame Lion.

"System at what level is it? »

[Peak Advanced Apprentice]

"Good with my purified body and the help of the worker ant, it is possible to win this fight"

Altaïr's blue eyes met the wolf's green eyes. The fight to the death had begun.