
I am Cyanide

How often do you see a person get his father killed and subsequently get superpowers. Malik can explain.

hypanimations_tv · Romance
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3 Chs


I was walking alone in the middle of the night. The environment was serene and quiet, save for the chihuahuas yelping in the neighborhood. I was pissed by my brother and after my dad took his side, I decided to take a walk and clear my head.

The sky was suddenly filled with dark heavy clouds and then thunder started to rumble and strong wind started to blow. I clutched onto my shirt and struggled to walk home. I was a good distance away from my place. The lightning lighted the whole night and it started to pour. I shivered my way to home. I then climbed the wall and snuck in through the window. I then wrapped myself in the duvet and tried to sleep but could not find some. I was unusually insomniac that night and I played a video game. But then I suddenly fell unconcious and started to see some blurry vision.