
I am Cyanide

How often do you see a person get his father killed and subsequently get superpowers. Malik can explain.

hypanimations_tv · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

chapter one...

My name is Malik, but I like to be called Cyanide. Yes, it means poison. And yes I like that name. Why? Well, it's because I'm ruthless. Not to everyone though, to the bad people. I hate them criminals when they lurk in the darkness, sneak up on unaware citizen and snatching their purses away. I especially hate those who attack women. And mind you, the city I live in is filled with those people. Liberty city is filled with filthy criminals, from the governor to the homeless bum.

And where does this passion for the hate of the bad people come from? Comes from the murder of the man I call my father. He was the only person who understood me. Everyone else called me a maniac. But he loved me and supported me nonetheless. Big up old man, may you rest in peace, man.

It was a quiet evening, we were coming back from great uncle Matt's home. We had enjoyed the family gathering, and the joy and carnival it came with. But it was soon to change. The trip back home contrasted a great deal with the party that we had just left. The rusty 1972 Ford truck squeaked as cold dry wind slapped us through the perforated window. The sky was clear and the stars were out, the skies contrasted with the earth.

Then out of the blues, a man appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the road. Father hit the brakes and swerved, just in time not to hit the dark figure. The vehicle landed in a ditch, but we were not hurt. Then the man came and stood at the driver's window. He was wearing a top hat and a dusty leather jacket. The bright moon shone making the man's face visible enough. He had a thick bushy mustache and beard nicely shaved.

"Did you think you'll escape the boss, Stones?" The man said in a dry voice. He then produced a .35 revolver and held it against my father's temple. "Sorry you get to see this kid." Then I firmly closed my eye and a loud gunshot filled the air. The cabin smelt of gunpowder and blood. I closed my eyes and then man was still there. My father had a great hole in his head, blood gushed out and tears streamed out of my eyes. It blurred my vision.

"Life of crime is hard, kid." The man said putting back his gun. "If you ever procure debt, be sure to pay it on time, you hear me?" " Your father tried to play the boss. Never mess with the Alpha boy." And with that, he dissapeared into the shadows.

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