
I am Cyanide

How often do you see a person get his father killed and subsequently get superpowers. Malik can explain.

hypanimations_tv · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Hello there!" a dry male voice woke me. I strained to see but it was blurry. Then my eyes started to adjust to the lighting and I could se I was in some kind of a lab. I tried to stand up but I could not as i was strapped in a bed. i struggled frantically to free myself but it was no use.

" Easy genius." a stout bald man yelped at me. "You can't cut loose."

"Who the fuck are you?!" I said but he slapped me and I started to nosebleed. he then started to laugh maniacally.

"You're a soft one, aren't you?"

I was still struggling to free myself, and he extracted a giant syringe and hover above me grinning foolishly. Ugh, the view was so bad that he looked like a burnt potato dipped in mud.

"What do you want from me?!"

"Oh calm down, I could never do a harm to you. I n fact, I am here to help you. To make tour life less miserable as it was."

"what the fuck do you know about my life?!!"

" And please do watch your language young man. Where are my manners, I am doctor Rigby Van Dyke and you are Nura, I presume." he then laughs.

"Let me go!" I said still struggling with the straps. I was now sweating profusely.

"I shall, but not before I upgrade you." he then stabbed me with the syringe and i passed out.