
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Films
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716 Chs

C565 War on the Horizon!

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters!

As of now, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead.



🚨Insert Holiday GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): AlienWarlord!🏆 (A/N: Meeee! 👑)

In the brightly lit chamber of the Wizengamot, high level wizards and witches gathered, their faces etched with concern and fear. The air was heavy with tension as they faced the looming threat of the Goblin War. The emergency meeting had been called to discuss strategies and prepare for the impending conflict.

Many seats around the chamber were noticeably empty compared to most days, showing just how many noble wizards and witches that Peter exterminated just the night before. Though that wasn't the current topic of conversation.

The room buzzed with murmurs and occasional exclamations of disdain as the topic of goblins was broached. Prejudice against the creatures lingered in the hearts of many wizards, creating an undercurrent of hostility that permeated the chamber.

Dumbledore, his piercing blue eyes shadowed by a wrinkled brow, observed the proceedings with a mixture of solemnity and contemplation. He understood the deeply rooted prejudices against goblins, much of it deserved, but he also recognized the gravity of the situation. The Goblin Nation's wrath had been stirred, and a storm was brewing.

The Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold, stood at a podium, her voice strained as she addressed the assembly. "This Goblin War is a threat we cannot ignore. We must prepare our defenses, strengthen our alliances, and ensure the safety of the wizarding world."

The mention of alliances sent ripples through the crowd, as wizards exchanged wary glances. The notion of aligning with nations or creatures whom they viewed as inferior was met with skepticism.

After all, it wasn't just the now deceased Death Eaters who held such views against other races and nations. Even those who claim the side of the 'light' can have their own prejudices.

Dumbledore, disapproving of such prejudices, spoke up. "I know many of you have your reservations, but if we want to survive this war then we must do all that we can. And that means allying with others…"

His words seemed to be affected as everyone begrudgingly agreed, which helped quicken the meeting along.

Soon enough, the question that was on everyone's mind was asked. "Do we know who robbed Gringotts and started all of this?" A random Lord asked.

Dumbledore simply shook his head and lied, "No, I'm afraid not."

Of course, he knew that revealing the true cause of the conflict, which was Peter's theft and subsequent killing spree, wouldn't serve the greater good. He had witnessed Peter's formidable abilities firsthand and understood the chaos that could ensue if the wizarding world turned against him.

After all, Voldemort was already plague that even he couldn't stop, yet Peter killed him as easily as a farmer slaughters his chickens. Setting the Wizarding world against such a formidable man would only bring more death and destruction.

As the meeting progressed, Dumbledore listened intently to the heated debates and proposed strategies. He could feel the urgency in the air, knowing that time was of the essence. However, he carefully avoided implicating Peter in the brewing conflict, choosing instead to focus on the immediate threat at hand.

As the Wizengamot meeting neared its conclusion, Dumbledore rose from his seat, his robes trailing behind him. His voice, resonant and commanding, cut through the cacophony of opinions. "We must unite against this common enemy, regardless of our differences. The Goblin Nation poses a grave threat, and only together can we stand against it."

With a final glance at the assembly, Dumbledore exited the chamber, his thoughts racing. He knew he had to act swiftly to find Peter and MJ, not only to complain about all of the trouble they've caused him but also to harness their abilities for the upcoming conflict.

In his office, Dumbledore swiftly summoned his most trusted allies, members of the Order of the Phoenix and skilled wizards who had proven their loyalty. The room buzzed with urgency as Dumbledore explained the situation, carefully omitting the true cause of the Goblin War.

"We must locate these two people immediately." He says as he shows them a drawing of the two. "Their unique abilities may prove invaluable in this time of crisis," Dumbledore declared, his gaze unwavering.

The members of the Order exchanged determined glances, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Dumbledore's plan was set in motion, and the search for Peter and MJ began.


Exiting the zoo, hand in hand, Peter and MJ were greeted by a sudden and unexpected sight, a group of wizards surrounding them, with Dumbledore at the forefront. The elderly wizard, a new wand clutched in his hand, appeared more serious than ever.

For a moment, Peter and MJ thought Dumbledore was here to cause trouble again, but his calm demeanor dispelled their initial concerns.

"Good afternoon. I apologize for interrupting your date, but might I have a word with you?" Dumbledore's voice was composed, a stark contrast to the urgency that filled the air.

Curious, Peter shrugged. "Sure, we were just finishing up anyway."

Although MJ didn't look too happy, as she wanted to continue their date, she decided to keep her mouth shut for time being as they followed Dumbledore back to his office. 'This old schemer better not be up to something…'

Once inside, Dumbledore gestured for his subordinates to leave, leaving the trio alone in the room. The air crackled with unspoken tension as Dumbledore took a deep breath before speaking.

"I find myself in a rather precarious situation," Dumbledore began, his gaze steady. "The goblins are mobilizing their forces and the numbers don't seem to be in our favor."

Peter arched an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Yeah, we expected this already… What about it?"

Dumbledore sighed, his expression grave. "What do you mean 'what about it?' It was your actions that triggered this entire conflict. You're lucky that I haven't revealed that it was you already. Your theft and murderous rampage have led to this point. Now, we find ourselves outnumbered and in need of all the help we can muster."

A thing of annoyance appeared over Peter's face before he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I caused a mess. You don't have to lay on the guilt trip so thick. I already said I'd handle it."

Dumbledore nodded, appreciating Peter's directness. "Indeed, your assistance is invaluable. The goblin forces are vast, and the Wizarding World requires every capable individual to stand against them. We need your unique abilities and your strength on our side."

Leaning back in his chair, Peter crossed his legs. "Alright, let's cut to the chase. What's the plan, Albus?"

Dumbledore leaned forward, a map of the Goblin Nation spread across his desk. He pointed to various locations, indicating potential attack points. "The goblins will strike here, here, and here. Our forces are spread thin, and we need to anticipate their movements. Your abilities will be crucial in turning the tide in our favor."

MJ, who had been quietly observing the exchange, chimed in. "So, what's the difference you want us to do exactly?"

Dumbledore gave a thoughtful nod. "We need you on the front lines, using your skills to neutralize threats and disrupt their formations. At the same time, your presence will draw their attention, giving our forces an opportunity to regroup and strike strategically."

Peter sighed as he stood from his seat. "Sounds like a waste of time."

Dumbledore, thinking that Peter was trying to run away, shouted. "This is not a waste of time! You started this mess so you will at the very least help to clean it up! Because if you don't, then thousands of people will die!"

"Like I said, quit it with the guilt trip. I already said I'd fix this." Peter sighed as he waved his hand dismissively at the map before them. "I'm saying that this whole war is a waste of time. I'll just go and deal with it myself."

Dumbledore's eyes widened with a mix of shock and skepticism. "Your willingness to help is commendable, Peter. But even you would have a hard time fighting off the Goblin nation. This won't be as easy as killing a few Death Eaters…"

"It'll be fine. Just wait here…" With a shrug, Peter waved his hand and opened portal before stepping through.

"Wait a moment!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he rushed after Peter and MJ, making into the portal just in time before it closed behind him.


In a dimly lit tunnel beneath the earths surface, Albus Dumbledore looked around with curiosity and confusion. The air was damp and heavy, the only sound the echoing footsteps of Peter and MJ as they walked ahead. "Where are we?" Albus asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Peter, annoyed by Dumbledore's uninvited presence, sighed. "One of the Goblin locations on your map. Now, keep up or get left behind."

Dumbledore frowned but hastened his steps to catch up with the duo. Drawing his wand, he glanced nervously around the underground passage, anticipating the potential threat of goblins lurking in the shadows.

As they continued deeper into the tunnel, the ambiance changed. The soft glow of bright magic stones on the cavern walls illuminated their path, revealing a network of intertwining passageways.

Peter and MJ moved with ease, seemingly unfazed by the impending confrontation with the Goblin Nation. Sensing Dumbledore's increasing nervousness, Peter couldn't help but smirk. "Relax, old man. We've been through worse. Goblins won't be a problem."

Dumbledore, however, tightened his grip on his wand, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. The thought of facing an army of goblins had clearly unsettled him.

After walking for a few more minutes, they reached an opening, revealing a colossal cavern. Thousands of goblins in armor worked tirelessly, preparing weapons, organizing supplies, and readying themselves for war. The noise of clanging metal and murmured conversations filled the cavern, creating a chaotic yet organized atmosphere.

Peter and MJ surveyed the scene with a calm demeanor, but Dumbledore, anxious and out of place, instinctively tried to blend into the shadows, away from prying eyes.

Casually walking out into the open, Peter waved his hand and called out, "Yo."

A/N: 1678 words :)




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