
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 16: A Successful Mission.

"For General Dodoria!" They cried.

A light bulb lit above Turles's head. Now he knew why the hell these guys were stalking him. Under the cover of completing the mission, they would use the ensuing chaos on the planet to discreetly eliminate him. Unfortunately for Dodoria's men, Turles wasn't Team Bardock. Plus, they didn't even have Dodoria here to aid them. This must be a decision they've made on their own, or Dodoria severely underestimated Turles's power.

Turles deflected the ki blasts shot toward him with their ray guns and blasters. He may have been injured in his fight against the fusions on this planet, but even so, he still had plenty of power to draw up from inside. Fodder like this wouldn't be able to kill him even if he just got done training with General Zarbon and he was at death's door. With an intrigued look on his face, he looked toward the shocked soldiers.

"I thought we would've put on hold the whole faction war while in the middle of a mission, but it seems I was a little naive." Turles chuckled. "Tell me, are you afraid?" His eyes locked onto the soldiers.

"Who's afraid of a stinkin' monkey brat like you!?" The soldier yelled out despite his shaking figure.

"Our reputation will rise once everyone knows that we've killed you!"

"Everyone knows that you defeating Guldo was nothing more than a fluke! A weakling like you would have some stupid tricks up your sleeve. Be careful, guys!"

"Haha, you'd think the guy known as the Weakest Saiyan wouldn't be a threat to anyone." Turles suddenly appeared in the middle of their group.

"Wha!?" Turles plunged his arm through the soldier's chest. "Y-You… how…?"

"It's a bit unfortunate for you all. You are utterly useless to me, and even if I let you think you had the advantage, I would gain close to nothing for it." Turles blasted a hole through the next soldier.

It was with the two deaths of their squad that the remaining two jumped back to get some distance. No longer did they stand there and stare in disbelief. They started firing all they had at Turles. He was already covered in blood, and they already knew he was injured beforehand. He would fall any second now!

Smoke covered Turles's figure as they continued firing until they had nothing left to shoot. "Haha! Take that, saiyan! You're nothing compared to elite warriors like us!" One soldier started gloating. The other checked his scouter as his mouth widened. "H-He- He's not dead!"

"Hmm. Your power levels are indeed impressive compared to the average soldier." Turles snatched the scouter from the guy he impaled. "A power level of 10,000 and 11,000. Are you actual members from Dodoria's elite squad?"

"Don't mock us, monkey!" The two rushed in together, feeling more unnerved than ever before.

"I was being honest," Turles retorted.

Turles outsped the two despite them flying at him first. He grabbed them by the throat and started flying toward the ground. On his way down, he heard the four saibamen cheering him on from the side. 'Cute little things.' Turles buried the two into the ground head first.

Their upper body was completely buried beneath the dirt while their legs stuck out, limp. Turles held both of his palms up as he charged his ki. The two seemed to be knocked unconscious. Oh well. Turles fired, and the two were reduced to ashes.

The saibamen flew over while looking at him in awe. It felt like they were congratulating him while they spoke to him in their own language. He gave a small smile at the little bloodthirsty alien plant babies. "Alright, it seems like it's time to return. I don't have space for you all in my spaceship, so fly on up to Lord Frieza's ship." Turles pulled out his remote and called for his ship. The saibamen made sad noises at this information as if they were sad to be apart from him.

"Alright, only one of you can come along. You all figure out who the lucky one is going to be." Turles stood by and watched how the four would decide.




Turles stopped them before they could complete the four-way fusion by freezing time and destroying their heads. Those crazy little cute fucking maniacs. Are they trying to get him destroyed by Lord Frieza? If two saibamen were enough to make a fusion with a power level of 24,000. Something with four saibamen would probably be enough to rival or surpass Captain Ginyu! If not that, then completely eclipse the rest of the members of the Ginyu Force. Who were considered the strongest warriors in the universe right now, barring Lord Frieza!

Turles let out a sigh of relief. If those four managed to complete that fusion, he would've had no way… Actually, if he went all out and utilized his Great Ape form, there may have been a possibility to destroy them. But that would be inefficient, and the retreating members of the Frieza Force could discover his true power. His power wasn't enough to take on Frieza just yet. It wasn't safe to reveal that much power.

Turles hopped in his attack ball, feeling more annoyed than sad. Maybe he should hold on to the knowledge of fusion for a while longer. He still had several years until the start of the series. Enemies that required fusion weren't coming until the Buu Saga. If everything goes to plan, that saga will be called the Turles Saga. No, every saga would be called the Turles Saga! Haha!

'I must have cured a worldwide incurable disease in my past life to be gifted this opportunity at a second life.' Turles began meditating and practicing his breathing exercises as he flew back to Planet Frieza 17.

"Why are you the fastest one here?" Naba greeted him as he arrived on the planet.

"Since I was late to go on the mission, I couldn't be the last one to arrive again." Turles shrugged.

"I'm surprised you're not crawling out of your ship about to die." Naba looked down at him. He was injured but not as injured as he usually is.

"General Zarbon and General Dodoria took care of the strong guys." Turles heard the other soldiers chatting about the mission on his scouter.

"Why do you sound disappointed!?" Naba noticed the tone he replied with.

"You know why," Turles responded. "Let's go get some grub, I'm starving." Turles walked past her.

"You know it's been pretty peaceful with all the combatants gone." Naba chatted.

"I'd be surprised if there was someone raising hell while we were gone. That's kind of our job."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What are a bunch of scientists, engineers, and doctors going to do? Plot a rebellion with your power levels ranging between the ones and hundreds? A single saibaman would be enough to nip that in the bud." Turles chuckled.

"Are you looking down on us just because we aren't fighters?" Naba glared at him.

"Of course not. We're all just one big happy family in the Planet Trade Organization. Everyone has their place in the family." Turles jumped up and hung around Naba's neck.

"Guhk! You're choking me, idiot!" Naba coughed.

"Consider me like your little brother that's more successful than you."

"I'm not paying for your lunch." Naba suddenly realized where he was going with his nonsense.

"Come on, Sis!" Turles whined while swinging back and forth.

"You just went on a mission! Go pay with the money you're about to receive from that."

"That'll take foreverrr. They probably won't arrive for days! I'll starve to death by then!" Turles exclaimed.

"Maybe you'll get stronger by starving. You're a mighty Saiyan, aren't you?" Naba scoffed.

"You're more evil than me, and I'm the one that has to take over planets and kill people."

"If I'm so evil, why don't you get off me already!" Naba tried to shake him off.

But like a stubborn monkey, it wasn't that easy to get him to release his grip. "No way, Sis. As punishment for being so mean to me, you have to carry me to the cafeteria." Turles locked his fingers together around her.

"So annoying!"

"You should be nicer to your little brother. I just came back from a hard mission, and you're tossing me around like this. You haven't even thought about taking me to the medical room to get me checked up!" Turles continued to act like a brat.

"..." Naba thought. "That's a good idea. Why don't I drop you off at the medical room? Then I can get away from you for an hour."

"I just returned, and you're already trying to get rid of me!?" Turles exclaimed.

"It was your idea." Naba gave an evil grin as she changed directions toward the medical room instead of the canteen.

"I'll never release myself from around your neck unless you take me to food!" Turles threatened. "The only way you'll get me inside that healing tank is if we get in there together."

"Gross. And seriously, get off me. You freaking reek!" Naba changed her destination as the smell of the monkey boy caught up to her.

"Ah, I probably do, don't I?" Turles suddenly smiled. "I'll get off you if you apologize for being mean to me."

"Fine, I'm sorry for being mean, you stinky little monkey brat." Naba pinched her nose.

Turles let go and fell to the ground. The smell of blood, dirt, sweat, organs, and death probably wasn't the most pleasant. He barely noticed it since he was engulfed in its aroma since he fought that first metamoran. Maybe he should head to the showers first instead of eating.

"Grrr!" Turles's stomach fiercely refused this choice. "I'm starving! See you at the canteen, Naba!" Turles rushed ahead, holding his stomach.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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