
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 15: Having a Swell of a Time!

"What is that abnormally high power level that just entered the battlefield?" Frieza asked as his scouter exploded.

"It… It appears to be a saibaman, Lord Frieza…" Captain Ginyu was absolutely baffled and astonished.

"A saibaman with a power level of 24,000?!" Jeice exclaimed.

"That's impossible!" Burter shouted.

"Wow! That little guy must be a mutant!" Recoome figured.

"Even stronger than me…?" Guldo couldn't believe he was weaker than a Saibaman! First, it was that annoying monkey but now a Saibaman!?

"Haha! It looks like you'll need to train harder, Guldo! Otherwise, a saibaman might even be able to take your place on the Ginyu Force!" Recoome joked.

"He's green and small like you too!" Burter laughed.

"Grr! A stupid saibaman won't replace me!" Guldo promised to start training his psychic power more.

"I'm curious as to how this mutant saibaman was made." Frieza showed interest.

"The soil on this planet isn't of good quality either," Burter noted. "My mom used to have me garden for her, and I can tell the difference between good quality soil and bad quality soil."

"Wow, mate, even from up here?" Jeice was impressed.

"Don't underestimate The Fastest in the Universe!" Burter proudly posed.

A typical saibaman had a power level of around 1,000. Why would Frieza need his soldiers if they could create more saibamen with power levels near 24,000? Saibamen were created to be loyal and understand orders. That saibaman was even stronger than Dodoria and Zarbon. If Frieza had more of those types of saibaman, his army's strength would grow significantly. Plus, saibamen were far more willing to follow his orders to the letter. Unlike some of these useless excuses, he had for soldiers.


Frieza Force soldiers eagerly fought and caused destruction across the planet. They fired their blasters, aimed at the fleeing innocents, and had fun while doing it. The metamorans fought with everything they had to defend their planet and fight off the evil invaders. For the majority of the war, the metamorans had the advantage in battle power, while the Frieza Force had the advantage in numbers.

For every group of soldiers killed by the metamorans, another squad would come flying in to take their place. In contrast, every metamoran killed was two powerful warriors dead for their side. It was an exhausting battle for the metamorans. It seemed like no matter how many invaders they killed. They would always have reinforcements ready to take their place. Plus, they couldn't fight forever. The Metamorans had a time limit of only thirty minutes.

Then the tides of war changed with the introduction of a single invader. They had a green bulbous head, sharp claws, and a horrifying amount of power. "Gi yah!" The invader flipped, leaped, and flew across the battlefield with blinding speed. In the time it took one to blink, the metamorans were being cut down by the green blur.




The Frieza Force soldiers looked in complete disbelief when they saw the bloodied saibaman happily dancing around in joy. Just as soon as it arrived, it flew away just as soon. Each soldier reached up to their scouter and clicked in the direction the saibaman flew. Noises of confusion and shock passed through the group before their scouters exploded.

"A saibaman with a power level of 24,000…"

"Will we even be needed anymore…?"

"I always wanted to try out to become a scientist. Maybe this is finally the calling for me to put this fighting stuff behind me."


"You're not bad for two half pints in one body!" Dodoria wiped the blood from his lips.

"Like we give a damn what monsters like you think! Just die already!" The metamoran fusion in prestigious clothing balled his fist.

"Hmph. You look like you're having trouble, Dodoria. I'll be sure to serve Lord Frieza well in your absence if you die here." Zarbon brushed his hair to the side.

"Hey!" Another fusion dressed in royal clothing appeared. "We're not done yet, Invader!" He or she punched Zarbon across the face and sent them flying through the wall.

"Oh, you annoying garbage!" Zarbon shot up in anger and rushed toward the fusion.

"Hahaha. You look like the one in trouble, Zarbon." Dodoria laughed as he flew toward his opponent.

Both of Lord Frieza's right-hand men were engaged in a close battle with the strongest fighters on the planet. It wasn't an easy battle, and there was no telling who would come out on top between the four fighters. As intergalactic invaders who were familiar with combat and bloodshed, Zarbon and Dodoria held a slight advantage, but the astonishing power of fusion was not something to be underestimated. Especially when it was revealed that the metamorans had a secret trick up their sleeve just as their fusion time limit was about to run out.



"Ha?!" Their dance was interrupted just before the two fusions could merge into an even more powerful being. Someone kicked one of the fusees in the back!

"Skree!!!" The fused saibaman laughed as a blinding white light filled the palace.

The saibaman laughed even harder as the four metamorans turned into an out-of-breath skeleton-like metamoran. They dropped to the ground holding its stomach while pointing and laughing at the failed fusion. Zarbon and Dodoria were speechless as their scouter clocked the power levels of both fusions. The saibaman and the metamorans they were fighting just a second ago.

"I-I-I refuse to believe a mere saibaman is stronger than me!" Zarbon clenched his fist in outrage. It was bad enough that this pink oaf was considered his equal.

"How the hell did one of those things get so strong?" Dodoria scratched his head.

"There's no way this thing is natural! We would've heard of it! We need to kill it!" Zarbon placed his hand forward while his other hand held on his firing arm for support. A ball of energy formed in front of his palm.

"He's on our side, you crazy bastard!" Dodoria shoulder bashed Zarbon, stopping him from firing his blast.

"You brutish, simple-minded, foolish brute! How dare you attack me!?" Zarbon got up and immediately flew toward Dodoria.

"Geh geh?" The fused saibaman rubbed its head in confusion as it killed the silently fleeing failed metamoran fusion.

It fired a simple-looking ki blast at them, disintegrating them into ashes before watching the ensuing fight with interest. Like a child watching their favorite television show, the saibaman enjoyed the violent battle filled with explosions, blood, and gratuitous violence. Then thirty minutes were finally up, and the two saibamen defused. They looked at each other, touched each other, and finally realized what happened.

"Gii Giiya!"


The sight of the one saibaman turning into two was enough for Dodoria and Zarbon to stop their fighting. At the same time, the two generals checked their scouters to see the saibamen having a measly power level of just over 1,000. Both of Frieza's right-hand men looked at each other. Neither of them could understand what the hell was going on…

It was only when the two saibamen tried fusing again immediately after defusing that Zarbon and Dodoria understood what the hell was going on. Those two saibamen somehow learned the technique of the metamorans, and it was because of that dance they grew so strong! Realizing that a saibaman didn't naturally grow to near his own strength lowered his caution for the artificial creature. For some strange reason looking at the saibamen doing those silly poses over and over again, Zarbon got a strange chill in his heart. If those two things could get so strong just by doing that dance, imagine just how much stronger the average soldier could get by doing so. How long would it take before some of those uppity soldiers think they can replace him as one of the generals of Lord Frieza's Army?

"I refuse to accept it!" Zarbon shot his Elegant Blaster at the two creatures.

They exploded in a mess of blood, organs, and bones. Dodoria clicked his tongue in disappointment as he started flying back to the ship. "Coward." Dodoria insulted him. "Hmph." Zarbon turned his head as he also flew to the ship.


Turles happily skipped around as he journeyed across Planet Metamor with the fat-fused saibaman and skinny-fused saibaman following behind him. They stayed close to Turles since they were even weaker than they normally were in their unfused state. The young saiyan solidified and consolidated his knowledge of metamoran fusion dances by stealing the memories of any metamoran that entered his path. The saibamen tried to copy his actions but were confused when it did nothing for them.

"I might teach you guys later if you survive this battle," Turles promised them.

"Gyi gi!" They responded enthusiastically.

As Turles continued to overpower and leave alive any metamorans he caught, he sensed some interesting power levels stalking him from a distance. It wasn't Vegeta and his squad. They were on the other side of the planet. He was amused. Who had an interest in him besides those three and the higher-ups? Might as well find out.

Turles continued what he was doing. Taking out weak metamorans, grabbing their heads before knocking them out. The saibamen saw that he purposely left the metamorans alive so they didn't try to kill them after he knocked them out. They just took in the sights of destruction with glee, like dogs being excited for a walk. And considering they were only born not too long ago, Turles could understand why. It was their first time seeing the world! They were no different from newborn babies. Just alien babies with a predisposition for fighting, obeying orders, and enjoying themselves.

"Papa Turles? Daddy Turles? Monkey Papi? I don't know which sounds better." Turles hummed while looking helplessly defenseless.

"Die, monkey!" A group of Frieza Force soldiers shot their blasters at Turles from behind.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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