

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Films
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14 Chs


bro just wanna say. I'm. taking a break for while when I. come back. hopefully I'll be able to. write


"Can you take me to... wait do we have a library don't think I've asked?" now that Harry knew he had literally less than a day to get information on... literally everything he didnt know and he had to read everything fast.

now that he thinks about it doesn't he need to roll the gacha again today...


"we have the potter library, it has a lot of books and some rare and unique books too, if young master could follow me ill show you the way to it." happily chimpy answers Harry while leading him through the castle to the potter library.

following chimpy Harry tells his system to roll the gachas he'd gotten today, hopefully he didnt get anymore meme items.

[rolling GACHA... (dildo panty-4)(dodo-bird-incubator-inator)(box of truth)(Apple of knowledge-5)(nut of annoyance-17)]

freezing mid step harry couldn't help but curse himself for jinxing it. continuing to follow chimpy they finally get to a nice if secluded door.

"this be the library master Harry." chimpy says while motioning towards the door.

nodding towards chimpy Harry heads inside towards a room full of towering bookcases.

"well that door really doesnt give the library justice." Harry mumbles in awe as he walks towards some rows of bookcases.

"hmm how do I find books i need..." harry mumbles as he searches around the closes bookcase, finding numbers he looks around and finds all of the bookcases had numbering.

"now if only i knew what the numbers ment id actually be able to find shit around here." harry says as he looks around the library, turning around at the door he finds a beautiful looking book up in a pedestal.

"if that's a index for this library's sorting system ima feel extra dumb." Harry says as he walks towards the book he opens it to find that his stupidity has infact grown.

"how the fuck did I not see this? nah bruh this thing has to have some type of invisibility runes." feeling his hypothesis was right he feels happy he wasnt truly that stupid...

checking the contents Harry finds the library had categories for all the Hogwarts classes and some unknown magical practices... except for defense against dark arts, weirdly that ones missing, it also had a bunch of categories for none magical classes, such as books about lordly duties which he really needed, and books on wizarding laws.

grabbing a few of the books he continues his search around grabbing some books that he thinks might help him.

sitting down at a table he starts reading some of the books and just reading the law books he couldnt help but read it in amazement.

"so pureblood crap... alot of crap, i am honestly amazed that none purebloods haven't rebelled." harry exlaims in surprise, while some laws looked to be helping none purebloods... they were honestly so superficial it made him think whoever made them just wanted to be seen doing something.

deciding to look at the stupidity of the wizarding laws later he starts reading the books on lord duties and finds besides having to sit on the wizangamot when he hits his majority and work in political fields he wasnt expected to do anything till hes of physical age, what he did find out is that a lord cannot have a magical guardian by law so atleast he's free from that... luckily.

"hmm hmm seems like until i become of age i wont be expected to do anything." harry says to himself with relief, while he could go up and start politicking right now he honestly didnt want to.

reading for a few hours Harry notices the room getting awfully dark and looking up sure enough the sun seemed to be going down.

"damn its late! hm system now that I know im not in true danger of anything I wanna know what the items i got do." the reason harry wanted information fast was that he didnt want to go out and suddenly have dumbledore through some obscure law forcing him somewhere but now that he can relax he wanted to know what todays items do.

"they all seem to be meme item anyways and weak ones at that unlike the discord fedora." harry says to himself feeling that waiting for the disappointing descriptions wouldnt change anything.

[item descriptions being displayed:

(dildo panty-4) panties made with a extra schlong for easy if discreet use.

(dodo-bird-incubator-inator)a inator Dr. Doofenshmirtz made that makes an egg turn into a dodo bird egg, under the impression that it is a fierce bird-monster that can help him take over the Tri-state area, but discovers the exact opposite when the egg hatches.

(box of truth)To all who seek the path of knowledge, listen well to this decree. Surrender to the eye of justice. Swear an oath of truth to me.

(Apple of knowledge-5) apples made from a mystical tree that when eaten will cause all books you read be instantly memorized - lasts 5 hours.

(nut of annoyance-17) a nut enchanted with the power to always follow the being the nuts first thrown at and appear in the worst possible places(ex: when sitting down the nut randomly appears under them)and it cannot be destroyed by any means.]

ignoring the dildo panties he checks out the dodo inator and decided that unless dodos are magical here its garbage, checking out the box of truths descriptions he couldn't help exclaim.

"okay the box of truth seems familiar.... wait isnt that the box from Star vs the forces of evil?! fuck im not touching that shit... ever." deciding to never touch that death trap he checks the rest of the items and sees them be 1 very op and the other be a trolls weapon.

"sucks I didnt check this put before reading everything... the nuts im throwing at whoever annoys me."

leaving the library he heads to the dining room and eats after eating he heads to his room to sleep.

going through hallways he gets inside his room and asks his system with a touch of annoyance.

"why am i getting stuff that's this... bad?"

[GACHA items are random hosts should be happy he hasnt gotten the item categorized as air.]

"okay damn, that's awfully... human..." harry says in suspicion.

[the system has a low level ai for answering questions and since the item categorized as air is very plentiful it is a statistical miracle you havent gotten it.]

"...sure, ill keep your word on it for now." harry says in deep suspicion.

deciding to put that to the back of his mind head changes and gets on his bed to sleep.

"i better not be harboring a human inside my system..." harry mumbles as he goes to sleep


(showing status:

NAME: harry j. potter - SKILLS:(ACCIDENTAL MAGIC-AMATEUR)(cosmetic - freeze walk)(elemental control) - GACHA TOKENS: 5 - BLOODLINE: (EXPERIMENT 8 BODY) INVENTORY:(hydro silk robot)(Aframax oil tanker)(Discord mod fedora)(nut of annoyance-17)(Apple of knowledge-5)(box of truth)(dodo-bird-incubator-inator)(dildo panty-4)]