
No pain rocky

It was Sunday, October 29, and two days later it was Halloween. If you're into Harry Potter, you know that Halloween was always eventful.

Henry just woke up and followed my routine. It had been an hour since Alf had been notified that the battle mode had been completed.

After 1.5 hours, the privacy optimisation was finished, too, so much to train, and so little time. He wanted to learn Fop before it was Halloween. This was a requirement for the battle mode to work at full efficiency.

When the exercise was over, he quickly returned to his room and cleaned. He checked Marauder's map, and it looked clean. He was going to do the stealth training on the way to the room and whenever His walking around after that.

The usual noticing me not charm, some step games, and breathing games were not things that I was unfamiliar with.

Henry reached the room and circled in front of it three times with the thought 'He wants a room for duel training and reflex training.'

When the door appeared, Henry muttered, "Axy" and immediately entered the room. He checked the map again. After arranging the puppets and giving orders to Axy, he put on the blindfold.

For 2 full hours, bruises forming on his body, not only from magic, but the most efficient way of training was both magic and inducing an instinct against physical attacks. Little by little, he felt like he was feeling something.

It was like trying to catch the air. He persevered, if it wasn't for the hard work, what I've acquired wouldn't be worth it.

After 6 hours of beating, he meditated for half an hour. He already told Axy to adjust food before training. We had our dinner with Axy.

He was spending as much time with him as he could. He wasn't a heartless person, he just never had control of his emotions and had distanced himself from them and restrained them when he could.

After dinner, he checked the map and went back to training. He had time until the evening sports, about six more hours.

The iron should strike when it's hot. After 5 painful hours, he was able to dodge six of the ten objects that came upon him, and only one of the ten spells. He was happy with his success. He continued training for the rest of the time, and when the time was up, he continued to hide and proceeded toward the black lake.

Henry had already checked the map, and thanks to the eidetic memory, all the shortcuts would stay in the frontal lobe of his brain until he die. Henry said to himself, "If you were a woman, I could fall in love with you, Alf"

[Command not understood!] replied Alf.

Problems of living with the ai chip in your mind. He learned that he made the investments without talking to Axy. He reminded him not to forget the trades to be made.

He reached the black lake and did his daily exercise. He didn't know if his actions caught anyone's attention, but he didn't care anymore. He would not be accountable to anyone who would act the way he wanted.

That's why he didn't follow all the rules. You had to follow the rules of others until you had power, and he knew and felt that very well.

On my way back to the room, he continued in secrecy. Perhaps the most useful piece of information in his past life was that if you want to educate yourself on a subject, you have to have a routine on the subject.

He had some distractions in the past and could enjoy almost anything in life. "It brought about hours of research on different subjects on the internet, which is a huge information dump." thought Henry.

He was practicing stealth in Alf's shadow training mode by saying 'don't waste your time, don't think about wasting time', charms were the simple part of his job. It was planned as wandless so that he could train in more than one area at the same time.

Alf's shadow mode was also in the original, but the shadow version he wanted was a version from another novel The Oracle Path. Although he got bored and stopped reading the novel, he fell in love with this feature.

To put it simply, it first examines your body and designs training for you in the area you want with maximum efficiency, and then it shows you the steps and times you need to apply by creating your shadow.

It was a very useful feature, he added this feature to Alf, the more bread, the more meatballs.

He reached the room and completed his daily routine, and went to sleep.

It was a Monday, and the people were festive, after all, it was Halloween tomorrow. Most of the children were talking excitedly and minding their own business, getting ready.

"Of course, scary costume preparations have started, isn't it nice to be young?" thought Henry.

As always, he was following his daily routine on weekdays, but there were changes in today's schedule.

When he checked Marauder's map, he noticed someone on the seventh floor, and of course, it was the beloved dark lord of our neighbourhood.

'Now I wanted to improve a little more in Fop today, but with the existing level, it can activate the battle mode. It's okay, I'm not the one to fight the troll,' thought Henry.

He decided to spend the day differently than he had planned yesterday. For his remaining time, he proceeded to the library and searched the plant science department.

If you've read WMW, you know that one of Alf's most productive functions in a magic world is alchemy/potions.

Although the books in the library did not give the chemical structure of my materials, an analysis could be made on the results of the mixtures made. So this was one of the areas where Henry wanted to advance.

There were magic rituals in this world, and when combined with alchemy, extraordinary results could be achieved.

Henry spent his time as productively as he could. Those who observed him from the outside believed he was an idiot. He would flip through the pages as fast as he could and would be in a section on a different topic almost every day of the week.

The knowledge and understanding provided by different perspectives were different, as always. That's one of the things that makes human life interesting, isn't it? We may be looking at the same thing, but we may see it in different things.