

The time had come. It was Halloween, and the troll was at the castle. Henry had already ordered Alf to run the combat mode in passive mode.

So when he was in range or any attack targeting him, he would see my best moves in shadow mode. Alf made the ideal battle plan and magic choices for me, as Jarvis did with the armour.

Even if the troll interested me, it would be very problematic to get involved in this event. My current course of action was to change my daily routine. Only with Alf's presence could I understand the languages of other magical creatures and optimise for speaking.

Now, to access the chamber of secrets, he had to listen to the hissing of a magic snake and Harry's parseltongue talking.

The possibilities were very good, for example, if he examine the 4th-year dragons…

Henry had a lot and created tools that could achieve a lot. He preferred to perfect what he had rather than have too many talents. That doesn't mean he can't plan.

It was time for lunch. The charm lesson had finally arrived, and Flitwick was explaining the leviosa spell on top of his books. Henry himself had already reached the wandless level in magic. Alf's presence had reduced the work he had to do on his own. After analysing and optimising his magic experience, leviosa was now almost telekinetic, but was not used on humans.

This was until Henry's thoughts on combining and enhancing the Canis and Reprehendo spells he found with leviosa. Telekinesis had a similar power, but he could only control it with his hands.

He had not created the supernatural ability. He had adapted telekinesis into magic. Henry now felt that his power level was enough to hunt in the dark forest. After Voldemort was expelled from the castle, he would now reach the material warehouse for alchemy/potions.

Combat experience is very important to remember. Henry had never killed any living creature. It was a process that he had to get used to as soon as possible to adapt to such a dark world.

The class was over and Hermione heard Ron's words. She walked away, crying. Henry was watching from afar and craving some popcorn. 'I should have popcorn in my bottomless bag,' thought Henry.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for dinner. Henry was eating as if he didn't care if the world burned. Ravenclaw and some of the children at the other table beside them were looking at Henry in shock. He had eaten a whole turkey by himself and couldn't seem to stop.

Everyone was minding their own business until Quirrell entered the room. Quirrell showed up and put on his show. Everybody went crazy. Henry was eating their last bite.

Dumbledore finally told everyone with his sonorous charm to calm down and go to the main hall of their house, accompanied by the department heads.

Henry glanced at the Slytherin table out of the corner of his eyes, as if no one had yet realised the problems this decision could pose. Henry strangely discovered someone looking after him in this situation. Tracey Davis was looking at Henry and thinking, 'I hope he's okay.'.

'What the fuck? How does this girl have feelings for me? Don't miss me, and after all this concealment, how on earth did this happen?' Henry thought.

Everyone quickly went to the main hall of their house. If you were to examine the freshmen in the Ravenclaw main hall, you would see shocked expressions on their faces.

Henry belonged to this group, too, for another reason entirely. It was no surprise to him that children at this age were able to experience these emotions so easily.

He was surprised that a Slytherin girl he had barely communicated with had feelings for him like this. It hasn't been long since Henry stopped using Legillimency. Thanks to the force he had made to notice him, everyone had moved away from him, and his presence was very faint. It was just unfortunate that Cho got her attention when Henry stopped pushing.

Tracey was another mystery. Everyone dispersed to their dorm rooms, and Henry thought, 'It doesn't matter, time will tell,' and he did his daily evening workout in his room, apart from running.

The next day, after breakfast, the entire school was talking about Harry and Ron fighting and defeating the Troll. Henry was more thinking about what they were doing with the captured troll.

Almost everything in the magic world was a potion ingredient, including corpses.

Henry cleared his mind of unnecessary thoughts and continued to act according to his routine and plan.

At night, Henry was sitting in his bed, reviewing his plans.

'The quidditch bet that school would be uneventful until Christmas was not so important. There are four times the odds that the lions will win. 200 galleons are better than nothing,' Henry thought.

'The main thing is that I can't send my family out of the house this Christmas. I can't get a protective ward installed in the house because I don't have enough money. There's no point in going home,' Henry sighed.

'The house-elves' group project would be delayed. Who knew a goddamn magic house would be worth so much?' thought Henry.

He was considering forming four groups of house-elves. The first group would be commanders, the second group sergeants, the third group of soldiers, and the last group of bodyguards. The first group would be responsible for the training of the second and third groups and for organising their tasks. The second group would lead the third group in the tasks assigned to them and ensure the success of the task. The guard group would be chosen from among the trained house-elves with the highest combat skills and would watch him from the shadows as his close guard.

Unfortunately, all of this was still in the planning stages. Axy had transformed because of his oath. The normal house-elves had completely changed their appearance. Now their eyes were smaller, and their ears were erect and pointed. He had become fatter and more muscular.

Axy was to be the general of all house-elves, his true companion. Axy was aware of this plan and was eagerly waiting. Unfortunately, he would continue to wait for a while.