
Horror Killer

Jack gets transmigrated into the Scream movie series and has to deal with the killings having future knowledge. He finds out part way through that he will be going from one horror movie or tv show to the next. Will he decide to join in on the killings, play a passive role where he becomes uninvolved or will he try to save everyone.

Jackoftrades · Films
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11 Chs




(A/N I'm going to give a list of ideas for the next world. Just vote on the ones that you want. It will be up for a while


Saw (not sure which one)


Highschool of the Dead


Supernatural (I'm currently watching)


Resident Evil (Would be the First movie)


Friday the 13th (Mrs.Voorhees)


Texas Chainsaw (Not sure which one)




I know what you did last summer


Halloween (1978)


The Hash Slinging Slasher


You can vote on multiple if you want. Hope you continue to enjoy.)


The next day Jack woke up to a ringing from his doorbell. He groggily got up as he went to answer the door. He opened the door to see Tatum fully dressed in her school clothes. She was wearing a crop top with some numbers on it and short shorts with her hair in twin pigtails.


Her eyes widened as she looked at Jack who was just in his underwear she pushed him inside and closed the door behind her "What are you doing answering the door like that. What if it was some other girl?"


Jack started to wake up and yawned "I would probably invite her in."


Tatum fake scowled and punched him. She then kissed him "Go get dressed. You're lucky I had Dewey drop me off early at your house. I'll make you breakfast real quick we have some time."


Jack started to walk to his room "You know how to cook?"


Tatum nodded "Of course I do."


Jack then got dressed for school as Tatum cooked him breakfast. Once he was ready and finished eating he went over and kissed Tatum on the lips "Thanks for breakfast it was surprisingly really good."


She faked hurt "Surprisingly? What you mean by that."


Jack shrugged "I just figured you weren't much of a chef. My mistake. Now take my helmet and let's go."


She grabbed the motorcycle helmet from Jack. "I don't have my own yet?"


He sighed "Relax babe I'll go buy another when I can."


Tatum had a wide smile as she just kept replaying the word Babe in her head. Jack turned around to see her still standing there "Let's go Tatum."


She quickly followed after him after getting herself back together. They both rode off to George Washington High School. Jack drove off and eventually parked at the school with Tatum.


She took off the helmet and handed it back to him. Tatum kissed his cheek "I'll meet you after class."


Jack nodded "Don't miss me too much."


She giggled as she started to head inside the school. Jack got to his first class where he sat in the back near the window. After awhile lunch started. Jack and Tatum were walking together and went to eat lunch by themselves not wanting to eat with the whole group today.


Tatum smiled as she leaned against Jack as they sat down "Hey let's go on a double date with Emma and Will."


Jack raised an eyebrow "Why?"


Tatum smiled "Because it sounds like fun. Plus Emma is the nicest in the group. Even if Will can be dumb sometimes."


Jack sighed "I don't know."


Tatum looked up with a puppy dog face and he groaned "Fine."


Tatum leaned up and kissed him "Good. Now look what I made you for lunch."


Later on Jack walked to class as he then sat down again in the back near the window. He then watched as Jake, Brooke, Emma, Riley and Will walked in.


Jake sat in the back next to Jack and Will sat next to him. Emma, Riley, and Brooke sat in front of them.


(Image of Jake)


(Image of Brooke)


(Image of Emma)


(Image of Riley)


(Image of Will)


Jack chuckled "You know it still shocks me that they allowed all of us to be in the same class. Your father pull some strings Brooke?"


Brooke rolled her eyes "You know he doesn't care about my affairs."


Jake raised an eyebrow "Affairs? Meaning more then one."


Brooke scoffed "No it's just a saying."


Riley an Emma being the good students they are started to pull out their notes before the class started. Jake leaned forward to Brooke "Maybe I can help add an affair."


Jack rolled his eyes "You know you guys are pretty similar."


They both turned over annoyed at Jack "No we're not."


Will chuckled "Ease up Jack. Let the love birds quarrel."


Jack smirked "Speaking of love birds. Tatum wanted me to ask if you and Emma wanted to go on a double date."


Emma turned around and smiled before Will got to speak "We would love to."


Will looked over at Jack annoyed. Jack shrugged "Sorry man it was her idea I couldn't say no."


Jake grabbed both of their shoulders "There's a party this weekend anyways. Schedule it for a different time."


Mr.Branson just walked in "Well who is ready to discuss some Shakespeare."


(Image of Seth Branson)


He then looked over to Jack "I'm assuming Jack you didn't do your homework again."


Jack shrugged "I'm more of a test guy. Not a click on a link to do my homework guy."


Branson pointed at him "Your lucky you get good grades."


He then opened up to the rest of the class looking at Brooke for a moment before saying "Well let's begin."


Jack smirked as the look did not go unnoticed by him. He had memories of the people around him and if he was not here from a killer he would not have noticed.


He decided to analyze everything and everyone. Since he knew nothing about what would happen he had to assume everyone but Tatum could be the killer. Or Dewey he guessed or Tatum's family in general since they were not here originally.


The one big question that Jack had in his mind though was. When is the killing going to start?


After class the whole group started walking outside the school as the day was over and they ran into Tatum, Nina, and Tyler outside.


(Image of Nina)


(Image of Tyler)


Nina smirked as she walked towards to the center of the group as if she belonged there "You guys want to see a fun video."


She emphasized the fun part. Jack sighed "Who did you torment this time."


Nina faked a shocked gasp "I would never. I just happened to be at a certain place at a certain time."


Nina then played a video of two girls Jack did not know making out together. Jack watched everyone's reactions noticing Emma was frowning and everyone else seemed to be seeing the video for the first time besides her.


Jack chuckled "Didn't realize you got off on this Nina."


Nina rolled her eyes "You don't know who these two are do you."


Jack shrugged "They looked familiar. I don't know them though. I mean I have only lived here for half a year."


Emma sighed "That's Audrey Jensen and Rachel a girl from a different school."


Emma then turned to Nina "I thought I told you to delete that."


Nina rolled her eyes and then sent a text everyone's phones went off. As Nina just texted the video to the group chat they had "Now everyone has it."


Emma sighed again "We should all delete this. It's her choice if she comes out or not."


Tatum nodded "It does seem a little mean."


Jake rolled his eyes "Come on it's not a big deal. No one cares about a couple girls sucking face."


Emma was annoyed "Will."


Will straightened out a bit and coughed "It does seem a bit harsh."


Tyler shrugged "It's not like anyone else has seen it."


Riley shook her head "Let's just change subjects. Nina I heard party at your place this weekend."


Nina shook her head "My parents are coming back tomorrow. Going to have to be somewhere else."


Brooke half raised her hand "My dad should be busy this weekend. We can throw a classic Brooke party."


Nina smiled "Good. Tyler can you drive me home I need some help with some homework."


Tyler smiled "Yeah of course."


They both walked away and Jack sighed "I can't imagine being whipped with no benefits."


Tatum hit his side "He can't help it he is in love."


Jack mumbled "To a psycho sure."


Tatum grabbed Jack's hand "Just drive me home please."