
Hollywood: Head-Hunting System

Hollywood is a place that has changed the fates of a lot of people, but Hollywood's fate changed when a soul from our world was reborn in there's. A soul whose life had been cut short, whose dream's remained unfulfilled, he who begrudgingly accepted his second chance at life. He vowed to make a difference this time around, for he was going to conquer Hollywood and to save it from itself; and fulfill his dreams in the process. DISCLAIMER - Contains adult/mature/R-18 content. THIS IS MY FIRST WORK SO THE STARTING OF THE NOVEL ISN'T THAT GOOD WITH MANY MISTAKES BUT I DO IMPROVE ON IT. SO STICK AROUND WITH TILL THE END IF YOU CAN. THANKS FOR READING. ALSO THERE'S NO NTR, NO YURI, BUT DEFINITELY A HAREM IN THIS STORY. __________________________________ Genre: Urban Fantasy, R-18, Slow Paced, Slice of life, System, Reincarnated in Past, Romance, Harem, Smut, Showbiz, Celebrities, Movies, Marvel, DC, E-Sports, Middle class to Ultra-Rich. __________________________________ Upload schedule: 1/2 chapter every 2 days. Word count of the chapter - 5.5k to 7.5k words. So the word count for half of the chapter ranges between 2.75k words to 3.75k words. __________________________________ {Author's note 1: A promise from to all the readers of this work. I might take small breaks in between but I will never stop writing this book until it's finished. Great thing is I already know how I want to end this book just the journey to getting there is filled with some uncertainty.} {Author's note 2: This is my first official novel/work, before this I have only written some short fanfics from alt accounts. Also English is my third language, I obviously will be making mistakes and typos. Please correct me in comment section if possible. And leave a review if you liked/disliked my work. Thanks for giving my novel a try, and have a beautiful day.}

TheRamenLord · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
140 Chs

84. A Night To Remember (I) R-18.

– Results of the Previous Poll –

♦ 1. Next chapter will feature an R18 scene between Mark and Anne. So here are the options –

Option 1. Write a short scene of around 600 to 800 of their date and then smut.

Votes – 17.

Option 2. Write a nice detailed lengthy scene of around least 1.5k to 2k words. Showing POV's of both Mark and Anne in the scene.

Votes – 61 (readers) + 2 (me) = 63 Winner.

So you guys know what this means right ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ. It's time for a good old long smut scene. It might be 2k words at max.. no promises though.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ As always I will mark it so feel free to skip if you want.

Anyways there is an important note at the bottom of the chapter. Please read.





Recap of the Previous Chapter —

The chapter starts off with the POV of Monica Bellucci who is very grateful to be employed at Eidolon. She reminisces about meeting Rachel, about her recommending her to join Eidolon and then her being promoted to become Mark's legal aid and secretary.

She then comes back to the present time where she is attending a press conference with Evelyn who is addressing the latest false allegations led by the media against them. After Evelyn it is her turn and she kills it with her speech, later on she meets with her and is blown away by the box office of Knives Out.

Then the POV shifts as we see Mark and Anne talk about how he is so creative and he comes up with so many stories by using his nightmares as inspiration. Mark promises to tell her the secret that very day when they reach Paris.

They get off the plane and Mark leaves her to do a press conference and as he makes his way back to Anne. One information that a new skill has been awarded to him because of the evolution of his Unique Skill – Char. Eval. It is called Status Page and it allows him to see his status in real time.






– Quote for the chapter –





— Pantheon, The Unbreakable Spear, All around Gigachad and best motivational speaker on Runeterra.



~ Joanne Rowling's (Anne's) POV ~


Date: Friday, 21th September, 1990


Location: Anne's Hotel room.


Time: 07:25 pm.



She had arrived just an hour ago, dropped off by a man named Ren, one of Mark's bodyguards, appearing to be in his mid 30s.

Despite Ren's courteous and respectful demeanor, the whole experience felt like a bit of an invasion of privacy, that left her feeling unsettled.

Curious about the necessity of Mark's extensive security, she questioned Ren. Hecasually disclosed that Mark, whom he only referred to as "the boss," possessed wealth that surpassed what many would kill someone over for.

Ren parted with a thought-provoking line that she hadn't heard before but found profoundly true: "It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war."

The weight of those words humbled her, prompting her to ponder on the unpredictability of human nature and the evil some people carry in their hearts.

After all, not everyone adheres to civility and lawful behavior, and it's in such challenging moments of life that the harsh reality of the world emerges.

Uncertain about her love for him, but acknowledging that he held a significant place in her heart, she harbored a genuine concern for Mark's safety and security.

The intrusion of bodyguards into her privacy became a secondary concern for her if it meant it would keep Mark away from any potential harm.

In her current state, she stood in her birthday suit, having just completed a meticulous full-body shave.

Sipping wine, she carefully examined herself in the mirror, seeking assurance but instead she found her inner fears and insecurities filling in her mind.

The mirror became a canvas for her inner demons, casting shadows on her thoughts as she began to hear her fears and insecurities come to life.

'Look at yourself.. you, a young divorcee thinking she can win a man like Mark Spencer.' her reflection in the mirror seemed to scoff at her as she spoke.

'But he doesn't care about that.' she replied having an internal debate with her inner fears and demons.

The reflection crossed her arms under her naked tits and scowled at her as she said, "You got a child with you, you think that extra baggage and responsibility is something so easy to get over. How can you not see he is just using you for now and after getting bored, he will leave you just like Jorge did.'

'No, he won't. He loves me for me. I even heard him saying that he wants us to be a couple.' She replied with a nervous smile as she gathered courage from the memory of the look of wonder and love he gave her when she wore that blue dress for him.

'Also, what could he possibly gain from using me? My body? He is Marc Spector you said so yourself. His very first movie is now on track to become the biggest blockbuster of the year.'

'and.. how does that matter.'

'It means that soon he will have women throwing themselves at him just to gain a small favor, women who are supermodels, beautiful actresses who look far better than I ever will.'

'Yes, so you should realize how foolish it is to vie for the love of such a man. Even if he loves you now, eventually he will fall for one of those Hollywood sluts and leave you all alone.'

'Even if that comes true, it will be worth it. At least for a few years I will be happy but we both know that won't come to pass.'

'Because that's not the kind of man Mark is, I know he would never hurt me.'

'It's why I fell for him, you should know after all you're me.'

'Argh, okay. But when you crash and burn, I will be here, gloating at your face, telling you how I was right.'

'Just because I was burned once doesn't mean I should be living in the shadows hiding forever.' she mustered her courage.

'You've gone crazy.' the reflection scoffed.

'Good, I'd rather be crazy and take a chance at happiness now than feel miserable for the rest of my life.'

'I feel even more certain of my choice that Mark is the one for me. I don't care if he leaves or cheats on me later on. I want to be happy now, to love and to be loved.' she said with a beautiful smile as she had finally face her low self-esteem and fears.


Anne had finally faced her fears, talked them down and overcame some of her doubts and insecurities. These are the things that bogged her down for the past few years after her ex husband left her.

In Mark's previous life it caused her to become an untrusting and bitter woman who had a more pessimistic outlook towards life. But now with Mark in her life, she found the courage to face her inner demons and stand her ground.

Though it is not a permanent fix as these things keep coming back to haunt us like seasonal allergies. Hopefully with Mark in her life and a few potential friends she might make later on, she will have a better life this time around.


~ Mark's POV ~

He had just closed the door to his hotel room, when he heard.

"You clean up pretty well." When he turned around, it was a vision of beauty he saw.

He had talked with Vani previously about this, it was only her guess. But maybe because of this earth being an alternate earth, the people here were more better looking.

Not that he was complaining, but it did make the competition in the modeling, acting and other such industries way more cut throat than the ones in his previous life.

"Thanks, I try. So.. you ready to head out?" He offered her his hand with a pleased smile.

"Lead on. Though, I must tell you, I am feeling quite hungry so any place with too long of a wait time will have to go." She hooked arms with him as they went to the elevator.

"Wait time? Don't worry about that, I already got us a table at Assiette d'artiste." They got on with another couple, the woman looked really surprised at his words.

Anne seemed to notice it as well and maybe wondered where exactly he was taking her. It was Rose who made the reservations at his behest when he said that he wanted to take Anne out on a date.

Rose had told him that it was an old establishment with 2 Michelin stars and was really popular among the locals for its food that stuck to its traditional roots.

"What place you said you were you taking me? She gasped in surprise when she heard you say it's name. Assiette d'artiste was it?" She said the name of the restaurant carefully as she was speaking french after a long time.

"Pretty good. Yes, it's a favorite of the locals and very popular amongst them."

They had a pleasant drive to the restaurant as they spoke about their plans for the night. He tried his best not to give anything away, but what surprised him was how at ease she behaved.

Like the secret he was keeping from her didn't really matter. He decided to just enjoy the moment and hope for the best, as he had already done all he could to sway her judgment.

They were taken to a nice window seat that looked out into a river with the lights casting a beautiful glow over the city.

"It's a beautiful view," he said, breaking the silence and some of the tension between them.

"It is." She sipped on a red wine that he had chosen, as she slipped off her left shoe and started running her foot up and down his left pant leg.

"So, how was Paris?" He acted normally and asked her to keep things going.




She knew he had felt her leg because despite his question to keep up the facade of normalcy. Just the way his beautiful green eyes bored into hers, erupted goose bombs on her skin and butterflies in her stomach.

"It was nice, I didn't get to go out much yet. But the city is just beautiful. Mark could order for me please?" She could tell that putting over an hour into makeup had the intended effect as Mark couldn't take his eyes off of her lips, eyes or even her breasts.

"I haven't spoken French in years and I don't really want to embarrass myself." She poured herself another glass, all the while continuing her actions with her leg.

"Ofcourse, Anne. Don't worry, I'll do the talking. So, what do you want to eat?" he said, going over the menu.

She thought of having some fun so she casually said, "I want you to decide."

His head immediately shot up, his eyes narrowed into her with mock suspicion as he replied with a grin.

"Now that's a trap. At Least tell me something that you don't like to eat, that might be on the menu." Trying to dodge the bullet and avoid playing her mind games.

She tapped her chin as she thought about what she didn't like, "Hmm, I guess that would be snails and gamey meat like a deer or rabbit."

"I see, how do you feel about lobsters?" he asked after seeing the lobster bisque on the menu.

"Never really tried them to be honest." was her nonchalant reply as she shrugged.

"Are you up for one now?" He asked hopefully because he wanted her to try this as it was especially good in the cold.

"I'm not sure" was her reply as she continued her game of footsie.

"Don't worry if you don't like that we can always order something else."

"Okay." she said, thinking about giving it a try, as she heard a soft voice beside her.

She didn't even hear the waiter approach as she was enjoying her conversation with Mark and playing footsie under the table.

"Bonsoir monsieur madame, que voudriez-vous avoir aujourd'hui ?" The waiter asked with a practiced smile on his face.

"Hi, We would like to hear about specials please." Mark replied in perfect french.

"For entree, because of the setting cold, I suggest our soup du jour, it's the Un Amour De Homard. It's a beautiful lobster bisque cooked to perfection served with creme fraiche and croutons."

"and you can never go wrong with our Saint Jacques Flambées. It's one of our best sellers."

"For the ensuite if you prefer seafood, we have fresh caught, wild seabass –"

"I would love that." she said carefully, trying not to butcher the words.

"Of course, madame."

"And for sir –"

"I will have the Duo de canard fermier." Mark replied after perusing the menu once more.

"Ah, the roasted duck. Excellent choice, sir. What wine would you like to pair with the ensuite?" he asked with a nod.

"Why don't you surprise us?" he said, holding his poker face because even after the waiter's arrival, Anne hadn't stopped her leg, not that he wasn't enjoying it.

"Ofcourse, sir." with that he promptly left to ring in their orders.




"What kind of women do you like, Mark? Like what are your dating criterias?" she asked, wanting to see the things he looked for in a woman.

He chuckled, and said, "well for appearances, I would say that they have to be at least average in looks and they also have to be in shape."

"You won't date fat people?" she asked with a teasing grin.

"Absolutely not. If a person can't even take care of their own body how do you expect them to take care of another person or a relationship."

"True. It's all about commitment and knowing what's right for you." she replied agreeing with his remark.

"The rest I would say it's all inside." he said slowly as he shifted slightly and she felt his foot playing with hers.

She grinned at him taking part and said, "I thought you would be more choosy in the looks department.."

"Well it's something I learnt earlier on in life. If you only judge people only by their looks you will miss a lot."

Mark had a serious look on his face as he replied, "You need to take the time to learn about the person inside that body or you will never have a happy life, only shallow relationships."

"And after a few years that will go too because, eventually we all get older. And once the people who only run on their outer appearance lose their looks, what do they have left? Nothing."

"Wow, that was deep." She couldn't help but admire his mature outlook towards life and people.

"Well, I am somewhat of a philosopher myself." he said with a chuckle as if he had cracked an inside joke.




They had just finished their main course and were leisurely enjoying their desserts. Mark had ordered a homemade triple berry pie called, "Tarte Aux Fruits Rouges" and she was enjoying the "La Passion Du Chocolat", it was a dark chocolate mousse.

After seeing they were both done with the dessert, she decided to broach the subject. "So, you want to tell me the secret now or back in the room?"

"Well, I'd like to avoid being slapped in public if possible. So, let's head back." He replied with a nervous chuckle.

Mark covered the bill and drove back in silence. She decided not to speak, because she wanted to give him some room to breathe.

He was making her nervous as well, as they drew closer to the hotel. What kind of a secret could it be that it would make her want to slap him? Was he secretly working with the mafia? Or was he involved in some kind of crime?

As Anne went down the rabbit kind of dark secret Mark would reveal to her. They had finally reached the hotel, as always the gentleman, he got out first, gave the keys to the valet and opened her door.

"I hope you enjoyed the food, Anne." He said taking her hand in his, it was warm and big as it entwined her fingers.

She grabbed onto his elbow and said with a brave smile, "it was delicious, Mark. I don't think I will ever forget this night."

"Well, I hope I can make it a night you will remember." He led her over to the elevator.

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last." She said with an impish grin as she tried to crack a joke and turn away from anymore dark thoughts.

Mark chuckled at her giving her a side eye, "Willy Wonka.."

Her eyes were filled with mirth, as she nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"A classic." He said and tipped his imaginary hat to show his agreement.

"Well, yours or mine?" she asked when they reached near their doors.

Well, I don't really want to do the walk of shame in the morning. So how about you bring a change of clothes and pour out a drink. What do you wanna drink?

"Gin and Tonic please."

"A woman of simple pleasures. I will put that on, come in soon." He left with that and entered his room.


She decided to change clothes as she wanted to show off the lingerie she had bought for tonight. It was a stunning blue lingerie set made from delicate lace and satin.

The bra featured an intricate lace embroidery of flowers, it was a demi cup that barely covered her nipps and really accentuated her breasts.

The gentle underwire provided the much needed support for her breasts that became much bigger post pregnancy. The matching panties mirror the lace motif, creating a perfect blend of comfort and sexy.

She felt a bit more confident in herself as she wore it and made her way to his room, she found him sitting on the couch, nursing a drink in his hand as he heard a song being played.

It was "experience," his own piece, it was just the piano but she could still recognise that beautiful song.

He patted the space next to him and gestured for her to take a seat alongside him feeling ready to finally reveal his secret to her.

She could tell that it was really bothering him, so she thought about giving him an out, "You don't really need to tell me if it's bothering you so much."

"It's not that it bothers me, it's the fact that I don't know how you will react when you hear it." He sighed and looked at her with a smile admiring her kindness even in such a situation.

He decided to soften the blow and gently said, "I don't want to hurt you and I really like you and I hope to fall in love with you someday."

"Then trust me to find it in my heart to love you even after knowing your secret." she took his hand in hers as she looked in his eyes with acceptance and trust.

"Spoken like a true author, trust is what relationships are built on after all." he nodded in understanding and turned towards as he drew in a breath and braced himself.

"People have dreams right, everyone does and I have mine well. It might sound stupid and perverted at first. But it's one of my dreams, no, one of my goals is to have a harem of women."

"Basically I want to have multiple lovers, treat them with love and give them all the happiness I can. I told you I am not perfect, just a flawed hypocrite who fell in love with you." he said with all his heart hoping that she will accept him.

*Smack* she slapped on left cheek, he didn't stop her enough though he saw it coming in near slow motion with his enhanced reaction time.

"I can't say, I didn't see this coming." he looked down as he muttered a bit disappointed that it didn't work out between them.

But suddenly he felt her hug him as she cried in his arms, he was confused. So he used his emotion/intent sensing to see if she was okay. He got hints of relief, exasperation and annoyance.

His heart sped up, was she gonna, his thoughts braked as he heard her speak into his ears.

"Mark, you really can be foolish sometimes. Why did you hide something like this?"

"You have no idea how badly it messed with my mind. I was trying to guess what your secret was gonna be, at first I thought it was that I don't look good enough for you, that I am too gangly and boorish."

"It was at the top of the list at least until the conversation we had at the restaurant, which somewhat put that fear to rest. But I still don't get what you see in me sometimes, Mark."

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. But if you want you can prove to yourself that you deserve to stand beside me as my partner, if that will bring you peace."

"Also what other things were cooking up in that noggin of yours?" He teased with an impish grin as he chuckled.

"I-I thought maybe you were in the Mafia or maybe you're involved in some kind of criminal activities and my mind was spiraling with these dark thoughts." her voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke due to the embarrassment.

"Well, I am not. I am just a perverted hypocrite who dreams of having a harem one day for himself." he said with a grin happy that she might actually accept him.

"As for the other fear you mentioned before, let's put that to rest. Come." he gently grabbed her hand and brought her to stand in front of a full length mirror.

He put his hands on her hips and placed her directly in front of it, and stood behind her, leaning his head on her shoulder to look at her in the mirror.

"Look at yourself. What do you see?" he asked her, his hands still on her hip.

"I see me and your head, next to mine." she answered with a giggle, happy knowing that they were now a couple. She was fully aware that his hands had not left her hips and it felt good.

"Very funny. You know what I see?"


"I see you, a brave and kind hearted woman with a gorgeous face and some of the most stunning pair of blue eyes I have ever seen in my life and when she smiles a genuine smile, it lights up the room she's in."

"Remember, Anne, we are the product of our actions. So, here is my unbiased opinion on your looks."

He leaned forward and caressed her thighs as he slid the satin aside and said, "Look at these beautiful toned legs, they are the result of working jobs that made you be on your feet and constantly moving."

His hands then moved up caressing her belly and reaching her tits. "Your breasts are just the right size for your frame," he squeezed them gently and giggled them in his hands as he said, "they have a nice firmness and bounce to them."

She couldn't help but grow even more wet as under his tender mercy. A sudden jerk as he pinched her nipples caused her to moan out loud. "Ahnn, Mark."

"Your curves are just breathtaking, that's why I can't believe your ex husband left you. Maybe the pressure of the unexpected pregnancy was too much for him to handle."

"But that doesn't excuse his actions or his cowardice. He was supposed to support you and take care of you in this delicate time instead he chose to run away."

"If you were part of my harem and we were lovers, just your physical attributes alone would make me do anything to keep you happy and satisfied."

"Through the letters we exchanged and in these short few days that I spent with you, Anne. I can tell that you are a kind, caring and compassionate woman with a brilliant mind that has the spark of creation."

"So you are not just a pretty package, your gifted mind is the main attraction for me. Your values, your determination to keep going, it inspires Anne and I would be very happy if you joined my harem."

After having finished his speech he took her hands from her hips, a loss of contact, Anne found she immediately missed. She turned around and looked up into his eyes.

She thought for a few seconds it was a lot to take in but her gut told him his words were true though she wanted an assurance, "only on one condition."

"Anything." He said with bated breath.

"Promise to never leave us and always love me and Jess."

He smiled hearing her request and lifted his right arm with his pinky finger out. She intertwined her own pinky finger in his and stared into his eyes holding her breath.

"I promise. To love you and Jess and do my very best to always keep the two of you happy. So.." he stopped expecting her to answer.

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his ears and declared, "I love you and I would love to give this a shot."

"Thank y–." he didn't even get to finish his words as Anne drew him in for a kiss.

She pressed her lips to his and shoved her tongue into his mouth, playing with his tongue which still wasn't moving.

She knew deep down that his inactivity was caused more by the shock of her actions than any possible rejection and before she could second guess herself.

Mark put his arms around her waist to hold her tight to him and his own tongue became active, exploring her mouth the same way hers did his.

"I don't break promises, Anne. I won't ever let you go." Mark said, as they parted their lips to breathe.

"I know. That's just what I wanted." she replied, trying to put on a confident and sexy grin.

"You're nervous." He looked right through.

"Argh, how can you read me so well?" she huffed in mock frustration while feeling happy inside at how well Mark seemed to understand her.

"It's just that I haven't done it in a while due to being busy with work. So I am not feeling too confident." she murmured softly as she was shy.

"You want me to take the lead?" He led her to the bedroom as he asked for her benefit.

"Yes, please. Also could you be gentle. I don't think I can handle all of you at once."

"Of course, honey. You know, I would never intentionally hurt you." he said gently

"What did you call me?" She was startled by how good she felt when he called her honey so casually, she felt like her heart almost skipped a beat.

"What? Oh, I called you honey, if you don't like that I can call you sweetheart, babe, sexy or any other word you might like." He was bantering to get her attention off of the "sex."

"No. Honey is good. I like it." she blushed as she replied.

"You look even more beautiful when you smile and blush like that, you know." He added on, enjoying her shy look.

Her watery eyes looked up at him, his emerald gaze meeting her blue. Slowly they grew closer before a small kiss connected them.

It was gentle and loving. He could feel her heart hesitating at first, fearful of being hurt, and slightly unsure of taking this path in our relationship. But then as their kiss grew more passionate, he felt her resolve grow.

In the next instant, she fell upon him, hands desperately grasping at his clothes as she pressed her body against his. He met her passion with his own as his harem king skill went into action.

His pheromones released and the smell of chocolate and roses filled the air as it grew heated. He pulled her onto his lap, moving on from kissing to attacking her neck.

Her moans filled the air, encouraging him to make her sing more freely. The essence of the Harem King synergised with his intent/emotion sensing skill, allowing him to know exactly where she was weakest.

His fingers danced across her flesh, drawing out more and more pleasure. He ripped open her bra with a growl rumbling in his throat before he buried his face in her bountiful breasts.

Her hand tangled in my dark hair, pulling him closer as he lavished her breasts with attention and affection that they had been deprived of for months and years now.

His hands went up her sides and on her breasts, caressing them and occasionally flicking his fingers over her hard nipples, making her gasp in pleasure.

He sat up and wrapped his left arm around her waist, using his right hand to continue to massage her right breast while his mouth closed around her left nipple, sucking and occasionally biting it softly and letting his tongue circling her areola, making her moan his name every time he did it.

He then grabbed both her tits and brought them together; and caught both her nipples in his teeth before pulling his head back. She screamed her release spilling from her lower lips as she soaked his lap with her cum.

Her eyes fluttered as she tried to collect herself, only for him to let her fall back on the bed. Huffing and puffing to catch her breath, but he wasn't done just yet. He knew he had to get her properly wet or else he might hurt her.

She looked back up towards him, only to squeal as he tore away her lace panties, attacking her slit with his tongue.

"Please...I j-just came!" She begged, embarrassed to have cum so easily and not quite ready for another one just yet.

But he showed her very little mercy; he wanted to burn his presence into her heart and soul, reforging her with non-stop orgasms and sweet love lovemaking. He forced her over the edge repeatedly as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

As he pulled away sometime later, the taste of strawberries and lemons seemed to be on his tongue.

He glanced at her wanting to see the result of his labor. She was a beautiful mess. An arm covered her eyes as the shreds of her nightclothes clung to her sweat-soaked body.

He definitely needed to buy her new ones as he had already ruined these in his excitement to conquer her.

But that would come later, watching her glistening form shining against the room lights made him unable to hold back anymore. He took off his shirt as his body was finally revealed and she was awestruck.

Anne didn't really have a preference for muscular men but Mark's physic was perfect. It was beautiful and strong with no imperfections to be seen, just one had rendered her mute.

All she wanted to do now was to caress it with her fingers and have a feel for herself. But it was when his pants hit the floor and his thick shaft became exposed that her heartbeat rose to the roof.

She tried to sit up using her arms as support, watching him stand there with manhood erect, looking like the marble statue of a Greek god that Michelangelo himself had spent years on creating.

There was no better way to display how much he desired her tired right now; his hard cock that was already leaking pre-cum said it all. He gently rubbed the tip of it against her puffy slit making her tremble in anticipation.

As his eyes met her own, he simply smiled trying to get her to relax, allowing her to feel just how much he cared for her. As they say, eyes are windows to one's soul.

"I Love You." He said leaning towards her, as he went in for a kiss.

As their lips made contact and they were in a liplock, he rammed his shaft into her, hitting the entrance of her womb in one shot. He did it because he wanted the pain to be over quickly so she could get used to his size.

She let out a high pitch squeal, her hands attempting to grab onto to bedsheets as tears of joy and overstimulation streamed down her cheeks.

Her body arched as her legs gripped his waist, heavy squirts of her release coating his waist and thighs. He wasted on time claiming what was his, his hips became a blur as he gave her a pounding that she would remember for life.

But he still took care not to physically hurt her, after all his physicality was peak human. Even though it wasn't superman levels, he could still just as easily hurt her if he isn't careful.

Thankfully the superhuman level of control he had gotten from the H.K came in clutch. He could feel the multiple orgasms shaking through her form as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

He played her body like an instrument; with each touch of his roaming fingers as he explored her body, each slam of his hips, bringing forth a moan or squeal that was just music to his ears.

"More, ahhn.."

"fuck me harder, Mark."

"Ahhn.. please." She kept moaning as he slammed into her slowly yet digging deep making sure to hit her g-spot and bring her the maximum pleasure.

He gripped her legs and forced them apart on either side of her head. Now in one of his favorite positions, he hammered into her needy cunt. And he began to up the pace once he felt Anne had gotten used to his size.

He could feel his release approaching and didn't try to hold back. He just pushed himself until he reached it and with one final slam of his hips. He erupted deep within her womb, staining her insides white with his seed.

He didn't even have to use a condom and worry about the possibility of her getting pregnant because of his seed. As he had already toggled off the fertility of his seed in perks of the Harem King.

It's not that he didn't want to knock her up; he just preferred to do it only when he had a secure base of power. He refused to allow any child of his to be unprotected or taken advantage of.

As he pulled out his shaft, it dragged against her walls just right enough to coax another mini-orgasm from her.

Looking down at her eyes, he could see the anime hearts replacing her pupils and irises. Her expression was a mix of love and lust, her skin flush with exertion.

The cum that leaked from her was thick, the scent was lingering. He could see her lips twitch as the healthy and aphrodisiac nature of it worked its way into her body.

His thick shaft now coated with both their essences still stood tall, as she laid there half comatose. So he brought her back to earth by forcing it down her throat. The feeling of his thick cock stuffing her mouth and the flavor of their combined seed sent a shock through her system.

She began suck his cock as he said, "lick it clean, honey. I'm far from done, let's enjoy the night."

Then he began to fuck her face, while thinking about how he was gonna take her later.

~ 11:40 am, 1 hour later ~

After taking a break for a few minutes and rehydrating themselves, this time Anne wanted to be the one on top. "Mark, lay down, let me take care of you this time."

"Sure, whatever you want babe." he kissed her on the cheek and laid down comfortably with his head resting on the pillow.

She lifted herself up and sat down on his erection, letting out a loud moan as the friction caused little explosions of pleasure in her brain.

She rested her hands on abs and chest for support as she just sat still for a few seconds enjoying the physical contact and how perfectly Mark seemed to fill her up.

After a few more seconds of just enjoying that warm snug feeling, she started moving, first in a slow forward-backward motion with her hands on his chest.

After several minutes of re-enacting her horseback riding lessons from childhood in a very enjoyable way, she changed the tempo and direction.

She began gyrating her hips in a rotating motion that made his thick cock hit her pleasure spot even more, making her moan even louder as her eyes rolled back into her skull.

Alternating between gyrating her hips and bouncing up and down on his cock, she felt her walls clenching and before she knew it, she was climaxing loudly and screaming his name for the world to hear her love for her man, before collapsing on his chest.

He pressed his mouth hard on hers, both fighting for dominance with their tongues. It was a battle she found herself losing as he grabbed her butt while still inside her and luckily for her, he wasn't finished yet.

Happy that he had more stamina than she anticipated, she sat up again, turned around on him and placed her feet on both sides of his legs and started to bounce up and down hard.

"Mark! Mark! Fuck me Harder! Yes, Oh, Fuck! Slap it!" She exclaimed when Mark started spanking her ass, firmly yet with a gentle force.

She found herself liking that feeling, becoming intimate with him had awakened a new side of her that she didn't even know she had before.

She didn't know how long she kept this up for, with his hands wandering between squeezing her breasts and spanking her butt before she realized that his breathing hitched which let her know that he was close to climax as well.

Mark wanted her to climax again so he sat up properly and took her in the doggy style. It was a few minutes later when they finally stopped as she screamed his name again, collapsing onto the bed as her arms gave in.

The feeling of her orgasm pulled him over the edge as well and he released with a loud groan. Her body gave out, and he stopped as he didn't want to fuck her to death.

Looking over at her cum and sweat-covered form, she had a look of contentment and joy on her face. It made him feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

They lay on the bed, panting and experiencing the occasional aftershock of their torrid lovemaking. Instead of parting, Mark just pulled the comforter over them and held her tight.

Anne was a tad exhausted. She had had casual sex after going on dates before but this had felt different the whole time.

She couldn't explain it. Still lying on top of him with her back to him she turned her head towards him, making him turn his head towards her. She looked into his eyes and could only smile at him, experience the afterglow of being fucked so good.

"Thanks Mark. That was amazing." she said and kissed him.

"You were amazing." Mark said and kissed her back, first on the side of head, on the nose and finally went in for a deep french kiss to show his love and affection.

They continued kissing for what seemed like half an hour. That's when Anne realized why sex with Mark felt different, it wasn't that it was the best sexual experience of her life because it absolutely was.

It was the fact that one doesn't passionately make out like this when having casual sex with a guy you only met in person a few nights ago.

Normally, when something like that happens, they both went to sleep or one of them went home. None of her partners had ever held her tight and kissed her after the sex, not even her ex-husband, Jorge.

It was then when she felt him getting hard again. She opened her eyes and saw the spark of want in his, something that looked like something between a plea and an order.

She smiled and nodded, desperately wanting this night to go on forever but not knowing how long she could hold out for. He let her go for a second and placed himself on top of her.

She opened her legs wide, extending the most wordless but eloquent invitation she could muster at this point as their lips were still fused together in one of most heartfelt kisses she ever had.

She could feel Mark's love and affection for her flowing through her as his hands were at the side of her head, holding him up when he entered her again, her insides again welcoming his thick cock as he gently rammed into her sex in slow and steady pace not wanting to hurt her with overdoing it.

Mark breathed a sigh of both relief and pleasure. As Anne could handle a bit more of his punishing love, but he knew she was close to her limits. So, he decided this would be the last round for the night.

He made good use of his newly gained superhuman control, alternating the speed between slow and fast to prolong it but never stopping. He pulled her legs upward so they settled on his shoulders, the change in angle sending more shocks of pleasure through both of them.

In that position, it didn't take long for Anne to climax again twice before he did so as well. Again their bodies were fused together, neither wanting the physical contact to end and kissed for what seemed to be hours but were actually only minutes.

Then, to Anne's almost shock, Mark freed himself from her embrace as he stood up.

She probably wasn't thinking straight when she asked this "Where are you going? Are you leaving now?" She almost whined to her own surprise.

"Yes. To the bathroom. We should shower before going to sleep. And since we still need to get an event in the morning, I need to prevent us from having a hangover." He said despite him actually becoming almost immune to the effects of alcohol, another side effect/benefit of H.K.

He stopped moving towards the bathroom and came back to her and leaned over as he moved aside a lock of hair that was on her face and asked with a mischievous smirk. "Care to join me? It saves time."

"It saves time? You sure you don't just want to seduce me for shower sex?" Anne grinned.

"As much as I would love to do that, I'm still just a man. And we men are like muskets. It takes a while to reload. So, just shower for now." That was another lie as he now had near limitless libido from H.K, he just didn't want her to feel pressured for not being able to satisfy him.

Anne laughed at the analogy and got up. She took some of the shower gel from his travel case and they spent a good thirty minutes under the spray of water, washing each other's backs.

Although Mark had been right in his assessment that he couldn't go again right away, the same wasn't true for her.

And after a few subtle hints, the shower ended with him pressed onto her back and her left arm around his neck, yelling his name again after his fingers did magic between her legs.

But the real kicker was after he had gone down on his knees and shoved his face into her dripping sex as he had proceeded to bring her over the edge three times only with his tongue.

She christened his tongue and called it the "God Tongue."

To which Mark burst out laughing, as he told her about his hilarious idea for a comic about chefs competing in gruesome competition called Food Wars, with exaggerated reactions from the judges.

At that point, she realized, they both appeared to be sober again as if they had sweated out most of the alcohol they consumed on their dinner date and after coming back.

After they had dried themselves off, Mark took a glass and filled it up with water from the filter before downing it in three big swigs. He continued the process twice under her curious gaze.

"Are you that thirsty?" she couldn't help but ask curiously.

No. But if you don't want a hangover in the morning, you need to get fluids into your body to dilute the alcohol."

"Each time you go to the bathroom you lose fluids but the alcohol remains inside your system until the liver has broken it down, that's what causes the headaches. A lack of minerals and fluids." He finished explaining like a professional doctor.

After he finished his short speech, he filled and handed her a glass. Figuring that it couldn't hurt to try, she did the same, downing three glasses of water.

Before heading in, Mark had grabbed two toothbrushes from his travel case, a used one for himself and a new one still in its original package which he gave to Anne.

She again was mesmerized by the situation. She had been with Jorge for four years, married for one and they had never brushed their teeth together.

The whole thing seemed so domestic, the whole thing felt like they had already been a couple for years and for a second it amazed her just how happy and comfortable that thought made her feel.

Her reverie was interrupted by Mark spitting the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. She went out with him and her gaze fell to his clothing that was scattered around the room, she decided she wanted to sleep in with him.

So she grabbed his hand and let him to the bed, pulling him down with her and covering them with the comforter.

As she laid down on her side, she felt Mark doing the same, as he molded himself to her back and put his right arm around her waist.

She smiled contently and interlocked her fingers with his before her eyes fell shut, and she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

------------ ♦R-18 CONTENT ENDS

Mark was awakened by the vibrations of the landline phone on the nightstand. He looked at it and realized it was the 6:30 am alarm he had set before going to sleep. Despite getting less than 4 hours of sleep, he felt fully rested and energized.

And as much as he wanted to stay in bed molded against the naked body of this lovely woman. He knew that he needed to get up now so he could drive in early and practice for his performance at the event.

He slowly extricated himself from Anne to not wake her and went into the bathroom. After relieving himself, he washed his face and upper body and brushed his teeth.

He looked in the mirror and saw fading signs of their passionate lovemaking from last night. Anne had left bite marks on his chest and neck, a testament to what a tigress she was in bed.

Going back into the main room, he collected his rumpled clothes from the floor and put them aside to be cleaned later. After that he took out fresh clothes and got dressed.

Though he wasn't as quiet as he thought he had been as he heard a voice call out to him.

"Mark?" Anne asked, still sleepy and exhausted from the sex marathon they had last night. She was unable to properly open her eyes but had heard Mark rummaging around.

"Shhh. Go back to sleep." He gently requested as he didn't want her to get up as he knew how sore and exhausted she was because of last night.

"Why are you leaving?" She asked with a pout as she turned towards where his voice came from.

"I have to head in early for a practice session for my performance today. I really want to stay here but I really can't." he replied in an apologetic tone.

"Okay. But before you leave, come here." She called him and raised her head a bit. Mark went over to her and bent down to give her a goodbye kiss on her forehead.

But suddenly felt her wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down, she pressed her lips to his as they shared a parting kiss expressing their newfound love for each other.

After thirty seconds she released him when air became a necessity but left her arms around his neck and took a few deep breaths.

"Thank you for such an amazing night." she said as she went in for another kiss.

"No, thank you." he said and kissed her one last time before reluctantly heading out. But thought to take a few minutes and leave a thoughtful gift.


Anne woke up with a start, momentarily confused by her surroundings before remembering the night before. One thing she noticed was the fact that she had no hangover, so apparently the remedy worked but she had to pee real bad now.

She couldn't stop smiling, though as what she had intended to be a simple confession and hook up had turned into a love fest that had left her more sated than she could remember being in her life.

Then suddenly she had an epiphany, it was no wonder it had felt different than any other one-night stand or hook up she ever had. All the kissing in between, all the cuddling and the cherry on top - him calling her honey.

They didn't just have sex. They had made love.

'We made love.' she thought with a radiant smile on her face.

After being done using the bathroom, she came back and began collecting her clothes, her eyes fell to the bedside table in the room. On it was a tray with an empty cup, a thermos flask, a ticket, a cloche covered plate and last but not the least a handwritten note.

She took the note and began reading.

Good morning, beautiful. I took the liberty of getting you a thermos flask of coffee and some pastries so you don't need to wait on room service. Also, I got you a newspaper as you told me you liked reading that in the morning and I left a ticket for my show in the afternoon. Hope you have a beautiful day.

Yours Forever, Mark.

xoxo :)

PS: xoxo means hugs and kisses. It is something we use in America. I hope to see you at the show. Bye.

Anne's heart melted as she read the thoughtful note Mark had left her. He had treated way better than anyone she had ever been in a relationship with and he had only met her face to face a few days ago.

After she used the toilet and shower, she ate the two chocolate croissants Mark bought for her and drank the steaming hot coffee from the thermos. It was these thoughtful little things he did that just made her day.


— To be continued…

{Very Important Author's Note: Damn the date/smut scene got big. I would say it's too big. But that's what she said… okay sorry for the joke. But I love the office. I can't help myself but make that joke whenever I get the chance.

Now I do have some good news for you guys. My life is finally back on track and I will be able to make more steady updates from now on. By the time I am writing this author's note I have already finished over 2K words of the next chapter so believe me when I say that the next chapter will be out within 48 hours of posting this chapter.

It's the holiday season and I had to attend so many marriages and so much good content came out as well. All this had led me to become a little too busy and also a little lazy to create content for you guys. but now I promise I am back so I hope you guys have a good time reading this, as much as I have writing it.}