
Chapter 25: Antonio Must Know



Mel is calling me, Hmm I’m sure she wants to congratulate me on the article. When I picked up my phone and answered, I could already hear something weird in her voice.

“Umm, hey girl. I wanted to call you as soon as possible. I gotta tell you something.” Mel said.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, I already told you that Devin showed up at my house without being invited. Then when the paper arrived and I was reading it, he hovered over my shoulders. I had to tell him to back away. I thought that was very weird of him. Then, when he was reading the paper, he acted so weirdly that I started to worry. I even asked him, why did he act that way when he read the paper?” Mel said.

“Oh My Gosh. What is his problem?” I asked.

“I know. I thought the same thing. He told me that he really cares about you.” Mel said.

“He’s just gonna have to get used to me being with Antonio, if he thinks I’m going to leave him for him, he is wrong,” I replied.