
Chapter 24: The Not So Good News


I’m staying at home until this paper comes in. Then Devin and I will meet up at the cafe. The paper should be here a little after lunchtime, so I’ll clean up, do some laundry and that should take me up until noon.

While I’m getting my stuff done, Devin calls. He asked me if I had received the paper yet, and I told him that it hadn't. He sounded impatient over the phone. I explained to him that I will call him as soon as it gets here. It was a quick phone call because my housework needed to get done.

No sooner than later, there was a knock at my door. I threw my cleaning towel down and answered it. It’s Devin standing at my door. When I opened the door, I said, “What are you doing here? I said I’d call you.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just so excited to see Amanda in the paper!” Devin replied.