
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Teen
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8 Chs

The Heartbreak

"What are you doing, jazz!?" My bestfriend amy shouted while taking the bottle of wine off my hand.

I stoped her and continued drinking. I don't really care anymore. My mind is blank and all i can think of is marc. He was my ex boyfriend. We used to be on the same classroom. We started off as friends and started developing feelings for each other, or that's what i thought.

My older sister raine was right. I should have listened. That guy was complete bullshit.

Marc dumped me after 2 months of dating. He confessed that i was just a bet and I wasn't really all that. I couldn't believed it. After all the time we spent together, all the complements were all fake. I should have noticed.

"Jazz, theres plenty of other guys out there. quit wasting your time crying about that dickhead marc" Amy tried to cheer me up. I looked at her with complete disappointment.

"I will never love another man ever again! Never!" I said bitterly. At this point i was completely drunk. I think I really need a break from all this relationship stuff. I'm really not ready to date again.

"Believe me jazz, you just need to wait for the right person" Amy comforted me.

I stayed silent while admiring the stars in the sky. The right person?

"Not all of them are like marc. Maybe there's a guy that will truly love you.?" She smiled innocently trying to lighten things up.

"I don't wanna assume anything anymore, amy. I'm tired of this." I said while drinking from the bottle of wine.

"I don't lose hope, just wait for the perfect guy that will make you feel special and happy again." Amy was trying to be positive with the situation but I don't wanna listen. I was just so angry and sad at the same time. Arghh! Even though my emotions are exploding inside my head i just kept quiet.

"If there is such a perfect man, he wouldn't be meant for me" I said with a drunk but serious tone.

"Why not, you're pretty, you're smart you're-" I cut her out before finishing.

"Unloveable" i interrupted.

I drank from the bottle once , more before amy came and snatched it from my hands.

"That's enough already!" I ignored her as she yelled at me.

"Life is so unfair?" I said as i looked up the sky. I laughed

"Life is like a fairytale, some people are born to be main characters while others are just side characters that probably has nothing ahead of them." I cried.

"Gosh, you're drunk as hell. what kind of bullshit are you saying?" 

"I'm just saying that side characters are only made to complete the main character's story." I heard amy trying to hold her giggles.

Amy was laughing at me. I was talking nonsense. I couldn't blame her i was so drunk.

"Im really sorry just but... HAHAHAH! Jazz it's just one breakup. Quit being a drama queen" And with that She laughed and threw the bottle of wine.

She pulled out her phone and started recording my drama. "Don't mind me I'm saving this for future purposes, go on continue." I knew I would regret saying all this the next day but i just couldn't help it. Is love really this painful?

"Just like superheroes, they can't build a story without bad people...but for me, I'm more biased towards bad people.." I continued, i said things that were really cringe.

"Wow, so now you're lecturing us about stupid heroes?" I heard a familiar voice coming closer.

It was layla, she was my friend who also came to comfort, but instead of comforting me they just both made fun of me. This pissed me off indirectly.

I drank some more.

"Jazz, that's enough. what are you even saying?!" This time layla seems concerned.

"Shush, we're about to get to the exciting part." I heard amy whispered to layla's ear and continued recording. God, they were gonna make fun of me nonstop for this. They prolly gonna use the video to blackmail me too. What a bunch of assholes

Layla gave her a soft punch signaling her to stop it and it was not the right time.

"Jazz, why don't you just believe that true love is true? Just wait...." Amy stopped recording and immediate went to hero mode again.

"If true love was really real.... maybe its not meant for everyone." I said

"What do you mean by that?" Layla asked.

"If love was real then why are there still people struggling? Why aren't my parents together then?!" I shouted while tears were falling from my eyes.

"Oh, jazz..." my friends were speechless and didn't know how to comfort me. This has been an issue since forever. I just want my happy life back.

"Come on jazz. Let me take you home." Amy offered. As they were trying to help me walk my eyes were getting blurry and i had trouble walking. Then i suddenly fell to the floor.

"Jazz are you okay?" 

"Can you walk?" 

"Jazz answer us." 

"Jazzelene, are you alright?!" 

All these questions keeps floating in my mind. I just couldn't understand what they were saying. I was getting dizzier and dizzier by the moment and then... Blank.