
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Teen
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8 Chs

Idiot With The Painted Face

jazzelene's POV

I woke up in a bedroom. I looked around and I didn't know where I was anymore.The room is dark and small. It looks like a horror theme.


I moved my body to sit on the bed. I felt something cling to my foot.I looked at it and it was wrapped around with bandage. Someone treated my wound? But there was no one around.


I stood up on the bed and my leg hurt a little but I was able to walk.


I approached the door. I touched the door knob but before I could open it it opened.I saw an old woman.


"Oh .. you're awake come down and eat we prepared food downstairs" the woman's voice rang through my ear. It was the sweetest voice i've ever heard.


She grabbed my left hand and pulled slightly but I restrained it. "Where am I?" I asked the old woman in surprise. I was still struggling to walk so i stopped in our tracks.


It smiled before answering. "Iha, you're in hotel kasiyahan. The place where we're always happy." What a pity the old woman said.


Hotel kasiyahan? I heard about that place before. It's a famous hotel and resort but i heard it closed for some reason. Why is it still here?


"Ahh..ma'a—" the old woman didn't let me finish.


"Please, call me ninang lita" mayasang sabi nito.


"I'm leaving" I said seriously. I want to go home to the province because mom is not here. In the place that's always happy.


Ninang lita's expression changed immediately. "But iha, why are you leaving !?"She Question it.


"Because I wanna go home" I said seriously. I walked to my bag which is next to the bed, But ninang lita kept asking me questions but I ignored her.

I tried to make a  call but there was  no signal here. I was immediately angered and threw my cellphone  at the wall and this is what surprised ninang lita.


"Iha, why did you do that—" I didn't let her finish it. I immediately got up and left the room and left ninang lita inside.

"Thank you for saving and healing me but i need to go" I walked passed her. I didn't mean to be disrespectful but i was just too driven by my emotions.


I walked down stairs until I saw the exit. I finally left the hotel. I don't have time for this. As i exited the building, I was immediately stunned by the amazing view in front of me.

There is a small but beautiful beach next to it. I stopped to admire the view for a second. The sky had a hint of pink with a mixture orange which made the sunrise so much better. The cold wind brushing up against me and the  calming sound of the waves. For a short time i felt at peace, it's like i forgot about everything.

  I was about to go in to ask where I really was. But someone touched my shoulder. When I looked around, I saw a man about my age.


"How's your feet?" That voice... so soft but also deep at the same time. I  froze and was unable to respond.  It's was him, the guy who saved me.

"Andres, how about you?" The boy happily greeted me. He reached out his hand for me to shake.

I was about to shake his hand when i came back to my senses. This guy is a boy, which means he's trouble.

I responded with a stare.It was nothing but silence and indeed so awkward. I was about to walk away when andres stopped me.


"What about your name?" He asked. I just raised my eyebrow at him in response. I don't have time to have small talk with this man.


"Isn't it unfair to not tell me your name after i just saved you last night?"He playfully spoke again. My gosh now he wants a reward for saving me?! I didn't asked to be saved. Maybe i did.... BUT!? UGHh this is so frustrating. He was so annoying!!


"It's jane, are you happy now?" I gave him a really sarcastic smile. I made up a name, i wasn't too comfortable to give out my identity to this random person.

"Well then, nice to meet you janin" he said and took his hand that I just ignored him and the poor man was left scratching his head. 

"it's jane" I repeated.


"Oh sorry, janin. How's your feet" He grinned. It was clear that he was messing with me so i just rolled my eyes at him and as a response he laughed.


"You're so grumpy, janin." He pinched my cheek but i quickly stepped back.


Wait, this is the man who saved me on the bus. I stopped and glance at him for a second. I don't want to talk but it's wrong not to thank him.


"Thank you" I hesitantly said as i was too shy to admit that i was thankful for him for saving me. The idiot was surprised and confused at the same time.


"Huh? I'm asking if your feet are okay" He cackled as if it was the funniest thing he heard. Tss ... I didn't answer him and turned away. Atleast I thanked him. Isn't that enough? 


I was about to walk away but he stopped me. "Wait, you seem like you're in a bad mood?" He said with a smile. Isn't the man really going to stop at all!?


" No, I'm really in a good mood. See" I said sarcastically once again as i forced a smile. I turned around and walked away at the same time.


I don't want to get to know him, i don't want small talk with him, and honestly don't want to be close with men again. I don't want to fall in love with the wrong person again.


I walked away but I did it one after another. Bwiset! What does a man want anyway !? Doesn't he get that I don't want to talk!?


I stopped walking and he stopped too. I turned to look at him and he gave me soft smiled. 


"Don't follow me!" I shout.


He laughed. "You're so funny... Is this how you treat the man who literally saved you?" He said with a raised eyebrow. He was such a tease.


"So? I  said THANK YOU earlier, Isn't that enough!" Gosh, people want too much. Turn around and speed up at the same time. I reached the end of the hallway and it looked like the idiot was no longer following me.


I  saw the old woman i met earlier. "Iha! Iha! I was looking everywhere for you"


"Where is the nearest bus station?" I will ask.


"Iha, there is nothing like that here. The road is far from our area over here. You'll need to use a car to reach the terminal" she said.


"So? You're telling me you don't own a car!? What kind of hotel is this" I raised an eyebrow at the old woman. I know I'm being treated wrong but I want to get out of here.


"Ahh ... ehh no we don't, unfortunately " she scratched her head. "Arrrggghhh! Do you at least have a phone?" I asked artfully.


"Ahh, we do actually..." the old woman stammered. I sigh as a sign of relief. She told me to follow her so i did and followed her.


"Ere Iha" said the old woman pointing to the old phone. The telephone looked like it hasn't been used for ages. I approached it and dialed my sister's number. My hand got a little dusty from typing the numbers.


"But there's something i need to warn you.." I ignored her statement. I just want to go home already. Meeting new people right now is a really bad timing because of my mental state.


I'm planning to have an appointment with my former therapist hoping that she could at least help me out. When I put the telephone to my ear, it didn't work. I got so frustrated that a loud yell came out of my mouth.


"No signal? No car?! And no electricity!? wow" I screamed in anger. The old woman was scared. I heard someone laughing from behind me. I turned around and saw the idiot from earlier. 


"And didn't I tell you not to follow !?" I shouted at him.


"What's going on here?" I heard an old man's voice. "Iha, calm down"


"How do you expect me to calm down when i don't know where i am!?" 

"Iha, you're at hotel kasiyahan" the old lady answered. 

"you'll be staying here for a while." the old man said.

"Here!? Hotel kasiyahan? What kind of hotel is this?" I shouted furiously.


"Hey, lower your voice! they're the ones who saved you and you had the audacity to complain instead of thanking them!"The cry of a woman carrying a child.


I stopped to think. Why am i behaving like a violent dog? I was too stunned speak because of shame. I have now realize what i have done. I felt so embarrassed. Everyone was now staring in silence at me which made everything awkward.


"Wait, Stop fighting. Maybe we could come to arrangement" The idiot from earlier interfered. He looked at me and then grinned. 


"Since we're going to be stuck her for a while, we should atleast get along with on another, and you" He raised his hand and pointed a finger at me.

"If you're complaining then i think you'd be fine enough to stay outside." he said.


Arrgghhhh! Annoying!Why are they ganging up on me!?