
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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200 Chs

Chapter 23

Southwest battlefield, rebel positions.

Barrett carried a pirate version of RPG on his shoulder, aiming at the rebel position in front of him to shoot a burst.

Don't ask, ask Barrett to control the flow crystal to automatically fill ammunition.

Cannonballs poured madly into the positions of the rebels as if they didn't need money. Of course, they didn't need money.

Just as Barrett was bombarding the rebel positions frantically, Amy stepped out and rushed into the rebel positions under Barrett's artillery cover.

Barrett shelled deep, densely populated areas of the rebel positions. Amy beheaded the enemy who was close to Barrett in front. The enemies here are loose and suitable for single kills.

Seeing Amy's hand up and down, killing frantically in the enemy camp, and her elegant body, no enemy can attack Amy.

At the same time, Amy's eyes were staring at all the enemies around him. Once someone revealed a flaw, Amy flashed away. When the blade flashed, a blood sword flew out of the enemy.

The two cooperated, and enemies far and near could not escape.

Finally, this pattern was broken by the four lieutenants who arrived.

But can four lieutenants stop Barrett and Amy?

Obviously it can't. Amy fights with two lieutenants alone, and Barrett sees that the "RPG" in his hands is of little effect to the two lieutenants.

Throwing away the two bazookas in his hand, he raised his fist and hit the other two lieutenants. The fist is covered with a layer of external flow crystals.

One face to face, the weapons in the hands of the two lieutenants were assimilated, and then it was simple.

What kind of weapon the fist fits, of course, refers to the tiger!

A pair of metal finger tigers appeared in Barrett's hands, and the tips of the finger tigers flashed with bone-piercing light.

Next, the situation of the two lieutenants was a bit horrible and unsuitable for some children.

After not knowing how many punches they had, the two lieutenant generals were completely intact and bloody.

Looking at the rotten meat in front of the two people, Barrett felt that his situation was not right, and a cold warfare appeared in his mind. This feeling was clearer than the two previous times.

In the previous two times, Barrett's feeling of this state was very vague, but now Barrett clearly feels it. This state gives people the feeling.

"Is this ghostly?" Barrett asked uncertainly.

In Barrett's character setting in the original book, there is a saying that ghost energy is used, and the direction of use of ghost energy is to merge with domineering, and can enter the devil state.

"But it feels a little uncontrollable." Barrett worried.

"Amy, pay attention to my condition and wake me up if necessary!" Barrett shouted.

Then, Barrett slowly relaxed his grip on the ghost.

A cold breath swept across the battlefield.

Quiet, the battlefield fell into silence at this time, with only the sound of a few soldiers falling to the ground.

Everyone was shocked, or in fear, speechless.

"This is really terrifying!" Barrett was still conscious at this time. He also felt the influence of ghost energy, just like purgatory.

"No, it's the limit, Amy! Control me." Barrett felt that he could no longer control the oozing of the ghostly spirit. If this continues, Barrett will lose his mind.

It's self-evident how dangerous it is to lose your mind on the battlefield.

When it was said that it was too late, and under the influence of the ghost, Amy solved the two lieutenants who were stunned.

A dashing body rushed to Barrett, the Feiyan in his hand turned over, and the back of a knife was cut on Barrett's head.

Barrett became sober in an instant, and the ghostly energy released outside was like rootless water, and quickly dissipated.


The tight bodies of the surrounding rebels slumped.

Barrett just loosened his control on a small part of the ghost, if it is fully opened, it is absolutely overlord.

No wonder in the character setting, Barrett's overlord color is top-notch, and ghost and overlord color complement each other.

"Boss, what is this guy doing! Isn't it related to your loss of sanity before?" Amy said he was very tired.

"Before losing one's mind was just ghosting penetration, this is ghosting leaking." Barrett was surprised at this time.

Don't look at Barrett now that he has no way to control the ghost, it will definitely be possible in the future.

Barrett analyzed that after awakening the domineering of the overlord, the overlord and the ghost will check and balance each other and merge with each other, just like Tai Chi, you are in you, and you in me.

"Ghost? What is that, why didn't I." Amy was still in shock at this time.

Barrett didn't say anything, just looked at Amy with a mental retardation.

"Well, I know by looking at your expression, normal people are not." Amy said silently.

Is this guy in front of you a human? Before, I didn't look like people, and now I don't look like people anymore.

"Um, boss, take the liberty to ask, are you human?" Amy asked cautiously.

Don't tell me, this world is not just humans, small humans, giants, murlocs, mermaids.

In that case, Barrett really might not be human, after all, there are even zombies.

"One word, get out!" Others don't know, Barrett doesn't know yet. It was even questioned whether it was a human being.

"Amy, your vision is still too small." When Barrett said this, he seemed to be an outsider.

"Uh, what do you do with these guys?" Amy pointed to the frightened rebels.

"Wait for the government troops to clean up, they won't be able to take it off for a while." Barrett did not take these soldiers to heart.

First, after repeated artillery bombing, and then through the deterrence of ghosts, these rebel forces have lost their combat effectiveness.

"By the way, how about Hahn?" Barrett asked.

"Hey, I was shocked there, but fortunately, I didn't pee my pants." Amy pointed to Hahn in the distance.

"Well, don't worry about him, let him stay here slowly, we go to force other positions, the government forces will soon rush up." After that, Barrett took Amy and left.

Let Hahn himself calm down here. No one knows him anyway. He is not suitable for the next battle.

Southwest battlefield, front-line command of the rebel army.

"What's the matter, contact the front line, why did the gunfire stop?" Isakov asked puzzled.

The sound of artillery fire before was as if money were not needed, but now it suddenly stopped.

"Report to the general, that position can't be reached, maybe..."

The phone worm in that position just now was also shocked by Barrett's ghost, or it was dead.

"Damn it, something must have happened."


As soon as Isakov finished speaking, there was another violent gunfire from another position.

Needless to say, it's Barrett again.

At this time Barrett came to another rebel position, and it was another wave of carpet bombing.

After a wave of bombing, the density of the rebels has become much lower than before, and the bombing has no such good effect.

"Amy, kill more enemies than anyone else!" Barrett threw the cannon in his hand.

Fighting fist to the flesh is the man's favorite, and a pair of steel fingers appeared in Barrett's hands again.

"As long as you don't get rid of ghosts, you can do it all, no more fun." Amy complained.

Obviously, Amy did not enjoy herself in the previous battlefield.

"Haha, let's start..."

Explain here:

The fusion of ghost and domineering, and the state of the devil are the character settings I found. This is not a compilation. In the frenzied action, Barrett turned on the overlord to cover the whole island, which seemed to be combined with ghost energy .This should be a state similar to Luffy's fourth gear.

Finally, thank you all for your support.