
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 22

A week has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this week, Barrett continued to develop the fruit of fusion, and Amy's injuries were all recovered, and by the way, he guided Hahn's practice.

At this time, Barrett can already spread the fluid crystal in his body to a radius of 4 meters. Correspondingly, the combined giant can reach a height of 4 meters.

"Is there any news recently?" Barrett asked Amy and Hahn.

This week, Barrett practiced in a closed way, rejecting all news from the outside world, otherwise he would not develop so many Devil Fruits, don't underestimate this meter.

This meter can increase Barrett's Dao force by 50 to 100, which is only a week of practice.

"The news came from Herman that the government army announced that it was responsible for the Buxton attack. It was also announced to the public that this operation was under my command." Amy said speechlessly.

Amy once again used Barrett as a shield.

"In addition, this week, the rebels have started to fight back regardless of the loss, like wanting revenge. Herman said that they are under a lot of pressure, like asking if you have any ideas."

After all, the southern battlefield is related to the connection between the southeast and the southwest, so the pressure on the southern battlefield is still very high, and Herman chose to join Barrett, so naturally he wanted to ask Barrett's opinion.

"Well, let Herman shrink the position, don't engage in frontal fire with the rebels, drag them, spread their forces, and move their forces to the southwest in case of emergency."

Barrett issued a series of orders with extraordinary meaning.

"You mean?" Amy also thought of something.

"Tell Herman that I am going to attack the Southwest Theater. When necessary, let him stop the reinforcements from the south and southeast. When we are finished here, we will immediately send troops to the South Theater."

Barrett spoke his mind.

"Also, let him contact the person in charge of the Southwest Battlefield to cooperate with our actions." Barrett added.

"But will the person in charge of the Southwest battlefield cooperate with us?" Amy worried.

"Looking at the state of the residents here, it is obvious that the person in charge of the Southwest battlefield is still enterprising. In addition, you will soon be an honorary lieutenant general, or a hero in the eyes of the army and the people. The person in charge of the Southwest battlefield will consider it."

Barrett explained that according to the analysis, the person in charge of the Southwest battlefield should not be too bad.

"Understood, I'll contact Herman." After Amy finished speaking, she took out the phone bug.

"Wait, how was little Hahn's training?" Barrett asked Amy.

After all, it is impossible to bring such a little guy to the battlefield.

"This little guy has no talent in kendo, but he has a lot of strength and is very similar to you." Amy said, but Hahn must be incomparable to Barrett.

"Well, I'm strong enough to help my parents repair the boat when I was a child." Hahn said proudly when Amy praised him so much.

"Probably also have about 10 Dao Power, and the talent is good." Amy boasted.

A long time ago, Barrett explained to Amy Dao Li, the standard for measuring combat effectiveness.

"Huh? It's only been a week since Hahn has the strength of 10 Dao forces?" That's the strength of a soldier in the Navy Headquarters.

"This kid had about 5 dao forces a week ago, and this week, after my training, he has gained less than 5 dao forces." Amy said proudly, after all, he trained himself.

"Another genius!" Barrett exclaimed.

"Uh, don't sigh about this." Amy said with contempt, who can compare to Barrett in terms of talent?

Of course Amy didn't know that Charlotte Lingling was a pervert.

"Haha, since that's the case, Amy, take him to the battlefield, pay attention, killing the enemy is not important, you must protect him." After a brief embarrassment, Barrett said seriously.

"Let him go to battle now?" Amy worried.

"He's so young, there shouldn't be any strong people staring at him. At most, it's a young soldier. It's not a big problem. Besides, isn't it you?" Barrett explained.

Hahn already has the ability to go to the battlefield. Here, many adult soldiers do not have 10 Dao strength, let alone young soldiers.

And Amy, a super nanny with more than 500 Taoist powers, it would be a pity not to let Hahn train on the battlefield.

"Okay, but in the event of a special situation, I may go to support, and it is too late to take care of you. When Hahn arrives, you must be careful." Amy instructed.

"Yeah." Hahn's answer was crisp.

"Okay, that's it." After Barrett finished, the crowd disbanded.

Barrett continues his practice, which he must race against the clock before the battle begins.

After half a day.

"Boss, news has come from Herman. The commander-in-chief of the Southwest Battlefield, General Stani Kadir, is Herman's immediate boss and an old friend of General Illumi Coleman."

"General Kadir has expressed his full cooperation with our actions and congratulated us in advance on our success."

"In addition, the government army headquarters ordered Lieutenant General Hagrid to do his best to block the rebel forces in the southeast theater during our offensive."

Amy received several messages from Herman.

The government army also seemed to be dissatisfied with the situation in the Southeast battlefield. In the other two theaters, there were frequent reports of good news, but Hagrid didn't have enough military merit to be promoted to general.

"Very good, everything is ready, we will set off immediately, attack the southwestern battlefield directly, attack the rebels from behind, Hahn, you will follow, and you will start when the situation is chaotic."

Barrett ordered.

"Understood." Hahn also understood the current situation.

"Let's go!" After Barrett finished speaking, the three set off for the frontline battlefield.

After a day of raiding, the three arrived at the Southwest battlefield. Mainly to take care of Hahn's speed, but also to arrive at the battlefield at night.

The rebel positions in front of them were brightly lit, and there were patrolmen on the positions holding torches and patrolling everywhere.

"An hour off, Amy, notify General Kadir, and attack in an hour." It was a tough fight, and Barrett had to ensure his best condition.

At the same time, Kadir's troops also need time to prepare.

The Front Headquarters of the Rebel Army Southwest Field.

"Report to General Isakov, we heard news from the government army's eye line that the government army was suddenly rehabilitated more than half an hour ago, and the scale was large, as if it was going to launch a general attack." A liaison reported.

Isakov, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army in the southwest battlefield, holds the post of general.

"A sudden general attack without warning, what the hell is Kadir doing?" Isakov did not understand why the government army suddenly launched a general attack at this time.

"What is the reason, or what is the opportunity?" This is the news from the headquarters that Isakov suddenly thought of.

Those who attacked the headquarters may have come to the Southwest Theater.

"Quick, order to go down immediately, strengthen the vigilance, if you encounter a stranger, you will be arrested immediately, and the frontline positions will enter a state of first-level combat readiness!" Isakov suddenly ordered.


Just as the order was issued, the fire was already blazing outside.

The battle begins...