
Chapter Fifty Five

Zawadi watched as her mother was called to the witness stand. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if to prepare herself for her mother's lies.

"Mrs Mwamba, could you tell the court exactly what happened on 14th March 2020" the lawyer spoke.

"Of course. On that day, I woke up as usual, did my daily duties before I decided to pay a visit to my daughter. I mean she is, I mean was, expectant so I just wanted to see her. You know to check on her" she said feigning innocence.

Zawadi looked down, anger rising in her. Of course Lisa would lie about what exactly happened. To be honest she hadn't expected her to tell exactly what happened that day, but still, she didn't expect her to twist the events like she did.

"When I got there I saw Zawadi trying to get up the stairs, however she was struggling. So I decided to lend her a hand. Suddenly she just slipped and tumbled down.