
Chapter Fifty Six

...As usual there was a rush of excitement going through her veins. She didn't know why but every time he did that, she ended up excited.

Taking her lower lip between her teeth, she peered up at him. "Now you are the one with wild imaginations. I just want to shower "he shrugged a smirk playing on his handsome face .

"I am not thinking anything, I just know what you mean when you suggest we shower together " she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"And what do I mean? Please enlighten me "he asked mischievously, drawing her close by the waist till there was no space between them.

"Showering together is a waste of water and you know it, not to mention time. You said we'd be late if we stayed longer so let's go " she said and slipped from his hold before rushing towards the bathroom.

"Get out" she squealed when he entered before she could close the door.