
Chapter Fifty Four.

"Watch where you are going. " Charlie said harshly.

"I am sorry I wasn't... "she started an apology.

"I don't care, you are in my way. What kind of a daughter are you? How could you sue Your Own mother? " he asked coldly.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Her own mother, killed our child. Whether you think she is a terrible daughter or not doesn't matter, at least she is not a terrible mother like some others I could name. "Lucas stated angrily.

"Stay out of this is a family matter" Charlie warned.

"Family " Lucas scoffed" And what do you know about family? You abandoned Your Own daughter and now all you are doing is hurting her. Yet you have the guts to talk about family in my face. I am the only family she had. And I don't care what you think of her. I love her and she honestly doesn't need people like you" Lucas snapped.

"Let's go, he is not worth it" Zawadi, who was standing quietly beside Lucas suddenly spoke.