
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

GLADIOLUS · Fantaisie
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31 Chs




"Who would have thought that they'd adjust to their abilities in a short span of time?" Dr. Gissele said as she walks back and forth behind the glass window that is separating her from the seven young ladies who are undergoing their training.

It's been three whole months when the plan that Dr. Gissele proposed were abruptly declined from the high ups and so they had proposed to train the ladies before going into their first task. Within those months of training, all of the ladies seems to adapt in their new lives as each are demonstrating astounding progresses.

Danny who can completely control the force she is releasing and can even discharge any object or even a person away from her with a range depending on the force she had released. Jane who can now float in mid-air as she can fully control her gravitational abilities that can either turn anything she touches weightless or crush them with a dense amount of gravity. Haily, on the other hand can now turn water into solid ice with her water manipulation and cut through solid objects.

On the other side of the room, West and Orie are having a duel with their abilities. West that has the ability to manipulate fire and Orie who can manipulate Air. Dr. Gissele monitored the two and took down some notes on her pad that she always carries around. "Fire attribute is the most dangerous element there is but for me, Air is the most dangerous element there is to manipulate." The man beside her looked at her and nodded his head. "I agree, with air manipulation, almost any matter can be dealt with just Air; she can use her ability to put a force field around her as she defeats her targets, it's indeed-" "Both defense and offense" Dr. Gissele cut off the man and continued watching the two.

Outside the facility where Hypo and Marille are; they are still in a controlled environment practicing their abilities. Marille that can manipulate the earth and Hypo that can manipulate plants. The two are enjoying their training as Marille creates craters and even changing the forms of the ground as Hypo charges Marille with her vines from under ground.

"Alright ladies, that's enough. You may take your lunch and head to my office" Dr. Gissele announced as she walked away withe man following her. The ladies head to their room and took a rest before taking a shower afterwards. "I'm beat" Hypo exclaimed as she went inside the bathroom. "Well, I am hungry" Jane commented as she brushes her hair at the vanity table. "Alright everyone, we'll head on the cafeteria first" Orie announced with Marille and Haily on her both sides as they wave goodbye to the remaining ones in the room and headed to the facility's cafeteria.

"I wonder if they will finally let us out now" Danny asked out of curiosity as they walk the empty halls of the facility. Haily looked at her and shrugged her shoulders with no answers to give. "Whatever it is, I still haven't forgotten about the first deal we had and Pinty's death. They might be treating us well now, but that still doesn't change the fact that Pinty died in their hands" Orie stated as they enter the cafeteria with only a few people in it.

Both heaved out a sigh as they take their orders and went to their table. "Well, I get your point and we all do want to be free and avenge our friend, but you gotta let loose a bit" Haily suggested to the girl who is tasting her favorite dish. Orie looked up to Haily after tasting her food and gave out a sigh in defeat. "Alright, I'll try" She said before noise erupted the place as West, Jane, Hypo and Marille entered the cafeteria and head straight to get their orders before going to their table. They all ate their food as soon as they were complete and headed to their next location which is Dr. Gissele's office.

Danny knocked on the door and heard Dr. Gissele say 'come in'. They entered the room and there, stood Dr. Gissele with a black folder in her hand and the man beside her with an expressionless face. "Is that what I think it is?" Marille uttered. The lady holding the folder nodded in agreement as to what Marille had asked. She motioned the ladies to have a seat and so they did. "Finally, the higher ups decided to let you out on field and execute your mission, but this time, with a help from the man standing beside me." She motioned the man to introduce himself to the ladies.

The ladies sat there, looking at the man in front of them. "Hello ladies, I am Jameson Felix Lestrangue and I would be coming with you in your mission. I am an assassin that the organization trained and they ordered me to assist you." The man introduced himself. "Oh don't be too uptight, you're only a year older than them" Dr. Gissele commented and signaled the man to sit beside her. "He's my son and I hate the organization for sending him on the field. Although he is experienced, the mission is quite dangerous so I was a little hesitant" Dr. Gissele said as she heaved out a sigh. "Well, anyways. Your mission is to capture not only the assigned target given on your first deal, you now need to capture a L.A.B fugitive". Orie ceased her brows as to what was added on their plate.

"A fugitive? here? I thought we were the only ones you've experimented on?" Orie asked out of curiosity that made the other girls to be on edge. "Well, you were 'believed' to be the only 'successful' ones, but looks like we miscalculated and so, one of them escaped with his ability to control and read minds" The woman stated as she sensed that the discussion won't end with merely those details at hand and so she instructed them that further information shall be told when it is needed.

"Your necessities are already taken cared off and all you have to do is have some rest and wait for my call" Dr. Gissele said as she walked out of the room leaving the kids in silence. "It's my pleasure to be an assistance of yours" Felix said as it motioned to vow it its head but was stopped by Danny. "You don't need to be formal, we'll all be on the same boat so, no worries" she said

The guy smiled at them and everyone went with their separate ways to prepare mentally for the assigned mission.

"Mind control huh?"