
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

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"Someone will pick you up as soon as you arrive and you don't need to worry about anything else because all of you have a place to accommodate in the city you'll be staying as long as the mission is proceeding" Dr. Gissele mentioned as we are waiting for the cruiser boat to arrive. We are now finally gonna leave this island and begin our mission but despite all of this, I'm still and will always be on edge as long as these devices on our necks are active.

"You just need to go to the same university those two are attending; we're lucky enough that they're on the same place to make things a lot easier. This mission lies within your hands" She said as the cruiser boat arrive and we immediately entered. Gissele talked to her son first before he followed us.

"I know this is a serious matter but I'm kinda pumped for this especially that we now have our abilities" Marille expressed with a smile on her face that can be seen with excitement.

I looked at everyone and we all gave a faint smile. Don't even brought baggages with us since all the things we need would be at the place we'll be staying at. I went to the front of the boat and relaxed. I took a deep breath as I rest my arms on the rails of the boat.

I looked at my side when I saw Jane at my side. I smiled at her and so she did. She touched her neck where the microchip probably is and looked ahead on the ocean. The boat is now sailing and I guess the others are resting because we didn't got enough sleep because they were too excited to leave the island. "This is gonna stay permanent...won't it?" She asked as she touched her markings on her left hand.

I don't know how to react to every single thing she is saying so I just forced a smile at her. "You're lucky that you have that in your hand though, unlike mine, it's in my face and it sometimes scares me, after you told me that another mark grew when I went berserk at the lab room we were in as soon as I heard about Pinty..." I trailed off as I mentioned her name,the pain just comes back at me.

I felt a tear escape my left eye as the cold sea breeze is hitting my face. Jane turned to me and gave me a tight hug as she rubs my back. "We'll make it, together" she said as I hugged her back.

After that incident, we headed to where everyone was and decided to have a rest as well. It probably took four to five hours before we reached land.

It was an unfamiliar place.

"Come with me" said a man in a black suit as he gestured to follow him and so we did. He stopped in front of a black limousine and opened the door for us before we didn't hesitate to get inside. "Pretty fancy if you'll ask me" Hypo commented before the door next to her close. I looked at Jameson who seemed to be getting all shy from us.

"Hey" I called as they all turned to my direction and as soon as the knew that I was calling Jameson, they all turned to him instead and waited for his response. "Hmmm?" he responded with his ceased brows while looking at me. "You don't need to be shy, think of it as being our only guy friend or brother" I spoke as he replied with a genuine smile on his face and no awkward vibe was felt since then.

I looked outside the tinted windows to see that we're in a city. The limo turned to what seems to be a private subdivision and stopped in front of an elegant house. "Mom wouldn't let me sleep in any random place so...yeah, too much?" Jameson voiced out as he scratched the back of his head, probably embarrassed that his mom adores him too much to let us stay in a fancy place like this. "Don't be shy" Danny replied.

The man in a black attire opened the door and we all went out to check the house that we would be accommodating in a couple of months I guess. We entered the place and all I could say that it screams luxuriously simple.

The design was simple but you would know the moment you look at every detail of the house that it costed a fortune. "Mom had this prepared and said that we would each get a room of our own" Jameson said. The man left us the key before introducing himself as our personal butler and driver from this point on.

He toured us in the whole house that even has a backyard with a pool. Pretty nice. We were too tired and decided to just order dinner for us later. I went to my assigned room and layed in my single bed. The room shared the colors of dark shades of blue with gray and white. It was beautiful to be honest.

The room had a sliding door that leads to the balcony that is being covered with a dark shade of blue heavy curtains. The bed was at the center of the room with a white color and two pillows. Not to mention that it had a blue cat plushie.

The room was carpeted with a dark shade of gray and most of the wood are painted in white. There's a bathroom and even a walk in closet that is filled with clothes my size and five set of uniforms for me. I decided to take a quick shower and just wore a plain black shirt and a black sweatpants.

I headed downstairs to see that most of them are there and the only missing persons were Jane and Hypo. "Where are the two?" I asked before I sat down next to Marille and across West who sat next to Jameson. We're in the living room that had a coffee table, gray sofa set and a mini fridge near the flat screen TV.

"Still asleep" West replied as heaved out a sigh. "Well, I'll order dinner so what do you guys want?" Jameson asked so we suggested what we wanted and he took care of it immediately. The food arrived and the two finally woke up and joined us for dinner, we even invited Mr. Jax but he denied our request. We ate in silence but Haily decided to break the silence

"So...tomorrow is where everything finally begins"