
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

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31 Chs




"I'm glad you're all awake, I'm getting tired from all of this"

I raised my head to look at this woman. She was patched up and seemed to be ignoring her still bleeding wounds. I looked around me and saw that everyone was here and had serious looks on their faces. I tried to look for someone but my shoulders fell as I confirmed that it was all true. Pinty's gone and we weren't there for her at all. "I'm sorry" I said inside my head as I feel a tear escape my eye. I didn't looked sad or mourning at all. I had a poker face as I gazed upon this woman.

Something is off.

"What do you want?" I asked in a serious tone. She looked at me and clasped her hands together as if she's delighted to hear what I've asked. "Simple, I want you to find someone" She said as her jolly expression changed into a grimace. "And what's in it for us?" I asked again which she responded first with a chuckle "You're definitely not gullible, aren't you?" the lady replied with an amused look on her face. "Well, your freedom of course, obey my orders and after everything is settled, I'll set you all free" She continued as she signaled the man beside her and then the metal chains that are restraining us finally opened up and we were able to stand but we fell quickly when we were electrocuted.

I heard my friends endure the pain as they are also experiencing the shock. "STOP" I screamed as I catch my breath after they stopped the torturous scene. We came closer to one another as we helped each other to stand on our feet. "I forgot to mention that we implanted some microchips on your necks to track and monitor you. It also has the power shock you mildly, defy us and try to take it off.." she trailed off and gestured an explosion.

I swallowed air as a reaction to what Dr. Gissele said and looked at my comrades who are also touching the side of their necks. "We need the details" Danny said as she let go of her neck and faced the lady. "Very well then, follow me" She said as she stormed out of the room where we are in and so we followed her. We walked a long hallway and when we reached the end part where there is a single door and a glass at the side where we could see the mess. "You're lucky I didn't ended you quickly" the lady said as she looked at Danny who remained calm.

I have no idea what they are talking about but one thing is for sure, Danny made a ruckus.

We entered the room that looked like a lounge area with nothing but sofas and a coffee table at the center. The lady sat and motioned us to have a seat as well. She asked something from the man beside her who seemed to be an assistant and handed her a black folder. She opened the folder and placed seven papers on the table. I looked at my friends before we each took a copy.

"That there are the specific details that you will need for your mission. There are three necessary steps in order to attain our goal and that is; first, 'Play'. You will enter a university that has our target. Eliminate those who are a treat and befriend those who will be an asset to this task. Second is Execution; the moment you have your hands on the target, surrender the target at the organization immediately. Lastly would be gaining your freedom back. Now, any questions?"

We all looked at each other and shook our heads as a clear response. Although I'm having doubts, there is no other way to escape, we would be stuck in a pattern of hide and seek if we don't follow them, especially now that they got our lives on the line.

"None? then you'll go ahead to prepare yourselves because you'll be leaving tomorrow morning and I'll send someone to prepare the other things that are needed such as accommodations and paper works. Don't worry, We've sent a message to your families so you don't need to worry" She said as men entered the room and assisted us to another entry that leads to another hallway.

"I'll definitely get lost here" I heard Hypo whispered at the back. We passed through doors and stopped in front of a wooden door and when the door opened, the man ordered us to get inside and they'll come back tomorrow morning to pick us up. We entered the room and there were eight beds ready for us. As reality hit us, we all cried silently to mourn for our friend that was no longer with us. I heaved out a sigh and looked at my friends. "I'm sorry for what I did" I began as they looked at me with their crying faces. "For running away...everything was just a mess and I didn't know what to do as well" I added. Haily went to me and held my hand as tears were still dripping from her face.

"I'm sorry as well, I was at wrong too and didn't thought about things clearly" She said before we gave each other a hug and the others joined as well. We've stayed in that situation for minutes before we decided to think things through.

"Everything is going fast, from waking up on this island to having abilities and tomorrow, we'll be having a mission" Marille said as she lay in her bed that's across mine. "Tell me about it, I just wish Pinty was here to do the mission with us" Jane uttered in a low tone as she was getting some water from the mini fridge at the side of her bed at the end of the room.

"Well, she won't like it if we stay like this. It would be best to bounce back with a special treat from our abilities right?" West stated as she displayed a smile on her face. "Oh yeah, what abilities do we have anyways?" Haily asked as she looked at everyone. Danny stood in the entrance of the room that caught our attention.

"Dr. Gissele told me all about it"