
Harry Potter : twin of the boy who survived

DaoistewNoKO · Films
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85 Chs


The next day Nicholas flamel and pernelle took Andrew to the French branch of gringotts. They also disguised themselves to look like the old couple they are as it may arise suspicions if they don't.

This is done using the artifacts of the flamel family and those made by Nicholas himself. Andrew is looking at the goblins who are discussing something in French with Mr and Mrs flamel. He just sat with them whike after a few minutes an old looking goblin appeared and told him about the procedures.

The heirship ceremony is conducted with Mr and Mrs flamel taking oaths and a drop of Andrew's blood is taken. It is then poured into a basin which has some blue liquid in it, the ring of flamel house lit up while Nicholas smiled and gave it to Andrew.

Then the goblin took a parchment. The other process is to make him the heir now to confirm they will take another drop of his blood and they put that drop of blood on a sharp looking crystal instrument, as soon as it touched the crystal it lit up and then some characters started appearing in a different language which they can't understand.

But then the machine let the symbols imprinted on a parchment and gave it out. When the goblin took it he is stunned to see the houses on the list. Nicholas and pernelle blinked and asked what is it?

Andrew on the other hand wanted to know what happened too. The goblin gave the parchment to Nicholas and called Andrew," it's an honour to meet a descendant of houses Emrys, Pendragon and Lefay. Mr Andrew Pendragon, I'm Tripnock, please wait a minute sir".

The goblin exited hurriedly while Andrew saw the stunned faces of Nicholas and pernelle. He peeked at the parchment and is stunned too :

Andrew Lucian Potter

Heirships :

Peverall( heir by birth).

Potter( heir by birth - heirship taken)

Dumbledore ( heir by magic, birth - heirship is taken)

Slytherin (heir by magic, birth)

Gaunt(heir by magic, birth)

Pendragon(Heir by magic,blood)

Emrys(Heir by magic)

Lefay(Heir by Magic)

Griffyndoor (heir by birth)

Ravenclaw ( heir by birth)

Hufflepuff (heir by birth)

Black(heir by birth - heirship is taken)

Rosier(heir by birth)

Greengrass( heir by birth - heirship is taken).

Malfoy( heir by birth - heirship is taken)

Fawley( heir by birth - heirship is taken)

Flamel( heir by adoption).

He is stunned to see so many houses, but what is meant heir by birth, blood and magic. He is confused while Nicholas and pernelle looked at Andrew and then at the parchment. They don't know what to say while a goblin who is much older than the previous one appeared and said," it's not everyday you have the chance to meet the heir of the three legendary houses in Europe not yo mention famous all over the wizarding world. Pleasure to meet you, heir Pendragon. I'm Ragnok, the third, Current king of goblins".

The goblin greeted him politely and with a smile which only looked evil with all the sharp shining gold teeth. Andrew also shook his hand with the goblin in confusion and asked," uh, hello, your majesty. I think you're mistaken. But how did I became the heir of this many houses. I remember my ancestors don't have any descendants of house Pendragon".

The goblin shook his head and said," yes, According to this you're a potter belongs yo the peverall family. The peverall family roots stretched to ancient times even before the magucal Britain or europa. Maybe one of the peverall family may have married one of Pendragon house descendants. That blood surfaced in you, that is why the test says heir by blood. As for magic it's a phenomenon that appeared only a few times in history when the house descendants all are extinct. The ancient maguc will choose a heir suitable for that house. So now you're one of the royalty sir Pendragon".

Andrew don't know what to say and gazed at Nicholas and pernelle. The couple sighed and discussed something with the goblin king. They managed to convince him from releasing the news of a Pendragon house descendant by blood.

Afterwards they gave him the heir rings which are merged and turned into a single ring with many runes and patterns on it. Nicholas flamel gave him a vault to draw money from which he didn't lack as the houses are quite rich other than the houses that already have heirs he can access every other vault.

The properties list is a bit long in fact too long for him to even glance at, just the Slytherin one have too many like the forbidden forest it's the land belongs to Slytherin house, of course excluding the Hogwarts castle which Salazar donated to Hogwarts.

Other than that there are literally some towns and churches under the name of properties in numerous houses. The peverall list a bit too long in fact and he found something that made him shocked, the list is too long than Slytherin. So long there is a 2 meter parchment with only names not their places even.

He also came to know the potter's only took the descendant vault as their blood isn't matched the criteria to claim the heirship. Andrew didn't care about the descendant vault. He glanced at the properties from shrines, artifacts, and some properties it's a hefty sum for him to hold.