
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

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•The informant

When I woke up again, my room was dark, I had slept from morning until night.

Oddly, he wasn't hungry, but he could think about why. Although it was not too much, I still consumed more blood than I have drunk before, there is something really strange about me drinking blood, I am not a vampire and even if I looked at it from a worldly point of view, a fox at most consumes meat, no blood, even if the meat contains it, is not the main target.

But I don't think getting stuck in an existential problem about why I enjoy drinking blood so much is something to think about now.

Looking near my pillow, Bloom slept mere inches from my face, she would probably be hungry, at least when she woke up.

Now more rested I can think much better about the events, the feeling ... it is familiar, I had discarded it because at the time it was the least of my worries, but the feeling before feeling that my mind was dull was similar to the one I felt on that occasion in my mental space.

I don't know what that thing was. I had already tried to look for it before, but I never found it again when it entered my mental space, much less find any indication of it, it was as if that occasion had only been my imagination, but even without my memory, my lineage that was nothing happy on that occasion could remind me. Speaking of which, although the lineage is not alive and is just another part of me both physically and spiritually, but it seems to have a certain kind of natural instinct that works based on me and my benefit.

The spontaneous magic that occurred earlier is likely related to that dark figure in my mind, however, I also have no clue of what it is. The fact that it exists is for sure, it also seems to have a great influence on me and a rather beastly nature, but the most important question is what is it?, Except for my wand, of which I have no suspicions, I am not carrying any items that I didn't get it myself or have it checked out by me, which leaves out that I'm being affected by a cursed item, of course, it could also be that the curse is so insidious and powerful that I haven't been able to detect it , but if it were the case, it would mean that I also have no ways to fight it since it is basically an invisible enemy against which I would find myself powerless with my current capabilities.

A curse on me ... it is not impossible ... but I have not let my guard down when I have left the mansion or at Hogwarts and I do not think that my family has, also, it would be almost impossible at least according to my understanding that someone could curse me without even feel something.

I could also be under the influence of a potion, I am careful, but it is not impossible that someone has really managed to circumvent my caution and have strained it into something that I have consumed, but that being the case, it must have been between a period of my first day at Hogwarts and before Christmas break last year.

I will have to go to Pomfrey to verify that there is no foreign substance in me, but ... for that if I would need to take a blood sample, among other bodily fluids ... something that even with patient-doctor confidentiality I do not feel safe to show or ... learn to examine myself for potions and elixirs in my body, as well as identify them.

Finally ... it could be me ... my soul ... or my body ... I hope I have not been some kind of literal monster in my past life and that this is the aftermath ... I don't think so, at least I hope so, but leaving the nonsensical ramblings aside, If it really were one of those two, I would have to investigate in the grimoire, if the cause really resided in those two options, not only do I not know what it could be, but how it came to be from the beginning.

- Or at least that's what Extimum wanted to think. Inwardly he refused to accept that dark thought that whispered to him that he really knew the cause or rather the culprits. -

With that aside, only the pendant remains… an unexpected help, but certainly a last-minute appreciated.

Both investigating the pendant and the more complex points that I must investigate on myself require time, time and probably a trip home, perhaps asking for help-No, not that there was someone.

My continuous reflection was interrupted when I felt something warm touch my face.

Turning my gaze, I saw Bloom, she had woken up and was now looking at me. She kept one of her hands on my cheek while giving me a kind of look as if trying to tell me that she was there with me, supporting me.

Bloom: "Will you tell me now what happened?"

** Sigh **

I sighed a little, I wasn't ashamed to say it, but I wasn't very proud of it either.

"Well, yesterday, when I went ...". I told Bloom everything that had happened in detail.

Bloom listened attentively, sometimes making pensive or surprised faces and did not give any negative sign, something that I would have accepted as it was not out of my expectations.

Bloom: "that's really worrisome, but do you know why it could have happened just now?"

That was actually a good question, yes, why, why now, why not before?

"The only possibility that comes to mind is because whatever it is, I couldn't before, as to why to do it at that time, maybe it was just a coincidence or was stimulated by something."

Bloom: "On the other hand, I think this was a very good purchase and that old woman said it was not useful." Bloom said as she took the pendant that was on the nightstand.

"I don't think he was wrong, what happened before must have been perhaps a last spark that he still had on himself and was activated at the time. Changing the subject, haven't you slept well?

Bloom: "Why do you say that?" Bloom asked innocently, but the next moment she blushed a little and looked away.

** Grouoor **

A slight growl came from Bloom's stomach, a sound that was quite audible at the time, she seemed to be protesting that she had not received food all afternoon.

"Well, if we ignore the fact that you didn't wake up to eat, I felt like you were quite stressed and exhausted in the morning."

Bloom: "Well, I really didn't sleep well last night… I had a strange dream, although it was more of a nightmare. In it we were you and me, the place was like an underground magical world, it was magical and great, yet it was unusually dark even though there were light sources around. I don't know why we were there, but we explored the place.

We saw all kinds of things in that place, the fauna and flora of the place was quite unusual or rather peculiar, mostly with nocturnal inclinations, basically it was an entire ecosystem that always remained at night, during our exploration we found an old building I can't remember what the place looked like though, but we decided to go into it.

My memories of the inside of the place are also blurry, but after being there for a while, we were suddenly attacked by a large dark figure that came out of somewhere and tried to eat us; the figure did not seem solid, it was something like ghostly, but it was very large, so large that its mouth seemed to be able to swallow us in one bite.

However, for some strange reason we didn't fight her, we just ran away immediately. The more we ran, the more we noticed that the place began to become darker and colder, but it was not normal darkness, it was something more enveloping and insensitive, as if on the other side there was only nothingness, emptiness, death.

We ran all the way to what we thought was the exit, but then in the middle of all that darkness, I saw fire, a great fire coming our way quickly and we had to part ways to protect ourselves from it. When the fire finally ceased, I turned to see that you had been captured by the creature and you were fighting hard in its mouth trying not to be swallowed, I wanted to do something, but for some reason I could not, you did not seem to be able to offer too much resistance and when you were about to be swallowed by it I woke up ".

Bloom: "But now listening to you, I don't think it was something as simple as a dream, maybe it means something or is it a vision? Although it may be that I'm just thinking too much, I don't have any skills or magic about things related to divination".

"Hmm, I think we should try to review that dream, I remember seeing something similar to a pensive in the mansion, there we could review your dream in detail. Although it could have been just a coincidence and maybe a dream nothing more, but I feel like there could be more to it. "

"Well, there is still time, why don't we go down to the great dining room to eat?"

Bloom: "Yes, come on, I didn't eat anything after breakfast."

Getting out of bed, I organized my wrinkled clothes, put the pendant around my waist, and then left my room with Bloom.

We arrived quite late for dinner, I could almost say that we ate by luck, although the hours were more flexible now that we were on vacation, but there were still certain regulations due to recent events.

The dining room was pretty empty, but there were still some students and most of the teachers.

Neither Harry nor Ron were in the dining room, on the other hand, there was no sign of Luna, so I sat next to Draco, Crabbe and Goyle at the Slytherin table, they seemed to have arrived not long before me and they were also having dinner.

We chatted for a while while enjoying the food, Draco told some quite entertaining stories about some exploits of his father, in addition to the obvious embellishment of the facts, there were some interesting facts, the one that caught my attention were some about confrontations with wild vampires and others with great vampire families.

The topic caught my attention mainly because I was curious about them, they were not really that rare, most of them are part of great families worthy of the ancient title in their name or at least one branch or another and although they are not necessarily united, but all They seem to be governed by certain ancestral customs. That said, there were also wild vampires or vagabonds, who did not belong to any family, these generally committed many heinous acts and were hunted by the ministry or professionals in the matter.

Vampire families did not necessarily require a blood family bond in every sense of the word, they were something more like covens, although they were still linked by ritual or vampire magic to such families, at least for ordinary families.

The current vampires had declined a lot, in general they could not use magic freely and were rather limited to certain abilities of magical origin that they obtained by their origin and purity of lineage.

In fact, mage vampires were incredibly valued in such families and while they would be of great benefit to the family, they were actually something of a breeding ground.

Given the current poverty of lineage, excluding the noble families of vampires that still had vampires capable of free magic, most were just Dhampirs conceived from the union of a vampire and a wizard and yet did not ensure capable offspring to use magic.

With all this, it was possible to visit certain towns where these families lived and some were even a formal part of the magical community and, although there was still a certain bias towards them, but as long as they were well fed, they were perfectly reasonable people and with some Pretty nice extras.

Vampires were actually quite beautiful, but their skin was terribly pale and generally quite cold, as well, even though they didn't have red eyes or protruding fangs unless they drank blood, they were still recognizable most of the time, it's not like they weren't potions existed to normalize the paleness and temperature of their skin, so it was not really a problem for them to fit in, however, given the difficulty in conceiving offspring that can use magic, wizards would not normally marry vampires if they had not a great love, after all, the odds that they would have a quasi-squib child were quite high, of course, at least if that was the case, they would still be physically strong and capable of doing some tricks of their lineage, but for magicians it was something unacceptable, how could they have children who cannot use magic?

This was the reason why perfect Dhampirs were so highly valued in vampire families, if they could obtain the abilities of both parents, they would be a class superior to the common magician and vampire and their offspring had a good chance of continuing this trend, of course , this did not mean that everyone was happy with this deal, you had to remember that vampires were basically immortal, which meant that there was a good population of them and since their pregnancies took a little longer than normal, no one would want to end up being a brood mare for thousands of vampires.

That said, for the most part, the perfect Dhampirs hid, escaped or committed suicide, apparently the bite of the vampires had similar effects to mine, but because their fangs did not have the same objective, many times I could break the mind of its victim or leave it out for a long time.

Of course, there weren't as many vampire overpopulation issues, they had a kind of tendency to go crazy at some point in their life of their own free will or they were just tempted to go rebellious and try to use their abilities to dominate others and given the current regulations Within the ministries of magic, the profession of vampire hunters remained official and in continuous operation.

Well, enough explanation about vampires, talking about an entire race would take too long, thinking about other things, today I did not see Luna all day. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that I don't think I have other acquaintances or close people and it is likely that she was alone.


After dinner, I went out with Bloom for a night walk. I can't really get bored with the feeling, feeling the wind hitting your face, the speed and the feeling of freedom of movement while flying is something really addictive.

Besides, I can also vary between the way I fly, I can simply let myself be pulled by the sword while I hold it by its handle; I can use it like those skateboards non-magicians use, I can use it like riding a flying broom or just stand on it while subtly directing it with my mind.

Bloom also enjoyed flying, especially when she was climbing on the sword with me, the high speed could not be compared to her own ability, and it was not exhausting for her since I was the one driving.

The night was cold and the sky was partly cloudy, it was not snowing at the moment, but the whole place was still covered in snow, reinforcing the cold drafts. She was wearing a coat more for comfort and the feeling of being covered than for the cold itself, however, Bloom was a little more affected by the weather, her usual clothes were not exactly very covered, luckily, her strength was the fire magic added to the fact that she was hiding in my coat, she had no problems getting the weather to not reduce her experience, I think she enjoyed these night flights much more than I did.

We flew for about half an hour until Bloom asked me to stop, currently we were flying over the area near Hagrid's hut.

Bloom: "Why don't we go explore the forbidden forest? You told me about the place the other time, but we haven't been there yet."

"You are right, I have not gone again and it would be a slightly different experience being a snowy forest, very good, let's go"

With that decision made, I slowly flew down to a stop some distance from Hagrid's hut, not wanting to alert any of his pets.

Once on the ground, put my sword away and walked into the forest.

The place was still the same as I remembered, a dark but magical place, it always gave me this contradictory feeling when I entered it, it was as if a part of me told me that it was a gloomy and dangerous place and another only saw it as a pleasant forest a little dark, full of life and magic. If there was something to highlight, it was that the landscape was much more charming with the snow covering everything.

Both perceptions adapt well to my magician side and my fox side, for one it is a dangerous place and for the other it is normal and even comfortable.

As I plunged along with Bloom into the forest, I took the bag from my waist and held it with one of my tails, then stepped forward as my body began to shrink and change shape.

- A white fox had now appeared in Extimum's place, his height was around 50cm, a common size for his worldly counterpart, but still small by the standards of his true species. At first glance it would appear similar to an arctic fox, with a pure white fur, however, with more detail you will notice the 9 tails that protrude behind it and the design of its fur, which seemed to give it some areas of a slightly purple color bright, as in the tips of their ears and tails, in addition to their purple eyes that seemed abnormally bright in the darkness of the forest -

The transformation did not take more than a second. I have to say that although I have not practiced my metamorphomago skill lately, my constant improvement in magic, as well as the fact that I keep my ears and tail out have given me some improvement in my ability to transform into my fox form.

After a more detailed study I discovered that this ability cannot be called entirely as an Animagus transformation, although it is similar, but this is more an ability entirely from my lineage, on the other hand, the Animagus ability is an ability associated with those who possess lineage of magicians, it is not something that magical creatures can do, although it does not exclude them from finding other methods or resorting to physical transfiguration.

My vision had taken a lower perspective again, but I noticed that it was not as low as before, my size was much larger than before, if before it was something similar to that of a rabbit or a small dog, with an approximate of 40cm now at the less should be 50 cm tall, it is still a pretty sorry size, but I think it could change exponentially in the next few years.

With constant practice I had learned to transform my clothes along with my body when doing these transformations, thus avoiding having to put them away and then put them back on.

However, there were still certain traces of my clothes or accessories at times, such as a symbol that I was now looking at carefully on one of my legs, it was the same symbol that my pendant had. From previous observations he had come to know that clothing basically blended with skin, but accessories seemed to take a different approach taking the form of tattoos or other discernible features that depended on the animal to which it was transformed on how they would be made visible.

Bloom: "Wow, so this is what you look like." Bloom said as she walked around excitedly observing every part of my new form. She hadn't seen me completely transform into a fox before.

Bloom excitedly went to lie on my back, however, I involuntarily jumped dodging her when I felt her approach. Bloom managed to stop in time to keep from crashing to the ground and then gave me a sad look.

Bloom: "Why did you dodge?" Bloom had wanted to dive into the soft fur that now occupied Extimum's form, but she didn't expect him to reject her, considering that she always sat on his shoulder or on his head.

I blinked in surprise at Bloom's question, in fact why did I dodge it? I was confused for at least the first 2 seconds until it allows me to feel my inner emotions about it. I felt a clear refusal to allow anyone to climb on me, however, shortly after thinking about Bloom I did not feel so reacted to allowing her to do so, it was perhaps just a reaction to being the first time someone tried it and much more since I had taken this form very few times.

"It's nothing, come on, get on and let's go"

Bloom gave me a much more careful look and approached slowly, but seeing that I didn't really dodge her, she lay on my back, hugging my new form and running her hands over my fur.

After that, I ran with Bloom on my back into the depths of the forest.

Tonight there was a lot of spiders activity, but I was not interested in following them, much less paying a visit to a giant spider, I was not afraid of them, but tonight it was to relax and go looking for a fight was not exactly my definition of rest .

The forest had not changed much, the only thing was that the unpleasant presence of before was gone and the forest seemed to be much calmer and at peace, of course, that was within the parameters that a magical forest would naturally have, it was not uncommon to see like a seemingly normal plant it opened a large mouth and swallowed a toad that passed near it.

Thanks to the apparent peace of the forest it was not difficult for me this time to finally go through the entire forbidden forest.

The forbidden forest stretched over a large area, which I mostly toured, besides some normal creatures that coexisted here, there were also some species of magical plants and animals in it, both guys seemed to have no problem living together here without end up completely exterminating the other party.

In the forest there were also certain territories of some creatures, the most intelligent ones left clearly visible marks that contained a certain essence of them for other creatures capable of feeling or seeing them and the less blessed creatures used more common methods, such as using some of their secretions.

The territory of the centaurs was quite large, they marked their territories with marks on the trees, arrows or rudimentary totems of different types. I just explore lightly using illusion magic and being very careful, given your character, I'm sure I could have started a battle if they had seen me enter without their permission. They lived in houses made of rather rudimentary wood or in tents made of skins, on the other hand, their place was quite organized and they seemed to have certain facilities like schools or meeting centers.

The vigilance was good, a small group formed by 2 or 3 centaurs with bows and arrows or cold weapons guarded the limits of their territory and its surroundings.

After knowing the place of the centaurs I came across the territory of the trolls, the place was distinguishable from afar by the smell they gave off from their bodies, curiously despite their terrible smell, they were good at hiding with nature, I did not stop too much in the place, they lived in caves, big trees or simply in the light of the moon, they seemed to have some places similar to a dining room, recognizable by the great accumulation of bones of all kinds of creatures around.

Among other things, I also saw a herd of Thestrals and unicorns, both of them weren't together of course, but they weren't too antagonistic to each other either.

I did not find any werewolves, or a settlement of them, but on the other hand, this is a forest, so it was possible that other creatures found caves to hide or also established or found magical places that were not easily accessible.

Among the most interesting things that I found in my excursion through the forest with Bloom, it was Fluffy who was sleeping soundly in a large cave and a very interesting specimen, it was a wild Ford Anglia, not every day you saw a car with an apparent consciousness behaving like a living being, of that I am pretty sure, that was strange even by the standards of the wizarding world.


He was currently leaving the forest with Bloom.

Bloom: "That was very exciting, we should have come earlier, it was especially so when that centaur seemed to feel us and stared at us for a long time with his bow in hand."

"That was because you were too noisy, if you weren't so excited seeing the place, the centaur wouldn't have heard you, that could have been dangerous, you know?"

Bloom: "Mmm, it was interesting to see centaurs again, I remembered that they used to be much more fierce and proud, but now they seem a little more serene".


As I was walking closer to the edge of the forest, I heard a voice nearby that almost made me jump in surprise, I didn't know if I had been too careless, but I hadn't felt it approach.

Luna: "I knew I had seen something."

Luna came out from behind a tree not far from my position.

Bloom had also been taken aback by the sudden appearance and had shrunk her body down to its smallest size, effectively staying out of public view unless specifically sought out.

Luna: "Oh, so it was a fox ... no, not a fox, a kitsune? So it is a little fox?" Luna said as she got closer, she was currently wearing her full body animal-shaped pajamas.

Little fox ... little ... little fox ... profanity, how daring. Hearing her directional form was especially insulting and unpleasant to me, causing me to frown, something that from an outside perspective looked quite threatening in my fox form.

Bloom: 'Hehehe… she called you-'.

'If you say anything else, you will regret it.' I said annoyed when listening to Bloom, while I followed with my eyes Luna who was approaching.

Luna stopped when she saw that the fox's face seemed to contort.

Luna: "Don't you want me to come closer? Well, I guess I'll stay here. It's a nice night, don't you think? ". Luna stopped in her tracks about 3 or 4 meters from the fox.

Luna: "Although I wonder how I got here? I only know that I was sleeping and then I woke up near here." As Luna was talking, she sat on a nearby rock in the path, totally unconcerned about meeting an unknown creature on a lonely night, on the other hand, they weren't that far outside, Hagrid's hut was clearly visible in the distance.

Luna: "After waking up, I walked around a bit until I felt something and looked in a certain direction and then I saw something go fast through the trees. I wanted to see what it was, so I decided to follow him and then I found you here. " Luna spoke as if she thought the fox really understood her and without even bothering to be cautious.

Seeing her like this made me relax a bit, although I still felt annoyed by her direction so me, it would be something to fix later, so I sat in my place listening to her. Honestly speaking, he could have simply disappeared the moment he saw me, but it was not a concern to be seen, much less if I am near the forbidden forest, the only thing would be if someone had other intentions towards me or saw me transforming.

Luna: "Maybe it's because I dreamed of animals and since I usually come near Hagrid's hut to see them, I unconsciously came here while I was sleeping, but I don't know how I got out of the castle ... Will I have the ability to appear in my sleep? or did someone bring me here?". Luna said thoughtfully as she looked up at the night sky partially covered by clouds.

Luna: "Ah-Ah, it's cold. I've never seen you here before, is this your first time here? " Luna exhaled hot air as she rubbed her hands together. Although her pajamas covered her quite well, it was only pajamas and with the cold of winter added to the night, it was inevitable that she would start to freeze a little.

I wonder what would happen if I actually answered her, um, but being Luna, it probably won't surprise her too much.

Seeing her slight shiver from the cold as she rubbed her hands together made me wonder why she was still here, but seeing that she wouldn't move anytime soon, I decided to approach her. She didn't seem at all defensive even when I was totally in front of her.

She extended her hand trying to touch my head, but immediately I withdraw taking a step back, making her stop her hand, instead, I extended one of my tails to touch her hand.

Her body was frozen, something that strangely I was able to feel just from the contact of my tail with her skin, probably, she must have wandered through the sleepwalking snow longer than she knew in this cold climate.

Luna: "So soft and warm ...". Luna said when she felt the tail wrap around her hands and offer a cozy feeling that offered her warmth.

Luna: "It feels like that dream ... today I didn't see Extimum all day ... where he must have been ... it was quite lonely ...". Luna spoke as if rambling, as if only exposing a part of her thoughts with her words and not her complete thoughts, while repeatedly blinking and finally closing her eyes falling asleep.

Bloom: 'Did she fall asleep?' Bloom had been hidden and under a cloak of illusion observing the situation, but was surprised that Luna could fall asleep like that.

'It seems…'. How can she be so careless? Fall asleep before an unknown magical creature and within the forbidden forest area? Sigh.

With a thought my body expanded and in a moment I was back in my human form. I took off my coat and wrapped her with it, then I retracted one of my tails that held my bag and put it back on my waist, finally, I wrapped two of my tails around Luna's body and carried her while bringing her with me to the castle .

"It really is very sloppy." Although I said that, I couldn't help but think about his words, putting her last comments aside, her appearance here was something really strange.

"Unless she really has some ability to unconsciously appear, I find it too strange that she has appeared outside the castle and at night, even if we ignore the fact that she goes down to the first floor, it is really quite coincidental that she was able to avoid meeting some teacher or student who would stand guard and leave the castle to this remote place ". I couldn't help frowning at that thought, something was clearly very wrong here or Luna wasn't completely honest, but… I didn't feel like she was lying.

Bloom: "Maybe someone guided her here while she was sleeping? But currently there are not many students and besides, why would someone want to bring her here?"

Those were truly troubling assumptions and questions if they were real, but there was still a chance that we were just overthinking.


It did not take us long to return inside the castle and enter the Ravenclaw common room, I went with Luna to her bedroom, thinking about it, it was becoming quite common to visit her place, curiously, I did not find any record of something that healed sleepwalking, there was only one counter-spell, but Luna's sleepwalking wasn't a curse, so unless I investigated a form myself, Luna wouldn't be leaving her night walks anytime soon and didn't currently have much time, however It wasn't too serious a condition, either.

After leaving Luna in her bed, I realized that she didn't seem willing to let go of my coat, with a sigh I put it down and just covered her with her blankets and then left the room.

I think I am becoming something of a babysitter, I must stop concentrating so much on others, I will only make an exception to Hermione and Luna, now I have other more worrying matters on my hands.

Leaving Luna's bedroom, I made my way to my room with Bloom now beginning to nod sleepily from her position sitting on my shoulder.


A few weeks passed.

Christmas was over and then it was New Years, Extimum had gathered with the others for December 31st to celebrate and spend some time together, because Hermione was still in the infirmary, they spent most of the time there, Extimum had invited Luna and made sure this time not to neglect her, spending time with her at least at meals or inviting her to keep him company while he did his own things.

Luna had been a bit confused about the events that occurred that night, but she only asked cursory questions about the event and when I told her that I had been flying with Bloom and found her asleep in the snow, she didn't ask anything else besides give me back my coat.

I had asked Pomfrey to teach me how to perform blood and fluid diagnostics to detect potions or elixirs in the blood and although she had given me a few more looks towards my question, she did not ask anything and was willing to teach me, said that, I still need a bit so that I could do it myself, there was some complexity to the matter.

In the meantime, I had resorted to investigating and casting many spells on myself in an attempt to find out any anomalies and even went back to searching my mind extensively for something, but there were no results, on the other hand, I also rechecked all objects in my possession as a precaution, but there were no results either.

Since it did not seem feasible to obtain results at the time, I dedicated myself to studying my pendant, it was at least one of the few options that I could make at the time. My studies in that area were not bad at all, many of the ancient runes that I studied from the family grimoire were used in the pendant, however, the pendant had a very intricate construction and some parts were unknown to me, luckily, at least I could start rebuilding a blueprint of the runic system it worked with, as long as I could repair it, even if it took me longer to figure out my problem, I would have some security with me.

Because of this, I spent the rest of the holidays and the first days afterwards completely focused on studying him, I also visited Hermione on occasions, which led me to discover why he was still in the infirmary in addition to hiding his current appearance and continuing to receive treatment.

His behavior became quite peculiar, leaving aside the fact that he rarely spit hairballs and that he had a tail and cat ears that already generated certain changes in his activities.

Hermione seemed to suffer from bipolarity derived from a hormonal hit from her current state, so sometimes you would meet a clingy and affectionate Hermione, other times she would be irascible, sometimes she would seem bored, sometimes a little silly and sometimes you could even see her crying for no reason.

Speaking of the fact that it spit out hairballs, it was something really strange, logic dictates that cats spit them because they lick their bodies with their tongues and when swallowing they end up accumulating them, something that clearly did not make sense in this situation and their physical characteristics current.

But getting back to the topic, Harry and Ron had made sure to escape when a sudden change in mood occurred, leaving only me to reassure her, she herself was not at all pleased with her emotional attacks and the crazy variations that occurred due to her hormones, she had even managed to surprise me on at least two occasions, only so that when she came to herself she would lock herself behind the curtains and not want to look me in the face for a few hours.

Perhaps the one who got the worst of it was Pomfrey, who had to deal with a different Hermione each time.

Among these things, Hermione improved her relationship with Luna who had been very supportive in her emotional outbursts, Luna did not seem affected by her constant mood swings and what the Hermione of the moment did and instead only patiently accompanied her while I was gone.

I would personally say that it was an interesting experience, at least as long as you took it easy, maybe not the best experience for her, but I was able to meet quite a few Hermiones in that time and even better understand certain things on an emotional level.

After a few days, the students returned from their vacations and the castle again recovered its bustle and life, it is not as if I had not enjoyed the peace, the large size of the castle and its few people did not generate any pressure on me, something similar home I guess, but I can also say that it feels more natural when those long hallways and classrooms are occupied by students.

I had to slow my pace a bit in the first few days to be able to attend to all my returning friends, I didn't consider them a nuisance, it's just that even if there have been no more signs or accidents since the event with Hermione, my mind is off all calm, I have felt quite disturbed by it, something that my friends seemed to notice when I being distracted in our meetings.

Because of this, I only explained that a particular change had occurred in me that I needed to consider carefully, I did not explain anything else, but it would be enough for them to at least understand.

Hermione was still at least a few days away from the infirmary, her cat ears had disappeared and only her tail remained, so she was unable to attend the first days of school.

Among other things, Ron seemed quite happy as he made sure everyone knew that he had been able to repair his wand.

My Christmas gift had been a coupon or rather an invoice that would allow him to send his wand to the Ollivander store for repair or replacement if necessary, so I take advantage of Christmas to send his wand by mail and he received it again on the 1st of this month. I had not given him money because I was sure he would refuse it, but given his need and that it was already paid for, he did not refuse my gift.


Shadowless Mansion, main room.

It was a spacious and luxurious room, currently the room was a little dark and with a somewhat heated atmosphere in dissipation.

On the bed in the room were Callum and Ava.

Callum was sitting on the edge of the bed, arranging her clothes a bit, while Ava remained naked on the bed, the sheets only covering her lower half, exposing her two large mounds that stood proudly on her chest.

Ava: "Mm ~, you're so happy." Ava said as she purred a little seductively and squirmed on the bed, exposing more of her bare skin.

Callum: "Hahaha, the maturation has begun, the informant has news that it is very possible that he has experienced his first awakening."

Ava stopped her movements on the bed and fixed her gaze on Callum who seemed quite happy, giving a rather strange image when a slight smile adorned his always hard and indifferent face.

Ava: "Mm ~, that's wonderful, don't you think then ... that warrants more celebration?"

Hearing her words, Callum immediately returned to his original nonchalant expression and replied.

Callum: "It would certainly be a nice thing to do, but there are still business to attend to. The family reunion will be in a few years and since he has had his first maturation, it means that things are on the right track, we cannot allow ourselves to be negligent ".

Ava: "But ...".

Callum said nothing more and got out of bed, grabbed his coat and left the room, leaving Ava alone in the room.

Ava: "The first maturation, uh ..., once it's completed, Callum will turn his full attention back to me, sigh, for now I'll just hang on". If Ava was upset about being left alone, I don't know not at all.




sorry for the delay, this week was full of exams and other things so I could barely finish a chapter today.

I think I am beginning to adapt well to the first and third person in the rhythm of reading, what do you think? or should I go back to like before?

Zeroz7creators' thoughts