
•The Guardian of His Heart

I woke up the next morning, still a little dizzy as if I had a hangover, something curious since I have never gotten drunk. My body felt stiff, I could not feel that I could even move a muscle, on the other hand, my nose was invaded with a sweet floral scent accompanied by a musky smell and I became aware of a weight on my body.

Hermione was sleeping on my chest, while still hugging her naked body, it must be early because the light was still quite weak and quite clear.

I mobilized my tails by untangling my body and Hermione's from his grip, at least I could move them more easily than I could feel I could do with my body.

"Re-Reinforcement". Damn, even talking is difficult. After managing to cast the spell on myself, I felt a slight tingle go through my body and now I felt a little stronger. I was feeling so tired that I couldn't even remember where I learned that spell from, but at least I know that it should enhance or empower the caster's body.

Very carefully I moved Hermione to rest on the bed as I tried to get up. Even with the boost spell, my limbs constantly shake as I force them to move, they feel like noodles.

With a little effort I managed to sit on the edge of the bed and with a wave of my hand, I invoke my pocket watch that I keep in my jacket pocket. The watch immediately flew off the jacket on the chair.

Once in my hands, I look at the time. It's 7:46 AM, it's still early, but I'm sure Bloom will realize that I didn't come back last night or sleep with her, I didn't even wake her up to go out for our night flight.

Putting that aside, I turn my gaze to Hermione sleeping naked on the bed.

** Sigh **

On his back there are some scrapes and scratches with some lines of dried blood, there are also some bruises from when I put too much pressure on his body, his body is also covered in bites and hickeys. On a closer look, he has some inconspicuous spots of semen on his abdomen, something I also share, the last sensory barrage was too stimulating, so I ejaculated when we were hugging.

Seeing her like this fills me a bit of guilt and pity, but it's not only that, there is also the disturbing feeling that finds it thrilling and exciting to see her like this.

I shake my head and try to push those thoughts away. The reinforcement spell won't last long and I feel too weak, terribly weak, I've never felt so pathetic in my entire life, I can't call Bloom for help either, I don't want her to see me like this.

Moments like this make being a magician a really good thing, although my body feels terrible, but I can still do magic.

I wave my hand a bit and cast the quick shower spell on me and grab my clothes to try to get dressed.

As I put on my pants, I hear some noise from outside and someone finally calls.

Pomfrey: "Hermione? Are you awake?"

Hearing Pomfrey's voice makes me stop immediately. This was not good, it was almost certain that she came to check on Hermione's condition and if Hermione did not respond it is likely that she would come in to check that everything is fine and that she has had a good night.

I take the wand out of my clothes and wave it to allow the barrier to let the sound out, then proceed to alter my vocal cords, I haven't practiced my metamorphomago skills for a few months, but it shouldn't be that troublesome.

"G-Good morning, Madame Pomfrey." My voice sounds a little hoarse, not only because my throat is dry, but because I hadn't tried to imitate Hermione before, however, I managed to get Hermione's voice right.

Pomfrey: "oh, you're awake, are you okay? Your voice sounds a little hoarse." Pomfrey didn't go in right away, she could feel that a barrier had been erected around the 'room'.

"Yeah, ahem, it's just that my throat was a little dry." As I cleared my throat, I managed to finish tuning my voice so that it sounded exactly like Hermione's.

It was quite an interesting scene if someone could see me speaking in Hermione's voice.

Pomfrey: "Oh, I see, did you put up this barrier? I don't remember seeing it last night."

"Yes, I did not want anyone to see me right now and considering how gossip runs at Hogwarts, I did not want anyone to come spy on me." Given how gossipy they were at Hogwarts, my words were quite plausible, even if there weren't that many students right now.

Pomfrey: "oh, I understand, well, since you are well, I will come later to review your condition and apply the treatment."

"I understand".

Shortly after I heard Pomfrey walk away to do her own thing.

** pant pant **

After Pomfrey left I was able to gasp a bit, just having that conversation was terribly exhausting.

I quickly finished putting on my clothes and then stepped out of the curtains while covering myself in an illusion cape.

I immediately head for the potions cupboard. Pomfrey seems to be checking the petrified students, so she is a bit far away.

Let's see, bone-growing potion, calming potion, sleeping potion, antidote… antidote… essence of murtlap… ah, here it is, invigorating potion.

I take it from the cupboard and pour its contents into a small glass that I grab from a nearby shelf.

* Gulp *

It doesn't smell very good, but it's not a big deal at the moment. After drinking it in one gulp, I could feel much of my strength regaining, enough not to depend on the spell to sustain me, but not enough to fully recover.

I could drink more, but this should be enough for now. I return to Hermione's 'room'.

I don't think she will wake up anytime soon, I can barely move and I am physically much stronger, so she should get a lot more sleep to be able to recover.

Now, I must treat his wounds, I could look for some potion in the infirmary, but it would not be entirely friendly to his body with his current state, on the other hand, in this case and maybe only for me, the poison itself can be the medicine.

I got back on the bed and lay down next to her. I take a deep breath and then close my eyes and focus, searching for one of my most neglected skills so far, after a few seconds of concentration I was able to find it; It shouldn't take me that long to access it, but given the lack of practice, it is inevitable, at least controlling it is not a problem. After getting control of her, I open my eyes. A very faint purple glow now surrounds my hands, I give it a fixed gaze as it slowly begins to spread through my body, giving the illusion of outlining my silhouette as a visible aura on my body.

Then I turn my attention back to Hermione who sleeps next to me and I slide my hands over her skin, but this time, gently and delicately, exerting a little pressure on certain wounds and infusing the faint aura that runs through my body.

Step from your feet, then to your thighs, following your abdomen and then your chest and neck. Leaving the most sensitive areas for last.

** mmm ~ **

Although Hermione is still sleeping, her body instinctively reacts to my touch, moaning slightly and squirming. The wounds that were massaged by my aura slowly disappeared as my aura grew stronger by a minimal amount.

When I get to the area of his back, I am much more delicate in my actions than before, this part was the one that hurt the most in my outburst, when I gently run my fingers through the wounds I can feel Hermione's body shudder slightly. Seeing her so sensitive, I decide not to use my hands and use my mouth instead of her. My mouth, in addition to my fangs, has a certain tendency to create a generally relaxing and stimulating magical effect or in this case analgesic, so I continue its treatment with light kisses.

My action is appreciated when his previous shudders disappear and instead his cat tail seems to wake up as a slight purr escapes from a still asleep Hermione.

I continued giving light kisses and running my hands over his body while his wounds were disappearing. His tail on the other hand, becomes more and more active moving from side to side as if enjoying the caress. At some point I even had to stop her because it made it difficult for me to do my job well.

Purple energy is something like my natural magic derived from my lineage and like my magic from the natural magician lineage they grow with age, however, the true way to make my purple magic grow is through intimate contact with a couple.

Last night I was not fully aware of myself, so I did not use it, but now that I actively use it to heal Hermione's body as my hands travel over every part of her body, it reacts to my actions and grows accordingly. .

In a way, it could be considered quite perverted magic, but if it were, I wouldn't be the only one to have similar magic, I can think of some magical creatures / beings that it would be similar to, however, my magic is not totally inclined in that direction, even if it has its strong part.

I have not experimented too much with this energy, if I had to define it, it would be like my magic derived from my celestial fox part, while my human magic is generally colorless and without attributes, this looks like a seductive maiden who performs soft and sometimes wild dances, He has much stronger and more practical approaches than if I only used my normal magic, but until now I had not encouraged it, partly because I was not ready for it and partly because it would develop the longer I live. Its appearance is generally weak when I compare it to my human magic, however, that is mainly because I have not practiced much with it and because having a fully visible form, it seems quite weak being a dim light, although in reality it is completely inconsequential.

It didn't take me too long to heal all of Hermione's wounds, just leaving some hickeys and bites still visible on her skin, a part of me is really reluctant to erase them and instead wants to see them there, marking her as mine.

Healing her with my purple energy has not only greatly improved her previous fatigued physical state, but has also helped me.

With her body now healthy, I take a cloth out of my bag and summoning some water, I proceed to cleanse his body of all dirt, I could have used the quick wash spell, but I did not consider it appropriate, also, in a certain way, this it is also a kind of penance and apology.

Once finished cleaning her body, I repair her pajamas that I tore last night and dress her again.

** sigh **

With all of this finished, I lie down next to her as I hug her to me, resting her head on my chest.

The question now is ... what the hell happened? I feel like I'm getting very emo with so many things that happen, but you don't just go casually through life and suddenly you lose control and attack someone, right? Now that I think about it, I really don't remember ever learning a spell called 'Reinforcement', I've never looked at a category of magic that directly drives the body, hell, I didn't even know it existed, I could have assumed it did, but I never have read about magic like that.

While I'm lost in thought I can't help but play with Hermione's tail with one of my hands, curling the tip of her tail with one of my fingers, speaking of which, do tails always have something like a mind of their own? although I can perfectly control mine and They do not shake shamefully when I am happy or something, but they maintain a kind of natural dance in their resting state and can move perfectly in sync or independently following my wishes. Their action of following my will and ignoring what was trying to control my body last night was a clear example of it, although it could also have been due to the lineage to which they belong that they did not deign to be controlled and could resist on their own.

Returning to the topic, the events that occurred today are quite worrying. It's not like I don't have some theories or ideas of the cause ... but apart from the possible culprit, I don't know anything and I can't allow something like this to happen again. On the other hand ... this pendant of mine was able to help me, it will be one of my priorities to investigate.


** mm, uhh **

I was taken out of my thoughts, when I heard a slight moan of laziness and felt like Hermione who was resting her head on my chest was moving now.

Shortly after, she opened her eyes still sleepy. At first she was a bit disoriented and rolled around a bit while clinging to me, in an act of taking off her laziness and then getting up, however, then her eyes acquired a little more clarity and feeling the warmth of our closeness, she turned her head to look at me.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while, there was no abnormal sign in her eyes and she smiled a little as she waved.

Hermione: "Good morning."

Or that was what she thought she was doing, because the reality was quite different. I saw doubt, confusion, reminiscence, surprise, horror, anger, sadness, misunderstanding and finally perhaps expectation along with fears.

Even if I wasn't that perceptive or couldn't feel her emotions, her tight, nervous smile wasn't fooling anyone.

Hermione: "I-". Hermione was trying to act normal and trying to get up, but I didn't let her and held her next to me. I was not too Rude, all my previous actions were in order to give her better peace of mind for when she will wake up from her, so I held her close to her preventing her from leaving, but I was not too harsh for her to feel that she couldn't escape.


The unfolding of events had been beyond my control,but it didn't change the fact that I was also guilty. I was not afraid to apologize, but I didn't start the conversation with a plethora of words that might or might not do any good, I needed to know her disposition first, was she even willing to listen to me?

Hermione just buried her face in my chest and remained silent, but shortly after I could feel a slight wetness on my chest.

Feeling her tears instead of her screams indicated that there might be some salvation to the situation, so I hugged her a little tighter in an attempt to comfort her, even if I was the cause of the damage.

I thought for a moment how I would handle this delicate situation and acted once I decided what approach to take. Softening things and giving them time would be the common option, but I do not agree with that method as the first option, leaving things to chance is only a valid option when it is not in my hands to be able to change something, but since I can still do something, I will not hesitate to do it. In this case, a more direct and simple method is more effective.

"Look at me"

Hermione didn't move right away, but I didn't push her. I only had to wait a few seconds until she finally lifted her head from my chest and looked at me. Her eyes are still teary looking into mine.

"You hate me?"

Hermione lowered her gaze a bit, but then she looked back at me and just shook her head.

It was nice to know that she didn't really hate me, but given her state, she didn't seem too willing to talk either as she continued to process her emotions.

But even with my little experience, there is something I do know about women, their minds are quite creative and capable of forming all kinds of ideas, some reasonable and some quite crazy and even paranoid. That said, in problematic and delicate situations where there is a real interest in saving the situation, the ideal is not to allow them to think too much, instead, give them the answers to questions that they have not yet asked themselves and that on the contrary. They could lead to negative conclusions for both parties, in this way, although it is not assured to save the situation, the possibilities can be improved.

'Legilimens'. One of my tails held my wand pointed at Hermione and cast the spell from an angle invisible to her sight.

It wouldn't erase her memory, no, it wasn't something I wanted to erase, I just used the spell to allow me to establish a true connection with Hermione's mind. There are things that are simply too difficult to say in words, but if we only spoke with our thoughts and said everything that we really wanted to say, it would be much easier to understand each other at times.

Ah, the mind, sometimes it would really be good if it was like a book, but what you really find when you enter is something like a world upside down, in a way similar to a maze or in some cases more complicated forms, it was a Luckily it wasn't really necessary to understand all of that, in a way it was in its own way a natural defense, however, perhaps only really advanced Legilimens and masters of the art could really decipher much of all that puzzle. Like many, I only play a kind of trial and error game, looking for what information I can obtain through certain stimulations. Knowing how to interpret and how to find the information was the real task, in addition to knowing the different sectors of the mind.

Sometimes the Legilimency was just a kind of mental probe, other times it was a projection of our mind that entered directly into the minds of others, both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but superficially they are not very different, because everything that we may occur occurs in the time of a thought

Those who had trained their minds with mental arts like oclumency on the other hand would shape their mind to their liking, hiding things, putting up defenses and blocks, with a little practice even defenses capable of counterattacking. However, I did not seek to read his memories, or see his superficial thoughts, no, what I was looking for was the version of Hermione that inhabited this space, one with whom it was possible to dialogue and was willing to listen in her current state, something like that like her conscience.

On the other hand, the mental space that is accessed when practicing Occlumency or entering deep states of meditation is not the same place that someone would come to. My mental space is something like a dark space filled with stars, but that is just a room where my consciousness usually waits. Therefore, if someone were to enter my mind, what I would find would be a world, a world that represents my mind, a world that does not necessarily have a shape, feet or head, even if I can organize it with oclumency, I cannot alter it, perhaps hide it. But the place would never really disappear and would only change if I changed. That is one of the reasons why the Legilimens do not carelessly enter the mind of another and much less the mind of the insane or with mental disorders, the internal worlds that await there can be quite terrifying if you do not have experience.


I could have tried to dialogue with her directly, but in a situation like this, I would rather not take chances.

Hermione still had no mental defenses, so based on my previous practices, I immersed myself in a passage that allowed me to get straight to her mental version.

Along the way I used the influence of my purple energy and calm Hermione's restless emotions, alleviating possible traumatic effects in the process.

The place I arrived was the Hogwarts library, one of the places where Hermione spends most of her time, on the other hand, she was sitting in a corner with her head between her knees.

I walked over to her and sat next to her and was silent for a few seconds.

This version of her was much calmer, my actions along the way had managed to calm her agitated emotions, on the other hand, this version would not have so many qualms about speaking, of course, since it is her mind and conscience, she will decide what really I mean, but it's more like that in a way it would lack all the self-imposed limitations, it was like the voice of conscience that we hear in our head saying how much we hate someone even when we smile in their face.

I started speaking taking a casual and leisurely approach.

"I'm really sorry ... What happened last night was something that was beyond my control, of course, that doesn't change the fact that I did it, but I wanted you to know, on the other hand ... my words at the time they weren't fake, I really like you, your current appearance doesn't change that fact, however ... I won't lie to you, I hated it as much as I enjoyed it. "

Hermione: "I don't hate you ..." Hermione muttered barely audibly.

"What did you say?". Although I could hear her, I wanted her to say it clearly.

Hermione: "I said I don't hate you! I just ... I was scared, you didn't behave like you, you were more like a beast, in your eyes there was no longer the same calm and playfulness, it was just savagery, you looked at me as if I was just a prey ".

Hermione didn't really hate him, she wouldn't deny that she experienced a lot of negative emotions when she woke up, besides fear, there was also a certain feeling of betrayal and misunderstanding as to how things turned out like that, it was not a completely pleasant experience at first, she had really felt as if a beast wanted to devour her in a literal sense, her inability to do anything and perhaps worst, at some point she enjoy it, the stimulation her inexperienced body received was simply too much, but even she could tell that the The situation was not entirely natural and with the terrible sensation he felt at that moment, Extimum really seemed to have exercised some restraint or held back. Something important in her consideration was also that in reality, at some point she became completely unaware of what happened, she could remember the first parts, but after that, her mind only seemed to remember the sensations, a memory that caused certain shudders in her but not because of fear.

Hearing her tone, I could feel that she felt much calmer, but her deeds still had her a little disturbed. I used those moments when she revealed her emotions to try to mitigate those feelings in her subconscious, doing so might seem like I was manipulating her, but in reality I just wanted the event to be less traumatic and difficult for her, I was not trying to change the facts.

Hermione: "We ... we did it?"

"What thing?". Her question surprised me a bit, I didn't expect her to ask that, but I deliberately decided to play ignorant.

Hermione: "you know ...".

"I can't tell if you're not specific, a lot happened, I-".

Hermione: "Don't say it. Ahem, I mean, You and I ... we had ss-se, ugh, did we have sex?". Hermione was quite hesitant, but seeing that I wasn't understanding, she finally said it with a strong blush on her face.

"oh, no, we didn't, I guess that will be for another opportunity, one in which we are much more lucid".

Hermione: "Yes ... on another occasion, wait, what? No, no". Hermione muttered absently, but blushed and quickly shook her head when she realized what he was saying.

On the other hand, Hermione seemed much calmer knowing that she hadn't done it, she didn't want her first time to be like that, much less that she couldn't even remember it correctly.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you."

Hermione: "Hmp, I didn't say anything, you're imagining things."

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better." I said while getting up from my place and shortly after disappearing from the place.


All of the above seemed to have taken a long time, but in the real world it had been less than a second.

I found myself looking Hermione in the eye again, she blinked at the new information in her mind.

Hermione: "I didn't know you could do that."

Extimum: "a bit of mystery gives things a certain charm, but you can take your time trying to figure it out."

Hermione: "yes ...". Hermione said as she looked up at my head and at my waist.

Hermione: "You didn't have ... forget it, maybe I just imagined it".

Harry: "Hermione? Are you awake?"

Ron: "just come in, you know how she is, it is impossible that she is not awake before us".

Harry: "Well ugh, I can't come in."

Ron: "What, let me try, ugh, I really can't, it's ... like there's a barrier."

Harry: "Maybe if we push together we can cross, let's try together, 1,2 and ... 3, Woahh."

Harry and Ron charged together against the barrier, but by that time he had already deactivated it, so they went through the curtain and fell together peering out the other side.

Pomfrey: "you two, what do you think you are doing? You just need to ask permission to cross the barrier." Pomfrey screamed from a distance seeing them fall to the ground after crossing the barrier.

Harry: "hehe, sorry, we didn't know."

Ron: "oh, Extimum, have you already come to visit Hermione?"

Ron was the first to look inside. We had already parted and now we were both sitting on the bed together.

Pomfrey: "oh, I hadn't seen you come in Extimum." Pomfrey said while giving us a slightly suspicious look, she was always very aware of those who entered and almost never anyone managed to enter the infirmary without her noticing, but remembering that Extimum did not seem like a bad boy she supposed that he had only entered when she did not I was paying attention.

Although I was able to act perfectly calm, Hermione blushed slightly when she felt Pomfrey's slightly suspicious gaze upon us.

Pomfrey: "ah, you are very blushing, maybe you still have some adverse effects? Okay, you two, quickly get out of here and wait for me outside, first I need to check Hermione's condition, then you can talk to her."

Ron: "eh, but why can Extimum stay?"

Pomfrey: "Extimum is learning medicine with me and since Miss Granger has given him permission to enter, I suppose he would not mind his presence in the more discreet exams."

Harry: "Come on Ron, it won't take long."

Ron: "Good ...".


I left the infirmary shortly after, Madame Pomfrey did not find anything abnormal in Hermione so she consider her blush as something casual, however, after applying the ointment to Hermione to remove the fur that still had her body, she was surprised when much of it it fell directly from her. She could not understand how the effects had been much more effective now, on the other hand, it was not a bad thing and on the contrary, she reported that the time that Hermione would have to stay in the infirmary had been reduced by at least a week, still had to solve his ears and tail.

When Madam Pomfrey asked Hermione if she had done anything in the evening that could explain her rapid progress earlier today, Hermione only answered No while keeping her head down with a huge blush on her face.

Of course, I was only present for parts of Pomfrey's exam and still had to wait outside when Pomfrey had to put the salve on Hermione, but I could still hear her speak clearly from outside.

One fact that I noticed was that, unlike me, Hermione's ears and tail If they seemed to react to her emotions, her ears and tail would be down when she was embarrassed or sad or they were raised and her tail would wag happily in opposite cases. I don't mention it to her because she seemed embarrassed enough before and seemed to have noticed it too.

On the other hand, there was a slight tic that she would do very occasionally in which she would let out a slight 'meow' when speaking long sentences, something that she seemed to have tried to suppress before and was not present in her mental image.


After leaving the infirmary I headed towards the Ravenclaw common room, this time there were about 3 or 4 students in the room, I didn't pay much attention to them and headed straight for my room.

Once inside I saw Bloom sleeping soundly on my pillow, however ...

"A curious occasion in which you finally decided to get up early, don't you think? Stop pretending, I know you're awake."

She was awake, she didn't even need to go to our link to find out, it might sound strange, but when you have an eidetic memory and super senses, you start to notice certain things that no normal person would do, like the sound of breathing and heartbeat Naturally it is because I have paid attention to them when I was not doing anything in particular, otherwise I would not only know something about it just by listening to them.

Considering that I have been sleeping next to Bloom for a few months and they are things that I literally cannot just ignore, I cannot just decide all the time what I want or not to hear, even if I can control my senses, I am not a machine to have a filter or an on / off button, so sometimes I notice things that I had not the slightest intention of noticing.

With that said, although Bloom is quite good at hiding it, but there is still a minimal difference between the speed and rhythm with which she breathes and her heart beats when she sleeps to when she is awake, of course she could also be having a nightmare or a dream quite exhilarating, but something just doesn't feel natural.

"I suppose then that I will throw you a quick bath, after all, you are sleeping, velox-".

Bloom: "wait, wait, wait, I'm awake, okay? Don't throw anything at me." Bloom shot out of the pillow to now be flying in front of me.

"Hmp, then don't pretend, that won't work for me, unless of course you had other intentions." I said my last words in a dangerously low tone.

Bloom: "Eh… no… I was worried about you, yes, that's right, I woke up and you weren't in bed, you didn't even wake me up last night, besides, you feel a little different."

"Different like?". It seemed that she did have other intentions, putting that aside, her last words caught my attention.

Bloom: "I can't put a finger on it, it's something that I just feel, it's as if before you were a calm sea that waits patiently and now you have a great storm in the sky, waiting for its victim to arrive to throw lightning at it. The first thing it remains, but there is a latent ferocity".

"A peculiar way of saying it, but you express the point well. I have some ideas about it, but I'll leave it for later, for now… I just want to sleep. " I said as I directly threw myself on the bed, even if I am no longer physically exhausted, the same cannot be said for mentally, it is as if the night before I had not been sleeping and instead my mind had been awake all night.

Bloom: "Sleep? You? Hey wait, you still haven't told me what happened. Extimum !, Extimum !, * sigh *, well, let's go back to sleep. " Bloom tried to find out what happened, but he had already fallen asleep, so he resigned himself and "very reluctantly" lay down next to Extimum to sleep.

Bloom had actually not had such a good night, around the time Extimum fell unconscious, she had quite dark dreams involving him and her and had woken up around 4 am with black circles under her eyes and body. a bit sweaty, which is why she had spent all morning trying to fall asleep and worried that her dreams were real, which is why she was quite relieved when she saw him return safe and sound.


--Pov Bloom--.

Dark and cold, that's all I remember, I don't know how long I was there, but when I was able to see the light again and observe the world, everything had changed.

When I just woke up from my long hibernation I was very disoriented, I couldn't remember who I was, what I was doing or where I was, there was only him.

A young man, looking quite dazzling even among my memories, not that he had many at the time, but a general opinion based on my subconscious opinion already said a lot, his name was Extimum Shadowless.

Their last name was somewhat familiar to me, but even now I don't remember much of them.

At first I thought he was human, he had the shape of one, however, his body seemed to give me a very different signal that at first I ignored, later, he showed me his true form, then I understood that he was not really human, well, in a certain way. form was a hybrid, but there was something else. The transformation he showed was indeed quite impressive, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before, I sure had seen similar things, but none like him, however, what surprised me was not only the fact that the essence of his True form would have been so well hidden, but the fact that the other feeling I perceived from him was not that, that was… quite strange to say the least. I mentioned it to him later, but he didn't seem surprised, however, he didn't seem to know anything about it either.

Our first meeting was a bit confusing, because in that first moment we were already connected, I was not sure what he did at that moment, but I get to my ideas about it when I get back a bit of my memories.

Contrary to what others would think, I was not so angry, I could understand his reasons, it would be difficult to trust something completely unknown, there was also the fact that he had been the one who had pulled me out of a dream that could have been eternal.

That at least was enough not to go crazy with the idea, but it was not the only thing, in the time when I was especially vulnerable, he took care of me as if I was someone really special to him, he helped me understand my situation, he gave me all the support I needed at that time when even my own name was a big question and he treated me with special care, he did not give me any orders or force me to do anything, even if I had been aware at the time that a contract was binding us, I would not have thought that I really was because of their deal.

When some fragments of my memories returned, I was able to understand my situation a little more, I became aware that what united us was not mere chance, but a magical contract, an ancient one at that, but what I perceived of him was not false, his treatment towards me was real, the link could corroborate it and even without him, I was good at judging people and could tell, even if what led him to find me was a whim, but his act of bringing me back from my state of being neither dead nor alive and then using the contract to create a bond between us was not just for the purpose of satiating a curiosity, there was a real expectation of something there.

The current world is very different from where I come from, the magical world seems stuck in old things, it does not advance, there are some new things that could at least be considered the fruit of the passage of time, however, at best it was just vestiges of the vastness and glory of the ancient wizarding world. The true magical world was not limited, much less so closed.

On a plus side, today's world is relatively more peaceful, but wizarding society is in decline. We live in a sad imitation of magical cities, the great magic structures and towers have disappeared, the air is dirty and the earth dies. Although some great inventions of magic are still preserved and there are some places worthy of praise, but for the most part even non-magical beings have cities greater than ours. I don't know what happened in the time I was away, but there was a great loss and involution on the part of the magical world or at least the common magical world.

When I visited one of the houses of Extimum I was able to see again a trace of the former glory, pure air and full of magic, wonderful landscapes, the plants sang a happy melody and the leaves moved with life, the magical creatures had a vigorous magic and the buildings were grand and magical. Structures don't have to be flashy to be magical, they just have to have that special touch in them, that touch that you can only do with magic, showing the wonders of such power.

Based on this I came to the conclusion that whatever happened did not affect everyone and that the sad and limited world that I see still contains somewhere part of its former glory, protected by the wands of the great magicians.

While I was with Extimum I was able to get to know him better and the world today. He is a bit difficult to decipher at times, he always maintains a serene posture towards life and despite his great intelligence he seems to have problems understanding feelings properly, giving him a strange common sense in which he ignores certain actions or behaviors that can be considered abnormal, the keyword here is 'ignore', in a way he seems to know what he is doing and to be aware of its implications, but he just ignores them, such things are evidenced when he does not seem to have the slightest sense of shame in walking naked across the room or sleeping with me as if we were a couple, the first time I saw him I was naked, it was not difficult to know that it was he who had done it since there was no one else at that time, however, he also did not seem affected and acted completely indifferent when observing my nakedness.

Other times I have seen him observe the interactions between people as if he was watching an educational class, I am not completely sure what he can see, but I can perceive it through the link between us, it is as if there are colored clouds around the people and he could catch certain colors of them, then analyze those colors with people's behavior and superficial thoughts and come to a conclusion about how to behave. It is like a magical golem that learns human behavior.

Some time later I discovered the cause. The cause was his family and his home. I have seen it in his eyes, from his perspective, things do not seem so bad and he accepts them as facts, even if he sometimes questions those same facts.

The mansion he lives in according to his words is a big and beautiful mansion, in fact, when I saw it for the first time I also shared his opinion, however, that is not the truth.

The mansion is a terrifying place, I myself would not have been able to live there if not for him, it looks like a great prison, that eerie silence that seems to surround it, the long corridors that lead to a myriad of magical rooms from which he seems knowing every corner and ... loneliness, in the first days of my stay there I only saw two more creatures, a being that Extimum called 'house elf', quite strange in my opinion, I don't see how they resemble elves, even its long ears may be due to many other creatures; on the other hand, there was also a shady shapeshifter, however, he only came around occasionally and although it was a lot of fun, at the end of the day, a shady shapeshifter doesn't really speak, they only express themselves by a telepathy-like ability, a skill that now falls under the category of Legilimency.

But other than that, the mansion was lonely, even the castles of ancient undead creatures or beings with evil leanings didn't seem so lifeless and then there was his mother. She did not seem so special, she was a powerful witch that was for sure, she also had a certain strange aura around her, something similar to the one that Extimum had, but of a completely different nature, the most peculiar thing was, that she had everything as a witch, because she didn't look like a mother.

He had never seen a mother so cold with her son, her demeanor was true, there was not really a hint of concern or love when she saw Extimum again after a long period of distance.

Someone darker than her was her husband, Extimum's father.

In addition to his appearance, the man had exorbitant power and a terrifying aura, it was like being in front of a demon with an expressionless mask, just being in front of him made me sweat a little. I have met quite terrifying beings according to some fragments of my memories, but the sensation that came from him was something totally different, indescribable, inhuman, that's what it was, something inhuman. On the other hand, he also shared the same feeling that I felt in his wife, but his was also different.

Most annoying of all, I find a certain familiarity with that feeling, but I just can't remember what it was.

In a way, looking at his life I felt a bit of sympathy, but that was not what Extimum was looking for and if he knew that he was thinking that would probably displease him, he was strong enough to have learned to live with it, so To give him my pity is like scorning his efforts, which is why I never said it.

Observing this whole new world allows me to realize a truth that I had ignored until that moment due to all the previous events, now I am alone, completely alone ... my friends… my family… my acquaintances… even my enemies, all have probably also disappeared with the river of time. Maybe it's the last of my kind, the current fairies are ... a joke? I have no way to put it in a better way, they lost their power, their intelligence, even if they look and act to some extent like fairies, but they are no more Than a sad imitation of what's left of us

I would be alone in this world if it weren't for Extimum, he is now all I have. I need him and he needs me.

Therefore, I will give him my full support and I will be there for him like no one else can. No one but me can feel when he is truly sad or angry, happy or confused, understand the darkness in his heart and his struggles to find his place in this world. Even if one day there is another person ... no one will know his heart better than me, I will be the only guardian of his heart.

--End Pov--.



mm, let's see, here's another attempt at a totally first-person episode, I think it turned out better than my first attempt.

the first person is more immersive and I think there are fewer errors in the translation, although sometimes I had to correct because I unconsciously wrote in the third person.

Not bad, right? Comment which one you prefer, although I still haven't gotten used to the first person, I could try more often until I write perfectly that way, here in this novel we are growing together xd.

On the other hand, I think that Bloom's Pov came out a bit sentimental, but it is to be expected considering her situation, the character clarified better, I still need a Pov of Luna

Zeroz7creators' thoughts
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