With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------
Created by Rowena Ravenclaw, this room can transform itself into whatever the witch or wizard needs it to be at that moment. It cannot create food and has many limitations placed on it by its creator. Any item summoned or created in the room cannot be taken outside the room and it cannot summon living creatures. Its position on a ley-line nexus grants it almost unlimited potential otherwise.
It only appears when the user is in great need of it, but can also be called for by walking three times in front of it and focusing on what is needed.
Status: The Ley Line is temporarily blocked. (Time remaining on Block Spell: 1 hour)
Just as Harry closed the Observe window with raised eyes, he heard Fawkes's voice echo in his mind.
"I'm sorry Harry."
Dumbledore's wand darted up to point at him. He suddenly felt a tug near his chest, and his front pocket ripped right off. The Expansion Charm on the pocket broke, and Hedwig burst out of the magical space and into the air. Unable to suddenly catch her balance mid-air, she plummeted towards the floor. Before Harry could do anything other than watch aghast, Fawkes took off from his shoulder, catching the falling Hedwig with his claws and bursting into flames in a single motion, teleporting both the phoenixes out of there.
In the same instant, Dumbledore's hand flitted through a dozen wand movements before he brought his hands out in a wide arc. A humongous spout of fire started gushing from his hands and filled the entire height of the room in front of Harry, forming a huge wall of large abnormal flames that licked up against the sides and roof of the room as they took the shape of fiery beasts, dragons, chimaeras, and phoenixes, hiding Dumbledore behind them.
It was as if time itself froze for a moment, letting Harry realize what was happening.
Dumbledore was trying to kill him, and he was using Fiendfyre to do it.
Time started again, and the wall of flame started hurtling towards him, the dozens of fiery beasts falling and rising and falling again as the entire mass of undulating raking hot flame and toxic smoke swiftly accelerating on.
Area Sense: Giant fucking wall of flame that will kill you is 6 meters away!
Harry could feel the hairs on his arm singe even as the wall of flame was half a dozen meters away, which was indication enough that he wasn't as immune to this cursed fire as he was to normal flames. It also meant that he couldn't control it. There was no water here to use, the floor was marble and uncontrollable, and while he could use Aeromancy to remove most oxygen from the flame, he was pretty sure that Fiendfyre didn't need it to burn.
Area Sense: Giant fucking wall of flame that will kill you is 4 meters away!
Harry pushed the questions about why Dumbledore would do this out of his mind for the moment and focused on how to get out of this situation. Gamer's Mind took no time in deducing that to the conclusion that Dumbledore had asked for the Room of Requirements to contain him perfectly, and the thrice-damned piece of shit Room decided to work perfectly this time.
Area Sense: Giant fucking wall of flame that will kill you is 3 meters away! Run you twat!
'Run,' Harry thought as he watched the fiery monsters draw ever closer and closer, claws and horns and tails lashed, and the heat was solid as a wall around them. He could use Unicorn Boost and run…but where? There was no escape from this room. No doors, no windows, no way to get out. He couldn't apparate, and Hedwig had been taken from him.
Area Sense: Giant fucking wall of flame that will kill you is 2 meters away! How much more instruction do you need!
The heat was starting to grow unbearable as the flames were starting to lick at him hungrily and his sweat started to steam on his skin. Harry remembered something from the Room's Observe.
Status: The Ley Line is temporarily blocked. (Time remaining on Block Spell: 1 hour)
The Ley Line was the reason Harry couldn't use ID around the Room in the first place! That was why the ID Create skill showed Error windows around it! If it was blocked, then there was only one thing left to do.
Area Sense: Giant fucking wall of flame that will kill you is 1 meter away! What the fuck are you doing! Building up dramatic tension?!
"ID Create!"
The raging inferno in front of him disappeared, leaving him in an empty version of the room he was standing in. The sheer suddenness of the silence almost brought Harry to his knees.
Why would Dumbledore be trying to kill him? Had he somehow found out about his Gamer powers and was trying to eliminate him before he got too powerful? Did he suspect something about the violent past he had in the early days of gaining his Gamer abilities before he had come to Hogwarts? Had he discovered something about that foreboding vision he had in the Mirror of Erised last Christmas?
Whatever the reason, with the Fiendfyre gone and his sudden rush of adrenaline subsiding, Harry was left with a choice to make.
Option one. He could hightail the fuck out of here, first head to the Flamels for help, and if by some chance even they turned out to be untrustworthy, then just straight up escape the country and live life as a muggle named Jeff using the money he got by fighting zombies until he got strong enough to get back at the old man.
Option two. He could go back into the Room and face Dumbledore.
There were dozens of reasons to choose option one, and only one to choose option 2.
The old fuckwad still had Hedwig.
Gritting his teeth, Harry pulled out his wand from his inventory and stuck it into his pocket, before pulling Gandiva out and notching a Doom arrow that could easily cave in the entire room if Dumbledore tried anything else.
"ID Escape," he muttered, popping out into the real world, ready to blow the place to kingdom come.
The sight in front of him was not what he had expected. The Room had changed, and the change hadn't been reflected in the ID.
Gone was the pure white circular room and the nightmarish inferno of flame, instead replaced by an office room not dissimilar to the Headmaster's office. The floor was covered by a dark red carpet, and the walls were filled with paintings of rivers and waterfalls. On the other side of the room from where he was, lay a claw-footed desk at which sat Dumbledore, a gentle smile on his face. Off to the side were two golden perches, upon which sat Fawkes and Hedwig, looking oddly calm for someone who had just been kidnapped.
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