
Chapter 249

"Apologies for that Harry, though I must say, that's quite the handy ability you have there," Dumbledore said genially, smiling at him over his hands steepled on the table.

It took a second of Harry blankly staring at the old man before he realized what had just happened.


Dumbledore smiled pleasantly, "Language, Harry."

"Shut up," he snapped, making the notched arrow disappear and turning his bow back into a ring on his finger. He turned to Hedwig, "Were you in on this?"

"I wasn't," she said crossly, flapping her wings agitatedly as she shot Fawkes a dirty glance, "Fawkes told me after he took me away that the fire was an illusion and that they were trying to get you to reveal your ability."

Harry looked back at Dumbledore, quite a bit angry. What had actually tipped him off? Why would he act on it now?

"Why?" he asked, fixing a stony glare on the Headmaster.

"Take a seat Harry," Dumbledore's smile was gone as he waved his hand, making a cushioned chair appear across the desk from him, "The matter is complicated, and I assure you that you will find the reason more than sufficient. It is about Miss Turpin."

Lisa's name sobered Harry down a bit. Hesitantly walking up to the table, he pulled the chair back and sat down stiffly.

Dumbledore continued, "Thank you Harry. I was making some Floo calls while you were waiting at the Ministry. To confirm whether or not Wentworth was being honest with you."

"And?" Harry impatiently asked.

"He was. Lucius is doing anything he can. Blackmail. Influence. Threats. Bribery. He is leaving no stone unturned in making sure that Lisa Turpin is buried six feet under, along with any proof of his involvement in the Hogwarts Massacre. Wentworth was right when he said that there is no chance of winning this legally."

Harry frowned. There was the same emphasis on the word legally in Dumbledore's voice as it had been in Wright's voice. The kind of emphasis that would spring out like italics amongst plain text if it was written on paper. "What do you mean legally?"

The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes was back again, "I thought it would be obvious. Why else would I pretend to attack you and have you reveal a secret that you have been trying to hide for over a year now but for doing something illegal."

Harry's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. He knew that he should be asking about what he meant by 'illegal', but another part of the sentence grabbed his attention, "You knew that I had the ability to pop in and out of a parallel dimension since last year and you didn't confront me about it?"

"I suspected that you had some sort of ability that allowed you to be at a place and not so at the same time. I knew after I realized what that ring on your finger was, and asked a centaur elder why you had it in your possession. He refused to tell me more than that it was a gift, but he wasn't unwilling to share your aptitude at Scrying and how he had seen you disappear and reappear at will. It pointed me in the right direction,"

Harry could have slammed his head onto the table right then and there.

His abilities were supposed to be secret. Now Dumbledore knew about his wandless magic, his Observe, his highly destructive Bow, and now his ID ability. At this rate, he'd find out all his other secrets, his gamer abilities, and the size of his penis by the end of the year.


Due to finally learning some humility, take +1 Wis!

Trying to remain outwardly calm, he waved away the screen and asked, "And you aren't worried about me abusing it?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "Believe it or not Harry. This is not the first I have seen of this kind of ability. I have met the rare few people who have learned to harness this ability and move through dimensions at will. Although you do seem to be a prodigy of sorts at it, I would have put an end to it if it had been needed."

Harry's eyes widened. The sheer implications of this were staggering. He had already noticed this trend that each one of his skills and abilities was based on already existing magic, but the thought that his ID skills were like that…It had never even crossed his mind.

"How did they learn it?" he asked eagerly, his earlier anger at the Headmaster gone.

Dumbledore smiled, "While your curiosity is appropriate, that is a very long conversation best left for another day. I insist we drop it for now."

Harry was disappointed, but Dumbledore was adamant. He finally asked, "You mentioned that you did all this because you needed me to do something…illegal. What is it?"

"I need you to break Miss Turpin out of the Ministry."

There was a single moment of silence, in which Harry incredulously stared at him.

"You need me to do what?"

"I need you to use your Invisibility Cloak and your ability to pass between Dimensions to get Miss Turpin out of Ministry custody so that we can prevent her from being taken to Azkaban after she is convicted and getting her mind further damaged by Dementors. Your abilities are suited to this, your age allows you leeway, and no place in the world can hold you if this goes south. You are the perfect candidate for the job," Dumbledore answered, dead serious.


Quest Alert!

Break Lisa out!


6,000 Exp


Lisa's conviction


The sense of unease that initially filled Harry soon dissipated after he pondered the thought for a second. There was no way he was going to let Lisa die or get Kissed by a Dementor, and for some reason, Dumbledore was just as determined to not let her come to harm as he was.






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