
Revealed Confessions

"Or if someone was paying you from his accounts without your knowledge. Your confrontation with him in the library answered that question loud and clear," Fred smirked.

"And yes. We were there in the library. Hiding in the stacks so to speak because we always try to be close at hand when Harrikins is out of his rooms but not in a class. Because unlike the three of you. And her," Lee said jerking a thumb towards Professor McGonagal listening to them in clear shock. "We care about Harry and want him to be safe. We heard your confessions loud and clear."

George nodded. "Seeing as how you have the marks for all the world to see, you can't now deny you did admit your guilt in front of witnesses."

"They wouldn't be there if you hadn't. As the magic can't be activated without your free admission of guilt," explained Lee.

"We'd already worked out what would be your punishment if it turned out you knew exactly what was going on and had agreed to the commitment of said crimes of your own free will." Fred admitted sparing his brother and sister a look of total disgust. "School rumor mill says he gave you three chances to alter your story and we know that's true because we heard him personally. But you insisted he give you back access to his vaults so you could get to the money you were stealing from him."

"Ginny, you didn't even didn't even deny stealing from your own dorm mates as well as from Harry's trunk that time he came for a visit. In fact, you admitted you stole from his trunk when he came for that visit before you ever came here as a student. The three of you are so used to stealing from him you think it's your right to do so."

"He was entitled, under the old laws, to punish you three, which keeps it out of the public eye and off the front page of the Daily Prophet for which you should be grateful," announced George. "Not that you three have the good sense to see that," he added spitefully.

Fred sighed and said, "If we had our way about it, we'd drag you all through the mud in every manner possible considering you did your level best to destroy him just because you don't think he deserves either his wealth or his fame."

"What is it I have heard you say so many times now, Ronnie? Oh Yeah. No stupid orphan should be richer than a pureblood. No blasted orphan should be so famous. No bloody orphan should have such strong magic."

"But what you forget Ronnie is exactly how he became said orphan. He didn't ask the Dark Wanker to attack his home that night. He didn't ask him to kill his Mum and Da."

"And the Dark Wanker didn't have to kill them at all. He could've knocked them out while he took care of Harrikins if taking care of Harrikins was truly the only reason he was there. But he killed them because that's what he does. And then he tried to commit infanticide. And it backfired on him."

"Who knows? Maybe the universe has a quota on how many people one person gets to kill. And he exceeded his quota for the year or something."

"But the point here is, Harry didn't ask to become an orphan just so you could have someone to be jealous of. And he certainly didn't ask to have the three of you trying to kill him as well as that Dark Wanker."

Lee sneered as Ron opened his mouth to rebut his brothers words. "Don't even deny you've been trying to kill him. That rune on your forehead tells everyone what a lie that is, Ronald. You tried to kill him by your own hand by shoving him in the back so he'd fall head first down a tunnel neither of you knew what was at the end of. That's attempted murder, Ronald."

"So we helped him to learn the spell and practice calling you out to where you'd admit your guilt in front of witnesses. You played right into his hands because you thought he was stupid and so blindly desperate for friends, he'd take any weasel in hen feathers as a friend no matter how much they stole from him," sneered George.

"Not even Percy is as pathetic as you three," concluded Fred. The twins, Lee and their girlfriends gathered their belongings and left the Great Hall together, the trio of misfortune forgotten as they decided to go find Harry and see if he wanted to hang out with them until time for classes.

As they left the room, Minerva said, "So it seems the three of you left some things out of your story to me as to how you came to bear such awful marks. Save it, Mr. Weasely. You've embarrassed me enough this morning. Never mind thinking up new lies now, Ms. Granger. The twins may be troublemakers but they aren't liars. They don't even lie to get themselves out of trouble when they know damn well I'm only guessing as to their guilt. So there's no way I'll believe they lied to me this morning when they didn't even take part in what happened to you three." Hermione shifted uncomfortably while Ron and Ginny flushed. All three of them knew the twins didn't lie when they got caught pulling a prank.

"Harry did do this to us though," Ginny mumbled looking down at her hands feeling embarrassed now that they'd been exposed to everyone in the hall. She could already hear the whispers as people began sharing what the twins had said to others who hadn't heard them.

"Professor Babbling wants a closer look at those marks. Maybe she can figure out how to go about removing them from your faces. I'm sure Professor Flitwick will be in his personal library this afternoon looking up the dark curse Mr. Potter inflicted on you. And when he returns, I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will get Severus to working on how to remove it as well. After all, he's our expert in things of a dark nature such as this clearly is."


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