
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Myrtle and The Headless Horseman

Accompanied by the music, the ghosts began to dance the tap dance, their twisted figures swaying in mid-air, and Ron stared blankly at the cheerful ghosts in the air like birds.

A short male ghost suddenly emerged from under the table and stopped in the air in front of them. "Hello, Peeves," Harry said cautiously. Peeve was a prankster, and unlike the ghosts around them, he wasn't pale and transparent. On the contrary, he was wearing a bright orange party hat, a twirling bow tie, and a grin with a grin on his wide, bad face.

With a smile on his face, Augustus greeted Peeves happily, "Peeves, happy holidays." Peeves followed the voice and looked over. When he saw Augustus, he was shocked. : "It's you! Why are you here?"

"This party is very interesting, so come and visit, it's been a long time, Peeves." Augustus was still smiling, Peeves carefully flew behind Hermione, "Want to come?" His eyes With a sly look, he handed her a bowl of moldy peanuts. "No thanks," said Hermione. "I hear you talking about poor Myrtle," said Peeves, his eyes flickering. "It's impolite to talk about poor Myrtle."

He glanced at Augustus, and suddenly flew to a corner far away from Augustus, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Hey, Myrtle!" "Oh, no, Peeves, don't put the I tell her she's going to be sad." Hermione whispered anxiously, "I'm just kidding, I don't mind when she does--oh, hello, Myrtle." A short The ghost of the fat girl floated up. Her face was the most gloomy and gloomy face Harry had ever seen, half obscured by long straight hair and thick, pearly glasses. "What?" she asked sullenly. "Hello, Myrtle," Hermione said in a voice that pretended to be pleasant. "Nice to see you outside the bathroom." Myrtle sniffed.

"Miss Granger was talking about you--" Peeves said slyly in Myrtle's ear. "I'm talking - talking - you look so pretty tonight." Hermione glared at Peeves.

Myrtle looked at Hermione suspiciously.

"You're making fun of me," she said, tears falling quickly from her small transparent eyes.

"How come, Miss Myrtle is the most charming ghost I've ever seen? Beautiful and generous, I think Peeves must have misunderstood Hermione." Augustus, with a gentle tone, let the sky Peeves shivered inexplicably.

"Really? Am I really that attractive?" Myrtle glanced at her transparent body suspiciously, picked up her long skirt, and turned it around, two blushes appearing on her face. "Although I know it's impossible, thank you very much."

Peeves looked at the happy scene, rolled his eyes reluctantly, and then shouted in the air "Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Poor, weeping, sullen Myrtle!" Augustus Pulled out the silver wand, a jet-black beam of light shot at Peeves, and Peeves' voice instantly seemed to be stuck in something.

"Oh my God," said Hermione sadly. Myrtle suddenly sobbed sadly, turned, and ran out of the basement.

Nearly headless Nick floated up from the crowd.

"Have you had fun?"

"Not bad, the ghosts are very friendly." Augustus nodded.

"The numbers are satisfactory," said the nearly headless Nick proudly. "The crying widow has come all the way from Kent. . .."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the band suddenly stopped playing. They and everyone in the basement fell silent and looked around excitedly when a hunting horn blew.

"Oh, shit," Nick said bitterly, almost headless.

Twelve ghost horses suddenly ran from the walls of the basement, each with a headless rider. The whole party applauded; Harry clapped too but stopped as soon as he saw Nick's face.

"Headless Horseman? It looks very pretentious." Augustus thought silently.

Twelve ghost horses ran to the center of the dance arena, stopped abruptly, stood upright on their hind legs, kicked their hind hooves, and rushed. On the front horse was a large ghost with a bearded head tucked under his arms and blowing a horn. He jumped off his horse and held his head high in the air so he could watch the crowd from above (everyone laughed); he strode up to Nick, who was almost headless, sloppily tipping his head and Stuffing it on the neck.

"Nick!" he yelled. "How are you? Is your head still hanging there?"

He let out a wild, wild laugh and patted the almost headless Nick on the shoulder.

"Welcome, Patrick," Nick said stiffly.

"Living people!" Mr. Patrick saw Augustus, Harry, Ron, and Hermione at a glance, and jumped high in fake surprise, only to drop his head (everyone burst out laughing).

"Very interesting." Nick, who was almost headless, said sternly.

"Never mind Nick!" shouted Mr. Patrick's head from the floor, "he's still upset that we didn't let him in the Hunters! But I'd say—look at this guy—" "I think," Harry said hurriedly, seeing Nick's meaningful gaze, "Nick is very—scaring, and—oh—" "Duke Nick is clearly a very hospitable ghost. Augustus continued, "Ha ha!" cried Mr. Patrick's head, "I guess he told you to say so!" said, striding to the podium, into an icy blue spotlight. "My late lords, ladies, and gentlemen, it is with great sadness that I..."

After that, no one could hear it. Mr. Patrick and the rest of the Headless Hunters played a game of overhead hockey, and everyone turned to watch. Nearly headless Nick tried in vain to recapture the audience, but Mr. Patrick's head flew past him in a roar of cheers and he was defeated.

Augustus looked at the carnival ghosts with a look of dumbfoundedness in their eyes. The ghosts of this world are really interesting. They live in schools and have their own social circles and activities. The most interesting thing is that they don't seem to think of themselves at all. Being an alien, it gets along very well with humans.