
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Movies
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85 Chs

Party of Ghosts

The time has come to October. After training every Wednesday in September, Loki, Lillian, and Malfoy have all formed their magic strings, and at the same time have mastered three or four first-level magic of their respective attributes. The temperature at Hogwarts Castle plummeted, and a damp chill permeated the grounds and infiltrated the castle. A sudden outbreak of cold among the staff and students caused Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse, to be in a hurry. Her refresher had immediate effects, but anyone who drank it would experience smoke in their ears for hours on end.

The bullet-sized rain crackled against the castle windows for days without stopping. The lake was rising, there was a mudflow in the flower beds, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of a flower shed.

In the Hogwarts library, Augustus sat on the soft seat and read "The Complete Book of Dragon Spells". The dragon magic in this world is very interesting. By borrowing the way of chanting incantations in the language of dragons, we can describe the cadence and rhythm of the voice of the magic system.

It was still pouring rain outside the window, and the sky was as dark as ink, but the house was bright and cheerful. The firelight lit up countless soft armchairs where people sat reading, chatting, and doing homework. Twin brothers Fred and George Weasley are studying what would happen if they fed a salamander some hard-pulling fireworks. Fred "saved" the bright orange-red lizard from the Conservation of Magical Creatures class, and now it was burning sullenly on a table surrounded by a crowd of curious people.

Suddenly, the salamander over there swooped into the air, spinning frantically in the room, crackling sparks, accompanied by some loud noises. Percy screeched at Fred and George hoarsely. The salamander spews orange-red stars from its mouth, which is very beautiful and spectacular. It fled into the fire with the sound of explosions one after another.

Augustus shook his head and continued to read the scroll in his hand with a smile.

"Mr. Augustus, are you also in the library?" A voice came from behind, Augustus raised his head, and Harry stood not far away in the mud and looked at him embarrassedly.

"Why did you do it like this, don't change your clothes?" A hint of doubt flashed in Augustus's eyes. Could this kind of dress be especially for Halloween at night?

"I just came back from the Quidditch training ground, and I was caught by Filch before I had time to go back to change my clothes. After I finally got out, I was stopped by Nick, who was almost headless and invited me to attend his death party. So I kept going. I don't have time to change." Harry explained briefly, pushing on his glasses.

"The death anniversary party? Is it a party full of ghosts? It just so happens that I am also interested, so why not join you? The party of ghosts must be very interesting." Augustus suddenly mentioned it to Harry on a whim.

"At seven o'clock in the afternoon, we will gather in the auditorium hall. I will go to Ron and Hermione. They should also be very interested in this death anniversary party." Harry nodded, agreed with Augustus, and then turned and left. library.

At seven o'clock Augustus, Harry, Ron, and Hermione met in the Great Hall and went straight through the doorway that led right into the crowded Hall. There were lanterns, candles, and gold plates on the table, alluring, but they headed toward the basement.

The aisle leading to Nearly Headless Nick's party was also lit with candles, but the effect was not at all pleasant: they were dark, thin little candles that flickered as they burned Lan Yingying's light, even when it shone on the three of them full of vitality, looked gloomy. With every step they took, the temperature dropped. Harry shivered, pulling his clothes tightly around himself. Then he heard a sound like a thousand fingernails scratching on a huge blackboard.

"That's called music too?" Ron whispered. "You can't guarantee that the ghost's hearing will still be like a normal person." Augustus smiled slightly. They turned a corner and saw Nick, almost headless, standing in a doorway, draped in a black velvet curtain.

"My dear friends," he said with infinite sadness, "welcome, I am so glad you have come."

He took off his feathered hat and bowed to invite them in.

The sight in front of you is unbelievable. The basement room was crowded with hundreds of milky, translucent figures, most of whom swam around the crowded dance floor, waltzing and playing music to the horrific trembling sound of thirty musical saws. The band of saws sat on the stage covered with black cloth. A thousand candles were also lit in a chandelier overhead, emitting a midnight blue light. The breaths of the three of them formed a cloud of mist in front of them as if they had walked into a refrigerator.

"Let's look around?" Harry suggested, trying to warm his feet.

"Be careful, don't pass through anybody," said Ron nervously, as they walked slowly around the edge of the dance floor, past a group of sullen nuns, a ragged man in chains, and a Fat monk. A Hufflepuff ghost, with a lively and cheerful disposition, was chatting with a knight with an arrow in his forehead. Harry also saw the bloody Barrow, which he expected. Barrow the Blood is the ghost of Slytherin, scrawny, with straight eyes and silvery blood all over his body, and other ghosts are making room for him.

"Oh shit," Hermione stopped abruptly, turned around, turned around, I don't want to talk to crying, Myrtle—"

"Who?" asked Augustus as they hurried back the same way.

"Stay in the bathroom?"

"Yeah. The bathroom breaks all year round because she keeps throwing tantrums and throwing water all over the place. I try not to go there if I can. You go to the toilet and she screams at you, It's terrifying-"

"And such a ghost? It sounds quite interesting." Augustus touched his forehead and said lightly.

"Look, the food!" said Ron. At the other end of the basement is a long table, also covered in black velvet. They stepped forward impatiently, then stopped in horror, the smell was too bad. Huge chunks of rotten meat on beautiful silver plates, dark, charred cakes piled up on large trays; there were plenty of maggot-infested haggises, and a piece of cheese covered in green hair. In the very center of the table stood a large grey cake in the shape of a tombstone, with tar-like icing spelled out the words: Nicholas DeMimsey-Sir Popington died 31 October 1492 Harry saw stunned. At this moment, a fat ghost came towards the table, crouched down, and passed directly through the middle of the table, his mouth wide open, just past a stinky salmon. "Can you taste it when you go right through it like this?" Harry asked him. "Almost," said the ghost sadly, turning and floating away. "I guess they let the food rot to make the taste stronger," said Hermione knowledgeably, covering her nose as she leaned forward to examine the rotting haggis.

Countless ghosts floated in midair, and transparent bodies of various colors shuttled back and forth in the air. Being in it was like a complicated stage play. The slender figure of Augustus was reflected in the pale light, and he slowly pulled out a long line.