
Harry Potter and Shadowhunter Crossover?

Harry never really expected to end up as Master of Death or that he would end up back in the past in another world but really he should have because that's just another day in Harry bloody Potter's life. Ship/Couples: Harry/Magnus/Alec.

White_Snow_Flake · Films
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

M: " We don't have a lot of time. It'll take a few moments to take affect. "

C: " What's happening to him? "

M: " Random werewolf transformation. It's a side affect of the poison in the alpha bite. "

' Being a werewolf seems like a lot of trouble. ' Hadrian thought.

D: ~ It mostly is unless you find it worthwhile, though for you yeah no you'll be dead bored and annoyed with the work you'll have. ~

H: ~ Huh, I ain't surprised, though last I checked you were gone to do your work? ~

D: ~ I am currently signing some idiotic ruler's death paper. Who the fuck thinks that taking everything his people like will make him a better ruler??? Even I ain't that cruel and stupid. ~

H: ~ Huh, how did he die? ~

D: ~ He got killed by his nephew, at least the kid became a better ruler, sadly she had to take over at the age of 15.

H: ~ Oof, maybe I can visit her someday? She kinda reminds me of myself so I kinda wanna see how she turned out like and how under her rule how the kingdom is like now. Wait am I able to cross other worlds you know without dying? ~

D: ~ Yeah you can visit other worlds without needing to die, though you would only be able to visit for 55 hours each month, so you can visit her. ~

H: ~ Sweet. ~

I was looking over at Luke to see how he's doing when I saw Simon looking at his bloody knuckles like they are the most tempting thing in the world.

' The fuck? Is he a vampire??? '

D: ~ Yeah. ~

~ wait for real?! I was just joking, didn't expect him to be a vampire. ~

I looked at him to see if he had glowing red eyes like in the stories only to see him lick his knuckles before looking around to make sure that no one saw him and meeting my eyes.....

H: ~ Soooooo this is weird and awkward... What should I do? ~

L: ~ Say hi? ~

H: ~ Life! Also saying hi will probably scare the kid even more! He looks like he's about to run away screaming or fall down right there and vomit. ~

D: ~ He's considering doing both of those option. How about you smile warmly and then act like you never saw anything? ~

H: ~ What do you take me for? A kindhearted grandpa with fondness for lost kids? ~

L: ~ ... ~

D: ~ ... ~

L & D: ~ Yes. ~

H: ~ Wow, thanks a lot. ~

L & D: You're welcome.

H: ~ ....Fine. ~

I did what Death suggested then focused my entire attention on Magnus.

Magnus came back to the room with his arms full. I decided to help him carry the things and place them where he wants them while he goes and gets whatever else he needs.

M: " The bark will stop the transformation for now, but Luke needs an antidote to Stop the poison in his system. And I don't have all the ingredients here. "

C: " Just tell me what you need and how to get it. "

M: " No you stay here. Luke will need you if he wakes up. "

C: " When he wakes up. "

S & J: " I'll go. "

' Bloody hell! Where did Jace come from? I almost forgot that he came with the others. '

M: " Jace, what happened to you? "

J: " Luke's car may have found it's way into a pole while I was stashing it. I don't do mundane driving. "

H: " It isn't that hard plus with your Shadowhunter reflexes you should've been able to at least save Luke's car. "

J: " Well I didn't. "

I shrugged and continued to help Magnus out.

J: " So what do you need for the antidote? "

S: " I got this. "

M: " Phoenix eyes, Moon salt, and Idris fulgurite. "

S: " One trip to the pharmacy, it'll take two seconds. "

J: " I know a guy. And uh... I don't need him. "

S: " Too bad. You're getting me. We'll be right back. "

' If I didn't know that they are fighting over Clary I would think that they are a couple in the middle of an argument. '

M: " One more thing. I need Alexander. "

I just face slapped myself.

H: " Magnus. "

M: " What? I need him. "

H: " For what? "

M: " Virgin Shadowhunter energy. "

H: " Seriously? "

M: " Yes. "

J: " Um, Alec, yeah.... I can't. "

C: " Jace, just ask, please. You guys need to talk. "

M: " Trouble in paradise? "

Jace sighed and dragged Simon with him after warning Jace not to speak with him.

H: " What kind of drama do you guys live in? So what happened between Jace and Alexander?

So do you readers like the way I wrote this chapter or do you want me to continue how I wrote before? Also somebody remind/correct me if by this time if Simon was already a vampire or not cuz I can't remember....

Thank you for reading hope you have a good day/nigh/midday!

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