
Harry Potter and Shadowhunter Crossover?

Harry never really expected to end up as Master of Death or that he would end up back in the past in another world but really he should have because that's just another day in Harry bloody Potter's life. Ship/Couples: Harry/Magnus/Alec.

White_Snow_Flake · Movies
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26 Chs

Chapter 21

" Stir. " Magnus told Hadrian pointing at the cauldron with white goo inside.

" Do I really have to? That kinda makes me wanna puke.... "

" Yes you do. "

" Fiiine. At least I won't have to drink it. So what's all of this for? "

" The base for the potion. "

" Cool.... Can I help with anything else instead of this? Pretty please? "

Magnus looked at Hadrian who was using his unused for quite a long while puppy eyes.

" Haa, fine! Clary stir. We need to have it ready before your boy toys get back. Hadrian go get the rest of the ingredients on this list. "

" What if they don't get back in time? "

' Hang on... Magnus just called Jace and Simon her boy toys and she didn't even reject that title??? Well I guess she isn't all that innocent? ' Hadrian thought looking at Clary with a weird look that neither Magnus or Clary saw.

" You can't think like that, biscuit. "

" That's all I can think about. " She sighed shaking her head before continuing on.. " Magnus, I don't know if I can do this anymore. Okay, I'm an art student. All my adventures are suppose to be two-dimensional. "

" Well at least you don't have to fight huge snakes or horcruxes when you're twelve. " Hadrian added to the conversation.

Both Clary and Magnus looked at him as if asking him if he's fine.

" I'm good, continue. " He said before continuing to look for the ingredients.

" Who says? " Magnus continued the conversation.

" Me. Look it is one thing to draw monsters and demons, but it is completely different to see them up close and personal. "

" As great as you telling us your feelings and thoughts, please keep stirring if you really wanna save Luke's life. " Hadrian said after seeing Clary get into it and faced Magnus forgetting to continue stirring. She went back to stirring while continuing her story.

" I don't know what I'm doing. " She added to her earlier conversation before Hadrian interrupted.

" Don't sell yourself short. You forget, I've seen you in action, Clary Fairchild. " Magnus said.

" You aren't as great as experienced Shadowhunters but that's the thing, you don't have experience but you do have a lot of potential so just keep working hard, you'll get there eventually. " Hadrian added with his arms full of all the ingredients on the list.

Before Clary could say thanks or whatever to both Magnus and Hadrian, Luke started to call out Clary's mother. Clary prominently stopped stirring and went to Luke's side.

" Go after her, I'll continue stirring. Plus I'm sure Alexander will get here soon enough, " Hadrian said shooing Magnus out of the way and towards Luke.

" Alright, you just need to stir for another minute before letting it sit. " Magnus said with a thankful smile at Hadrian before leaving him to it.


" Let me take your pain away. Agitation only makes the venom work faster. " Magnus said.

" I need to tell Clary. " Luke said with a weak voice.

" Save your strength. "

" No, you need to know. No, please. "

" Magnus, do it. "

" You need to tell her, all of it. Promise me. " He said with groans and grunts looking at Magnus.

Magnus stared at him for a bit before snapping his left hand fingers and starting his spell to help ease the pain. By now Hadrian was done and behind Magnus and Clary looking at Luke.

" The poison is spreading. Your suitors need to hurry. "

" Sooo are you planning on dating both of them or one of them or none of them? " Hadrian asked Clary after a couple of tense and worrying seconds.

" Hadrian, now isn't the time you know. "

" But I wanna know. Oh! How about later? "

" It's fine I can tell you now, honestly I don't have feelings for Simon more than that of a bestfriend, I knew since ages ago that he started to get feelings for me and I ignored them and continued to treat him as my bestfriend nothing more and nothing less but I guess he never got the message? "

" I'm pretty sure he still had hopes so he ignored your hints. So does that mean you'll choose Jace then? "

" I-I don't know either. "

" Huh... Well you can always come to me when you want someone to talk to about that. I always find these kind of topics quite amusing, like why not all of you just get together? Though it seems not everyone is usually accepting of that. " Hadrian said.

" Ok, thanks. " She said to Hadrian with a grateful smile, before turning towards Magnus. " Tell me what? What's so important that Luke risked his life? "

" Everything Jocelyn hoped to hid from you. " Magnus said with a drink in his left hand and with his right hand he snapped what looked like a drawing book and a drawing utensils into reality on top of the table.

" Why? "

By now Clary was back to stirring and I was just watching and listening.

" When you were younger, I'd watch you sketching. " Magnus said with a sigh. " It was your bliss. You're gonna need some bliss now. "

" Back then, there wasn't a day I didn't draw. It was like breathing. Now, I look at this blank page and I barely even know what to do. Sometimes I feel like my art, my memories... My life, it... it all vanished with the memory demon. "

" Your art, everything you are... they're all still here. You're the woman your mother always knew you could be. "

" But tried to keep me from being. "

" That's why you need to know how you got here. "

" Will it help me find my mother? "

" That's the only reason I can think of why Luke would be so adamant. " Magnus said with a sigh.

" I'm ready. Bring it Warlock. "

Hadrian raised his right eyebrow.

' Well rude as ever. Either way I'll be in for a long story... I'll go get the cupcakes, it would be a waste to throw them out. ' Hadrian thought before doing exactly that and finding a comfortable seat.

" When I first heard bout your father, around the the time he and Jocelyn first got together, long before the Uprising and the Circle, Valentine elevated the Morningstar name to be synonymous with virtue. " Magnus started.

' Yeah we'll be here for a while. Wonder what Simon and Jace are doing to take this long. Also is Alexander coming or not? Hmm.... '

Wow this the longest chapter I have written in my five months or so of my writing block that isn't a block at the same time!

I quite liked it, I hope everyone else does too!!

Thank you for reading~ Have a gread day/afternoon/night~

White_Snow_Flakecreators' thoughts