
Tyrannical Slaughterer

[Meyren, Human]

Attribute points: Str T1 (3/10) Dex T1 (4/10) Vit T1 (2/10) Energy T1 (0/10) Sense T1 (1/10)

Trait _Bloodline_

User have a main bloodline that enhance greatly his attribute and can have as much secondary bloodlines as he want. User can transform secondary bloodline into blood essence that can be used to upgrade the level of the main or secondary bloodlines or exchanged against Attribute points.

Main bloodline: Tyrannical Slaughterer (Level 1) Enhance the strength, dexterity and sense of the user by 50% and give the user a low-grade devil body when activated. Upgrade with 50 blood essence.

Secondary bloodline: None

Blood essence: 0

Attribute point exchange: 5 blood essence = One T1 Attribute point

Main bloodline skill: Blood target

Decrease the attribute of a person by 15% for 20 seconds and inflict fear for 1.8 sec. Cooldown: 2 minutes

Unique skill 1: Bloodline absorption

User can absorb the main bloodline of living organisms and dark manifestations after their death and transform them into secondary bloodlines.

Unique skill 2: Blood appraisal

Give user accurate information about a living organism main bloodline when tasting his blood.

Unique skill 3: Blood berserk (Locked)

Unlock by using 500 000 blood essence

Meyren wanted to roll on the ground from sheer joy, this trait was way too good!

"This is a dream! This must be a freaking dream!" he then pinched his arm "Holy shit it's real! this is awesome!" buildings were collapsing around him and he even fell to the ground but he didn't give a damn about it, he just laughed madly. His main bloodline skill was something that any assassin would want. Even without the op weakening effect, the fear effect alone was amazing since it could dull the perception of his target and stop his movements for a period of time. He didn't even have to conceal himself to kill his target in one slash!

But what amazed him the most was his main bloodline in itself. It gave him a 50% bonus in three stats and even gave him a devil body that boosted his survivability by at least threefold. Since it was well known that humans had one of the worst constitution even a low-grade devil body was this op. This already felt like a dream but the activation of this bloodline actually didn't even have any duration or cooldown, he could use it as much as he wanted, when he wanted!

He suffered for thirty years with a shitty trait that basically just gave him a second life, it couldn't increase his strength at all. But right now he tought that it was totally worth it. Even a retarded child would become a god of war with this trait much less Meyren who had thirty years of fighting experience.

After another round of laughing he got up and realised that he just trained and didn't even think about what to do after the Grand Change. He then recalled some of the place that could improve the power of a person with a T1 attribute base, most of them were way too dangerous and those that were safe were basically useless. He then recalled a certain information about a location that he often visited before to try his luck and hone his skill, the "mastery trial monastery"! It was a place discovered two years after the change by a person that had a magic based trait. He eventually became a well-known and respected figure because of the skill that he got there.

The mastery trial monastery was a weird place where any person could enter six trial zone: the archery trial, the swordsmanship trial, the blade trial, the spearman trial, the magic trial and finally the body trial. Those trial had ten zone for each tier from T1 to T10 and each zone could be entered only by a person that had all his attribute at the same tier. If a person had four tier 1 attribute and even one tier 2 attribute he couldn't enter the T1 trial. This monastery was always lively because of it being one of the most safe location since it was under the jurisdiction of the peaceful and powerful metal dragons. Back then when the monastery was discovered he already had a T3 attribute so he couldn't clear the first and second trial and felt quite a bit of regret but the place had many other benefits and he still trained there nonetheless. Right now the calamity just happened so everyone, even a superior race like the dragons, should still be in a state of confusion and that was a chance for Meyren. In the past the metal dragons had a special rule. A person only had the right to enter the body trial and one other trial, only one. Even their own race didn't have the right to break this rule. They didn't want the monastery to give birth to a monstrous existence that could have the strength of an elite team by itself and eventually break the balance. Each of those trial had a simple requirement: having a certain level of mastery over a weapon, an energy or his body. If someone passed the test of a specific tier for the first time he will be rewarded a "Special mastery skill" depending on his performance and his tier. If a person cleared the T5 sword trial by clearing all the tests he would obviously win a way better skill than a person who cleared the T5 trial with only one test and left afterward or a person that cleared all the test of the T1 trial.

Now that the metal dragon were still not there he could have a try at each one of them except the magic one since only certain race of Yeriel and the people that had a magic related trait could enter it. He got up before recalling that he was not an orphan anymore and that he actually forgot that his parents were surely in danger. He felt slightly embarassed about this and wanted to hit himself with an iron stick. He ran towards his house while trying to recall the traits of his parents and sister. His mother had the Strength trait that doubled her strength for a period of time and his father had the Minor fire affinity trait. While those two died in an accident after only 4 years in his past life, his sister survived and was even stronger than him because of her Necromancer trait, but she hated him to the bone because of his actions. In his past life his power was mid-tier at most and even this was because of an artifact called death wish. This arifact could let him give a call rune to 300 person that could call him when they wanted to assassinate someone and when he accomplished his task they paid him with Attribute orb.

This was a godly tool for an assassin but this wasn't the only capacity of the artifact. The artifact calculated the power of the target and gave an equivalent reward, going from ten T1 attribute point to even one T6 attribute point.

His fame as an assassin became second to none, he was the nightmare of the countless mid-tier beings in the world. In the end he was killed atop of the scarlet peak by the people of his own sister, karma sure know how to toy with people.

Even if he knew that his sister was technically the one that killed him, he didn't hold any resentment toward her, he killed countless people to become stronger and survive but he didn't do so with a clear conscience either, he knew how bad his actions were.

When he arrived he saw his parents sitting down in the ground with complicated expression. Meyren breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand to his parents. When his father saw him he stood up and scolded him in, surprisingly, Origin language "Where were you?! Well... it don't matter if you're safe." Meyren smiled bitterly, he really felt guilty about forgetting them when they worried about him this much, even if it was just for moment. When he didn't see his sister he felt puzzled 'could something have happenned to her this time?' he then asked in origin language too, it was always better to get used to it fast "Where is Emi?" my mother sighed longly before smiling bitterly "Emily said that she needed to go to the toilet but i bet she's still processing what just hapenned. She's still young, gaining this much knowledge in the blink of the eyes should have been way too much for her... She didn't even want to tell us what her... hum... trait or whatever was"

When he heard that Meyren realised that his sister wasn't always the mighty and cold great necromancer of the mage alliance. The gentle girl should have felt frightened after discovering her trait. He nodded "I'm going to see her." his mother nodded and sat on the ground, she said Emily was still processing what just happened but it seem she was actually talking about herself. Meyren found Emily sitting on a chair in what was once the backyard of his house with a bitter expression. When she saw him she tried to smile but her expression betrayed her feelings. Meyren sat by her side and patted her head gently, Emily looked at him "Wh... what?" Meyren laughed and since she talked in eglish he just anwered her in the same language "Don't be so sad, you look better when you smile" she turned her face and said with teary eyes "Just leave me alone! Why bother with me?" Meyren tought that seeing the person he looked up to in the past act like a spoiled little girl was quite a sight to behold and wanted to laugh until his belly ached, he tried to stop it but in the end he still laughed a little before saying "I'm your brother if i don't bother with you who would?" he then tought 'i swear i won't leave you alone before seeing you trait!' he then continued "Then... why are you crying? Are you afraid? Don't worry big brother will protect you!" he felt quite happy with himself and tought that he really deserved an oscar for his amazing acting. Emily lowered her head then said softly "You promise me you won't be afraid?" Meyren nodded 'Who would be afraid from seeing an op status screen? Just show it to me already!' her face immediatly brightened up and she repeated "Really?" Meyren nodded with a smile 'just show me you freaking status!'

She wiped her tears and then said softly "Ope... Open status." A glowing interface appeared and when Meyren saw it he understood why she was so strong in his past life, he exclaimed softly "Amazing..."

I know a lot of people didn't read the chapter 0 so i will say it again. Ten T1 attribute point = one T2 attribute point, ten T2 attribute point = one T3 attribute point and it goes like this. As for the exchange of secondary bloodline against blood essence, it will be explained when our mc will kill his first dark manifestation.

To avoid confusion i won't always write the description of the skills of the mc in the future, 400 words wasted on a status screen... yeah...

OnyxDreamcreators' thoughts